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Admin Reports

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About the Admin Reports

Admin Reports are the best place to answer questions such as who is using how much of your license, who are your most engaged and least engaged users, and what is the quality of research happening in your company as measured by Expert Review. These metrics and more are illuminated in the Admin dashboard, consisting of the License Usage Report, the Activity Report, the Content Engagement Report, and the User Engagement Report. You can also use this tab to view your brand’s self-enrollment code.

Upper-right, topmost navigation. Admin selected. Next row, far left. Reports tab is selected. Also the first one you enter by default when you got to the Admin page

Qtip: Only Brand Administrators and Division Administrators have access to this tab. Brand Administrators will see statistics across the entire brand, whereas Division Administrators will only see statistics for their division. Division Administrators do not have access to the License Usage Report, Activity Report, and Content Engagement.
Qtip: Website App Feedback reports are hosted on the summary report.

License Usage Report

Attention: This report replaced the Consumption Report.

The License Usage Report allows you to view how many responses, SMS credits, and user seats have been used by your license within a given time period. If you’ve set up Usage Tags as a cost management system, you can break out your charts by the tags as well.

Responses Chart

The Responses chart displays how many responses have been collected by the surveys in your license. Click the dropdown menu to the right of the chart to choose what the chart displays. You can break your data out by user, division, or any tags you’ve created.
the source dropdown for the responses graph

SMS Credits Chart

The SMS Credits chart displays how many SMS credits have been consumed in your brand, as well as the remaining SMS credits for the brand. Use the dropdown menu to the right of the chart to choose what the chart displays. You can break your data out by user or division.
License usage report has remaining SMS credits at bottom

New Users Chart

The New Users chart displays how many new user accounts have been created in your license. Use the dropdown menu to the right of the chart to change what the chart displays. You can break out your data by division or any tags you’ve created.

the new users chart


Usage Details Table

The Usage Details table displays the same information as the charts in your License Usage Report, but in a different format. You can also export the data from this section. The Usage Details table is located at the bottom of the License Usage Report page.

the usage details section where you can filter by responses or users, and group them by tags and date range

  1. Use the Report on dropdown to choose what is being reported. You can choose to report on Responses, SMS credits, or Users.
  2. Use the Group by dropdown menu to break out the data. You can group by Division, User, any tags you’ve created, or choose not to group your data.
  3. The Date range dropdown menu is used to choose the time frame of the data you want to include in your report. If you are reporting on Users, then this date range will show you users created within that time frame.
  4. Click the Export button to download a CSV or TSV version of the table.

Qtip: You can export details about all users in your brand by setting filters to:

Report on: Users

Group by: None

Date range: All

Activity Report

The Activity report shows the survey activity within your brand. Here, you can see details of all surveys in your brand including their quality as measured by Expert Review.

Active, Pending, and Inactive Surveys

The first graph in the Activity Report provides the total number of surveys in the brand (center of circle). The colors on this pie chart represent how many of these surveys are active, pending review, or inactive. Highlight over a colorful section of the chart to get the exact number of surveys in the brand that have that status.

Pie graph with total number of surveys in the center

  • Active Surveys: Surveys that can collect survey responses. These surveys are not new, paused, or closed.
  • Pending Review: If you have designated that users must have surveys approved before they go live, this status will show how many surveys have been submitted for approval but are not approved and activated yet. Learn more about the permissions needed to set up this process on the Survey Approval Process support page.
  • Inactive Surveys: These surveys have been paused or closed.

You can click statuses in the legend to exclude them from the graph, or to reinclude them.


The ExpertReview breakdown bar helps you check the quality of your brand’s surveys by displaying the scores of surveys that have ExpertReview enabled. You can highlight over the bars of this graph to get the survey count.

To learn more about ExpertReview and how it scores surveys, see the linked support page.

ExpertReview breakdown bar has a tiny line of red for poorly reviewed surveys, a big chunk of yellow for fair surveys, and a bigger chunk of green to great surveys

Survey Details

The Survey Details table provides insight into when surveys were created, how many responses they’ve collected, their status, their ExpertReview rating, and whether they contain sensitive data in the questions or responses.

Survey Details table

You can filter activity reports by survey creation date range and response date range by using the drop-downs above the table.

Survey Details filtering dropdowns.

The Survey Details report the presence of sensitive data as a Yes or No. To learn more about the specific topics being violated, reach out to the survey owner.

