Note: This style guide is outdated.

This style guide was last updated in April 2017. If you're looking for more up to date styles, go to the current style guide.

This page is here for historical purposes only. Most of the associated CSS code is found in qualtrics-scaffolding.less.


Below are the basics of the style guide. These are your bread and butter classes. If you're thinking about adding CSS, always consult this section to make sure you aren't duplicating code.

Here's what you'll find in this section:


The main 3 colors we use are red, black, & white.


The 3 grays we use are the following shades:


The 3 secondary colors we use are blue, yellow, and green (we use yellow & green very sparingly).



These are the styles for all the type across the site:

Heading 1 — .hero-title
Qualtrics Grotesque Thin, 60 pt size, 65 pt leading, -30 tracking

Use this with <h1> or <span class="hero-title">

Heading 2 — .section-title
Qualtrics Grotesque Thin, 40 pt size, 40 pt leading, auto tracking

Use this with <h2> or <span class="section-title">

Heading 3 — .description-title
qualtrics grotesque extrabold, ALL CAPS, 14 pt size, Auto leading, 140 tracking

Use this with <h3> or <span class="description-title">


Use this with <h4> or <span class="h4">

Heading 6 - Footer Links
Qualtrics Grotesque Light, 14 pt size, 30 pt leading, auto tracking

Use this with <h6> or <span class="h6">

Body Copy
Qualtrics Grotesque Thin, 20 pt size, 30 pt leading, auto tracking. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ne alii libris everti. Scripta splendide issentias his ad exerci maiestatis posidonium ei ius.

This is the default style; no additional code necessary.


There are two primary styles of buttons and two secondary styles of buttons.

Primary buttons

These are the default primary buttons with the default sizing that we're using on the site. For convenience, you can use the .btn-q-primary and .btn-q-primary-alt as shortcut classes (super handy).

Secondary Buttons

These are the default secondary buttons with the default sizing that we're using on the site; you'll use these when you need two buttons next to each other on the site. For convenience, you can use the .btn-q-secondary and .btn-q-secondary-alt as shortcut classes (super handy).

Additional Button Classes

Those are the main classes, but there are other times when we need smaller buttons, other colors, etc. Here's an enumeration of all the different button classes we have:

Button Sizes:

Button Sizes (with tighter padding):

Button Colors:

Button Text Color:


Especially in each different section, the goal of the style guide + implementation is to make spacing as easy as possible.

Spacing between Elements

According to the design style guide, all spacing decisions have to fit into specific sizes: 200px, 120px, 80px, 35px, and 25px. In order to assist in nailing spacing, I've created a bunch of classes to help out, which are:

  • .spacing-lg - 200px of top & bottom margin
  • .spacing-md - 120px of top & bottom margin
  • .spacing-sm - 80px of top & bottom margin
  • .spacing-xs - 35px of top & bottom margin
  • .spacing-tn - 25px of top & bottom margin
You can use these on elements, and they will automatically have margin on the top and the bottom of the element set to the appropriate size. Because margins collide, if two elements have a .spacing class on them, the larger one will take presidence, but they won't be additive.

There are also modifier classes, to specify where the margin should be. Append any of the following to the previous classes to get a specific direction for your margin:

  • -top
  • -bottom
  • -left
  • -right

Spacing between sections

Spacing within sections works a little bit differently. If you add .spacing-lg on a section that is a direct descendant of .site-content, it assumes you're going to use a .container class within that section, and applies the margin to the container. This is helpful when you apply a background image or color to the section. Some sample code to explain:

<section class="spacing-md">
	<div class="container">

The .container will now have 120px of top & bottom margin, and the vertical margin & padding of the section and div will both be normalized.

Misc Spacing Classes

In an effort to be even more convenient, the following classes have been created to remove spacing when needed:

  • .no-spacing - sets margin to 0
  • .no-spacing-important - sets margin to 0, useful for when there are parent classes overriding this class
  • .no-spacing-vertical - sets top and bottom margin to 0
  • .no-spacing-horizontal - sets left and right margin to 0

Spacing Variables

This covers lots of cases, but not every single one. Because of that, you can also access any of the spacing variables in your LESS code, which are:

  • @spacing-lg
  • @spacing-md
  • @spacing-sm
  • @spacing-xs
  • @spacing-tn
Be sure you have a good reason to use the variable instead of the class.