Yes No N/A
Sensitive Data in Questions Survey contains questions that ask for sensitive data. Survey does not contain questions that ask for sensitive data. Sensitive Data evaluation not available for this survey. Surveys created before you turned on Sensitive Data Policy for your brand will have N/A for both columns.
Sensitive Data in Responses Survey responses contain sensitive data. None of the responses contain sensitive data. Sensitive Data evaluation not available for this survey. Surveys created before you turned on Sensitive Data Policy for your brand will have N/A for both columns.

You can click Export to export a CSV or TSV of your Survey Details table. The columns include survey ID, survey name, when it was created, the owner ID, division ID, division name, survey status, responses, owner username, owner user type ID, owner user type name, ExpertReview score, Sensitive Data in Questions, and Sensitive Data in Responses.

Qtip: Sensitive Data Policies are a great way to prevent identifying or private information about respondents from being collected. You must have topics set up before the sensitive data columns of your Survey Details will provide information on policy violation.

Content Engagement

The Content Engagement report is a great way to determine the dashboards your users engage with the most. Here, you can determine top dashboards by timeframe and export data on pageviews and unique visitors.

Qtip: This report is only available for brands with CX, EX, or BX licenses that have dashboards.

Type of Dashboards

You can choose to view all dashboards in your brand, or specify based on whether they are CX, EX, or BX. Depending on your license and what kinds of projects you have access to, not all of these options may be available.

Type dropdown, upper-left of report

Qtip: All CX Dashboards show up under CX. Dashboard created in any EX project, such as Ad Hoc Employee Research, Engagement, or Lifecycle, will show up under EX. BX dashboards are Brand Tracker Dashboards.

Date Filter

Use the date dropdown to adjust the data displayed on the Content Engagement report. You can choose a preset date, or filter by a custom timeframe. This date filter will adjust all the data in this admin report.

Date filters

Qtip: Engagement data was not recorded prior to April 1, 2019. The Content Engagement report will always warn you if you try to filter for earlier dates.

Total Views and Unique Visitors Across Dashboards

To the left of the report are Total Pageviews and Unique Visitors across all dashboards existing in your brand (for the selected timeframe).

pageviews and visitors in large numbers to the left

  • Total Pageviews: Number of individual pageviews. Navigating between pages of a dashboard will increase the pageviews. This metric is generally a higher number than unique visitors, because individuals can visit multiple pages or the same page multiple times.
  • Unique Visitors: Individual users in your Qualtrics brand who have viewed the dashboard in the selected timeframe.

Top Dashboards by Total Views or Unique Visitors

Using the dropdown above the list, you can see the top 10 dashboards in your brand.

  • Total Views: See the dashboards that have gained the most pageviews within the chosen timeframe. The exact number of views across all pages of a dashboard will be given for each dashboard.
    Top 10 dashboards
  • Unique Visitors: See the dashboards that have been viewed by the most Qualtrics users within the chosen timeframe. The exact number of unique visitors will be given for each dashboard.
    Top 10 dashboards

Content Details

The Content Details show unique visitors and pageviews to specific pages of dashboards in your brand (instead of providing this information for the entire dashboard). You can sort the table by pageviews or visitors.
Table bottom of report with columns for each of the described headers and an export button in the upper-right

You can download this data to a CSV or TSV by clicking Export. The export includes the Dashboard ID (an internal ID assigned by Qualtrics), the Dashboard’s name, the Page ID (an internal ID assigned by Qualtrics), the page name, total unique visitors, and total pageviews. Each row represents the data for a different dashboard page.

User Engagement

The User Engagement report is a great way to determine which users are most engaged with your Qualtrics license. Here, you will see information on top users and login behavior.

Date Filter

Use the date dropdown to adjust the data displayed on the User Engagement report. You can choose a preset date, or filter by a custom timeframe. This date filter will adjust login and user summary, as well as the data table in this admin report.
A date filter appears over the reports


The logins and unique users appear below the date filter, to the left of the pie chart

  • Total Logins: The number of times users logged into accounts. This includes the same user logging in multiple times, logins to dashboards (both CX and EX), or Brand Administrators proxy-logging into accounts from the Admin page.
  • Unique Users: The number of unique users that logged in.
Qtip: These statistics do not include logins to the XM app.

User Details

A pie chart, broken down as described

This pie charts shows a breakdown of users who logged in:

  • Within the last 30 days (blue)
  • 31-90 days ago (teal)
  • More than 90 days ago (green)

Hover over a color to get an exact count of users who fit into that category.

Exporting User Details

This table shows the usernames, names (which link to the user’s email address), account status, date of account creation, date of last login, and the login count for the filtered users. This table can be sorted by username or login count.