Helper Classes

Rather than adding custom CSS all over to do little things, here's a bunch of handy helper classes to do that for you:

Text Color

  • .text-primary - changes the color to @qualtrics-red
  • .text-secondary - changes the color to @qualtrics-blue
  • .text-yellow - changes the color to @qualtrics-yellow
  • .text-green - changes the color to @qualtrics-green
  • .text-white - changes the color to white
  • .text-gray-super-lt - changes the color to @qualtrics-gray-super-lt
  • .text-gray-lt - changes the color to @qualtrics-gray-lt
  • .text-gray-md - changes the color to @qualtrics-gray-md
  • .text-black - changes the color to black

Background Color

  • .bg-primary - changes the background color to @qualtrics-red
  • .bg-secondary - changes the background color to @qualtrics-blue
  • .bg-yellow - changes the background color to @qualtrics-yellow
  • .bg-green - changes the background color to @qualtrics-green
  • .bg-white - changes the background color to white
  • .bg-gray-super-lt - changes the background color to @qualtrics-gray-super-lt (same color as current background)
  • .bg-gray-lt - changes the background color to @qualtrics-gray-lt
  • .bg-gray-md - changes the background color to @qualtrics-gray-md
  • .bg-black - changes the background color to black

Positioning Classes

  • .text-center - centers the text
  • .text-left - left justifies the text
  • .text-right - right justifies the text

Enterprise Header Classes

This is an example

  • .header-cx - adds a CX circle logo to the left of the header
  • .header-ei - adds a EI circle logo to the left of the header
  • .header-mr - adds a MR circle logo to the left of the header
  • .header-op - adds a OP circle logo to the left of the header
  • .header-white - works in conjunction with one of the other classes, turns the icon and text white.
Note: these were designed to be used with <h3>'s, so you might have to do some fine tuning on the positioning of the icon if you're using a different header size.

Arrow Link

In a bunch of places, we have links with arrows after them, sort of like this:

Hi, I'm an arrow link

To add the arrow after the link, just add .q-arrow-link on the a tag. That's it! Because there are a variety of circumstances we use this in (especially on slanted captions), here are some modifier classes:

  • .text-black & .text-white - changes the text color for you
  • .btn-style - makes the font uppercase and bold like a button's text

Misc Classes

We have a fancy list class called a plus-list:

  • This is a plus-list
  • You can use it by adding .plus-list to a <ul>
  • It's pretty great

Qualtrics Icon Font

The Qualtrics Icon font follows many of the conventions that Font Awesome does. Because the icon content is inserted using the :before pseudo selector, it can be applied directly to a tag or onto its very own i or span tag. For this same reason, if you change the font-size of the icon's container, the icon gets bigger. Same things goes for color, drop shadow, and anything else that gets inherited using CSS.

Using the icons

Using the icons is dead simple; just add .qi and then .qi-(name) to an i or span element. Here's the code for a trophy icon:

<i class="qi qi-trophy"></i>

The appropriate unicode number can be found by viewing the source on the examples below.

Icon font classes

Much like our grid system (based on bootstrap) the icon classes have naming conventions based on what size they'll be displayed.

    Brand Icons

  • qi-qualtrics-logo
  • qi-qualtrics-logotype
  • qi-qualtrics-logotype-longq
  • qi-qualtrics-q-tab
  • qi-qualtrics-q
  • qi-qualtrics-q-box
  • qi-qualtrics-q-browser
  • qi-qualtrics-q-browser-md
  • qi-qualtrics-barnaby-alt-md
  • qi-qualtrics-barnaby-alt

    Directional Icons

  • qi-angle-down
  • qi-angle-left
  • qi-angle-right
  • qi-angle-up
  • qi-caret-down
  • qi-caret-left
  • qi-caret-right
  • qi-caret-up
  • qi-arrow-down
  • qi-arrow-left
  • qi-arrow-right
  • qi-arrow-up
  • qi-chevron-left
  • qi-chevron-right

    Data, Storage, And Transfer Icons

  • qi-cloud
  • qi-cloud-down
  • qi-cloud-up
  • qi-doc
  • qi-doc-alt
  • qi-doc-audio
  • qi-doc-excel
  • qi-doc-img
  • qi-doc-ppt
  • qi-doc-video
  • qi-doc-word
  • qi-doc-zip
  • qi-doc-txt
  • qi-doc-txt-alt
  • qi-archive
  • qi-archive-alt-md
  • qi-folder
  • qi-folder-alt
  • qi-folder-open
  • qi-folder-open-alt-sm
  • qi-folder-open-alt-md
  • qi-folder-open-alt-lg

    Comment And Communication Icons

  • qi-comment
  • qi-comment-alt-md
  • qi-comments
  • qi-comments-alt
  • qi-comments-alt-md
  • qi-comments-survey-md

    Social And Tech Icons

  • qi-facebook
  • qi-twitter
  • qi-instagram
  • qi-google-plus
  • qi-linked-in
  • qi-facebook-box
  • qi-twitter-box
  • qi-google-plus-box
  • qi-linked-in-box
  • qi-youtube
  • qi-rss

    Enterprise Header Icons

  • qi-enterprise-cx
  • qi-enterprise-ee
  • qi-enterprise-mr
  • qi-enterprise-op

    Enterprise Icons

  • qi-survey-mobile-alt-md
  • qi-vocalize-alt-md
  • qi-research-suite-alt-md
  • qi-site-intercept-alt-md
  • qi-target-audience-alt-md
  • qi-target-audience-mark-md
  • qi-online-sample-alt-md
  • qi-employee-engagement-alt-md
  • qi-360-alt-md

    Device Icons

  • qi-mobile-phone
  • qi-mobile-phone-alt-md
  • qi-mobile-money-md
  • qi-tablet
  • qi-tablet-alt-md
  • qi-desktop
  • qi-desktop-alt-md
  • qi-laptop
  • qi-laptop-alt-md
  • qi-browser-alt-lg
  • qi-browser-chart-alt-md
  • qi-browser-chart-alt-lg

    Interface Icons

  • qi-info
  • qi-phone
  • qi-remove
  • qi-reorder
  • qi-search
  • qi-search-alt-md
  • qi-shopping-cart
  • qi-spinner
  • qi-play
  • qi-calendar
  • qi-calendar-alt-md
  • qi-hyperlink

    Misc Icons

  • qi-ribbon
  • qi-ribbon
  • qi-ribbon-alt-md
  • qi-ribbon-star-md
  • qi-rocket
  • qi-rocket-alt-md
  • qi-trophy
  • qi-trophy-alt-md
  • qi-trophy-alt-lg
  • qi-envelope
  • qi-envelope-alt-md
  • qi-envelope-open-alt-lg
  • qi-list
  • qi-list-alt
  • qi-list-alt-md
  • qi-light-bulb
  • qi-light-bulb-alt-md
  • qi-user
  • qi-user-alt-md
  • qi-user-alt-lg
  • qi-user-profile-alt-md
  • qi-group
  • qi-group-alt-md
  • qi-group-insight-alt-md
  • qi-group-online-md
  • qi-dashboard
  • qi-dashboard-alt-md
  • qi-dashboard-alt-lg
  • qi-book
  • qi-book-alt-md
  • qi-bar-chart
  • qi-bar-chart-alt-md
  • qi-line-chart-alt-md
  • qi-chart-pie-md
  • qi-check
  • qi-check-alt
  • qi-check-alt-md
  • qi-check-alt-lg
  • qi-cog
  • qi-cog-alt-md
  • qi-cogs
  • qi-home
  • qi-home-alt-md
  • qi-refresh
  • qi-refresh-alt-md
  • qi-partners-alt
  • qi-partners-alt-md
  • qi-film-alt
  • qi-film-alt-md
  • qi-academic
  • qi-academic-alt-md
  • qi-money-alt-md
  • qi-timer-alt-md
  • qi-back
  • qi-skull
  • qi-skull
  • qi-skull-alt
  • qi-skull-alt-md
  • qi-food-md
  • qi-like-circle-md
  • qi-heart-box-md
  • qi-heart-click-md
  • qi-heart-plus-md
  • qi-megaphone-md
  • qi-fader-horizontal-md
  • qi-pinpoint-md
  • ab-test-md
  • airplane-md
  • airplane-takeoff-md
  • audio-md
  • bar-chart-circle-md
  • barchart-md
  • benchmarking-md
  • brain-md
  • clock-md

    Misc Icons (cont.)