A table showing logins sorted by username. The columns are as described. To the upper-right of the table is an Export button

If you export this data, the file will include the user ID (an internal ID assigned by Qualtrics), username, first name, last name, email, account status, when the account was created, when the user last logged in, and how many times they logged in. Like all the data on this report, the export will also match the date filter.

This data can be exported in CSV or TSV format.

Your Downloads

In the Your Downloads section, you can view any files you’ve downloaded from the admin reports. Files will appear here for 30 days.

A list of reports is shown on this page with the report it was downloaded from (e.g., license usage or activity), the dates it was filtered for, the date you requested to download the file, the status, and the ability to delete the file from your download history. Timezones match the one set in your account.

To re-download a file, click Download.

Your Downloads selected to left

Qtip: This section only shows files download in your own user account from license usage, activity, content engagement, or user engagement. Legacy report exports will be excluded from this list.

Self-Enrollment Code

Qtip: To view this feature, select Legacy Report.

Left side, Legacy Report button under all the other reports

The Self-Enrollment Code serves as an extra security measure. For example, if you don’t want to restrict the email domains people can use to sign up with your Qualtrics license, you can choose a Self-Enrollment Code instead. This functions as a code new users have to enter when signing up to complete the account.

Self-enrollment code at top

Qtip: This option is only available for brands with Self-Enrollment enabled. This means users don’t have to ask a Brand Administrator to make an account for them, but can do it themselves. Not all brands have Self-Enrollment codes enabled. Reach out to Qualtrics Support (by selecting Contact Support in the top right-corner of this webpage) if you’re a Brand Administrator and are interested in having this permission turned on for your organization.

The Self-Enrollment Code is randomly generated and displayed at the top of your Admin Report as soon as the permission is turned on for your organization.

Auditable Responses

Qtip: The License Usage Report is a new feature that performs the same function as the Auditable Responses graph, but with major improvements. We recommend using the License Usage Report instead.

Qtip: To view this feature, select Legacy Report.

Left side, Legacy Report button under all the other reports

This section tracks the number of responses collected in your license. This includes any responses collected on the Recorded Responses page, except Preview Data, Test Data, and Imported Responses.

Qtip: Contact your Customer Success Representative or your Account Executive for pricing on importing. Imported responses are considered separate from and will not impact the account’s response limit.

Magenta bar graph


Qtip: The Activity Report is a new feature that performs the same function as the Surveys graph, but with major improvements. We recommend using the Activity Report instead.

Qtip: To view this feature, select Legacy Report.

Left side, Legacy Report button under all the other reports

This sections counts all the surveys on the license that have a status of new.

Blue bar graph


This section counts all users in all groups.

Orange line graph

SMS Message Credits

Qtip: The License Usage Report is a new feature that performs the same function as the SMS Credits graph, but with major improvements. We recommend using the License Usage Report instead.

Qtip: To view this feature, select Legacy Report.

Left side, Legacy Report button under all the other reports

If your license has purchased access to SMS distribution, this section will show you how much of your available credit you’ve used.

Purple bar graph

Most Active Surveys

This section is a list of surveys sorted from most to least responses received. The survey name and owner will be displayed.

List of surveys and owners with usernames blurred

Export Stats to CSV

Qtip: To view this feature, select Legacy Report.

Left side, Legacy Report button under all the other reports

In addition to these metrics, you have the option to export a detailed spreadsheet of the usage statistics for your organization. This export option is found at the bottom of the page.

Very bottom of the page is an export button

When you export these stats, you will have the option to specify a date range and the type of data you’d like to export.

Qtip: When choosing a date range for your CSV export, please note that the export will include responses beginning with the From Date selected, but will only include responses that were recorded before the selected End Date.

Blue box with export time, time range options, green export button lower-right

  • User Stats: Statistics for every user in the brand. Includes a column for User ID, username, email, first and last name, the date the user was created, the date their account expires (if such a date was applied), the last time they logged in, user type, user status (enabled, disabled, or not verified), division, number of surveys, auditable responses collected, and “other responses” (previews, tests, etc., which are not auditable).
  • Survey Stats: Statistics for every survey in the brand. Includes a column for Survey ID, survey name, survey description (meta description), auditable responses collected in that survey, “other responses” collected in that survey (previews, tests, etc.), survey status, creation date, Owner ID, username of the survey’s owner, first and last name of the survey’s owner, their user type, and their division. Before you export the data, you can choose from a list of columns to sort the data by.
  • Survey Stats, Grouped: Export data on auditable vs. “other” (non-auditable) responses. This data can be presented by user (first name, last name, username, or Owner ID), by survey (survey name or Survey ID), or by division.