  • cog-phone-md
  • comment-refresh-md
  • comment-user-md
  • diamond-md
  • doc-search-md
  • door-lock-md
  • envelope-open-md
  • envelope-open-survey-md
  • eye-diamond-md
  • fader-md
  • fader-vertical-md
  • hyperlink-md
  • light-bulb-user-md
  • like-dislike-md
  • line-chart-big-md
  • location-mark-md
  • megaphone-simple-md
  • mobile-list-md
  • mouse-md
  • network-md
  • nut-md
  • online-check-md
  • phone-mark-md
  • pie-chart-md
  • pointer-md
  • product-testing-md
  • puzzle-piece-md
  • ribbon-square-md
  • ribbon-square-star-md
  • search-bar-chart-md
  • search-md
  • shapes-md
  • puzzle-piece-md
  • sitemap-md
  • target-md
  • test-tube-md
  • shopping-bag-md
  • ticket-md
  • pulse-md
  • ticket-star-md
  • user-check-circle-md
  • user-check-md
  • user-pair-md
  • user-refresh-md
  • pencil-box-md
  • bar-chart-clipboard-md
  • bar-chart-shopping-cart-md
  • eyedropper-box-md
  • browser-cog-md
  • qr-code-md
  • group-cog-md
  • search-book-md
  • social-boxes-md
  • line-graph-box-md
  • cog-heart-md
  • cog-thumbs-md
  • paper-survey-md
  • target-arrow-md
  • comment-long-md
  • switch-md
  • measuring-tape-md
  • road-sign-md
  • ruler-md
  • stars-three-md
  • shape-switch-md
  • comment-thumbs-md
  • user-phone-md
  • user-circle-md
  • user-chat-md
  • pointer-refresh-md
  • airplane-circle-md
  • calendar-feedback-md
  • wrench-md
  • export-box-md
  • check-clipboard-md
  • user-feedback-md
  • badge-md
  • arrow-box-md
  • smiley-face-md
  • group-feedback-md
  • mobile-feedback-md
  • text-feedback-md
  • desktop-feedback-md
  • desktop-check-md
  • money-feedback-md
  • cog-check-md
  • cog-comment-md
  • barcode-md
  • barcode-check-md
  • up-down-md
  • warning-md
  • doc-edit-md
  • qi-school-bus-md
  • qi-map-md
  • qi-cash-register-md
  • qi-cogs-md
  • qi-thermometer-md
  • qi-anti-md
  • qi-fancy-ticket
  • qi-exit-surveys
  • qi-training-surveys
  • qi-customer-feedback
  • qi-omni-channel
  • qi-customer-follow-up
  • qi-video
  • qi-article
  • qi-report
  • qi-powerpoint
  • qi-free-demo
  • qi-webinar
  • qi-blog-post
  • qi-ebook
  • qi-white-paper
  • qi-free-account
  • qi-case-study

Icon Bulleted List

In the previous section, we were using the icon as the bullet in a bulleted list. To make the following list, use the subsequent code:

  • Rockets are great
  • Rockets are stellar
  • Rockets are wonderful
And the code:
<ul class="qi-ul">	
	<li><i class="qi qi-li qi-rocket"></i>Rockets are great</li>
	<li><i class="qi qi-li qi-rocket"></i>Rockets are stellar</li>
	<li><i class="qi qi-li qi-rocket"></i>Rockets are wonderful</li>
The key is to use the .qi-ul on the parent ul, and the .qi-li on the icon element (either an i or span).

Optional Modifiers

For convience, here are some handy modifiers:

  • .qi-2x - sets the icon font-size at 2em
  • .qi-3x - sets the icon font-size at 3em
  • .qi-4x - sets the icon font-size at 4em
  • .qi-5x - sets the icon font-size at 5em

  • .qi-lc - fixes the icon for use in lowercase situations (like this  )
  • .qi-primary - sets the icon color to @qualtrics-red
  • .qi-secondary - sets the icon color to @qualtrics-blue
  • .pull-left & .pull-right - doesn't float the icon left/right, but instead pulls it left or right by .3em

Qualtrics Logo Assets

The Qualtrics Logo assets are based on the SVG primary icons, with a PNG fallback for IE. There are some modifier classes specific to the logo classes.

Logo classes

  • ql-sequoia
  • ql-insight
  • ql-southwest
  • ql-truevalue
  • ql-toyota
  • ql-twilio
  • ql-taylormade
  • ql-ups
  • ql-verizon
  • ql-vodafone
  • ql-westinghouse
  • ql-xerox
  • ql-northropgrumman
  • ql-stanford
  • ql-sony
  • ql-salesforce
  • ql-saksfifth
  • ql-pwc
  • ql-rackspace
  • ql-worldwidetech
  • ql-sanfordhealth
  • ql-wolverine
  • ql-3m
  • ql-absolutdata
  • ql-accenture
  • ql-advocate
  • ql-americafirst
  • ql-ameritest
  • ql-amnhealthcare
  • ql-ancestry
  • ql-annieshomegrown
  • ql-ascena
  • ql-atandt
  • ql-belkin
  • ql-barnesandnoble
  • ql-autotrader
  • ql-carlsjr
  • ql-nike
  • ql-tesla
  • ql-capital-one
  • ql-duke
  • ql-whole-foods
  • ql-mastercard
  • ql-intuit
  • ql-ally
  • ql-alcoa
  • ql-neiman-marcus
  • ql-hilton
  • ql-enterprise
  • ql-american-airlines
  • ql-airbnb
  • ql-navy-federal
  • ql-hyatt
  • ql-tesco
  • ql-bain-company
  • ql-GE
  • ql-fidelity
  • ql-liberty-mutual
  • ql-marriott
  • ql-royal-carribean
  • ql-hershey
  • ql-quicken
  • ql-yum
  • ql-thermo-king
  • ql-virginia-tech
  • ql-extra-space-storage
  • ql-lowes
  • ql-blackrock
  • ql-sap
  • ql-ferrari
  • ql-harvard
  • ql-nbc
  • ql-hsbc
  • ql-princeton-university
  • ql-under-armour
  • ql-ford
  • ql-intel
  • ql-disney
  • ql-coca-cola
  • ql-aecom
  • ql-vivint
  • ql-espn
  • ql-viceroy
  • ql-staples
  • ql-department-of-health
  • ql-abc-com
  • ql-denver-public-school
  • ql-dell
  • ql-cisco
  • ql-ibm
  • ql-shell
  • ql-ricoh
  • ql-quill
  • ql-bank-of-america
  • ql-KPMG
  • ql-pitney-bowes
  • ql-first-data
  • ql-ing
  • ql-humana
  • ql-metlife
  • ql-aetna
  • ql-barclays
  • ql-tenet
  • ql-prudential
  • ql-jp-morgan-chase
  • ql-suntrust
  • ql-swiss-re
  • ql-farmers
  • ql-marsh-mclennan
  • ql-qbe
  • ql-centene-corporation
  • ql-united
  • ql-spotify
  • ql-kraft
  • ql-cbs
  • ql-fandango
  • ql-marketo
  • ql-target
  • ql-nasa
  • ql-sports-authority
  • ql-volkswagen
  • ql-anz
  • ql-cdw
  • ql-morgan-stanley
  • ql-kaiser-permanente
  • ql-autodesk
  • ql-twentyfourhour-fitness
  • ql-beachbody
  • ql-betterment
  • ql-essilor
  • ql-ll-bean
  • ql-the-hartford
  • ql-redbull-newyork
  • ql-travelers
  • ql-caterpillar
  • ql-new-york-life
  • ql-constant-contact
  • ql-dartmouth
  • ql-american-express
  • ql-goldman-sachs
  • ql-chicago-public-schools
  • ql-aspire-public-schools
  • ql-american-financial
  • ql-austin-independent-school-district
  • ql-baltimore-public-schools
  • ql-cincinnati-public-schools
  • ql-orange-county-public-schools
  • ql-nebraska-department-of-education
  • ql-google
  • ql-procter-gamble
  • ql-apple
  • ql-aarhus-university
  • ql-abc
  • ql-adobe
  • ql-allianz
  • ql-allstate
  • ql-americaneagle
  • ql-blackboard
  • ql-boeing
  • ql-canvas
  • ql-cfmc
  • ql-chevron
  • ql-citrix
  • ql-clicktale
  • ql-crateandbarrel
  • ql-CornellUniversity
  • ql-cvscaremark
  • ql-deloitte
  • ql-deluxecorp
  • ql-deutschebank
  • ql-dropbox
  • ql-etrade
  • ql-exacttarget
  • ql-expedia
  • ql-fedex
  • ql-forbes
  • ql-forrester
  • ql-geico
  • ql-gogo
  • ql-handm
  • ql-hp
  • ql-jetblue
  • ql-kellogg-school
  • ql-kelloggs
  • ql-kohls
  • ql-kronos
  • ql-microsoft
  • ql-mit
  • ql-nestle
  • ql-oracle
  • ql-pepsico
  • ql-pfizer
  • ql-philips
  • ql-bart-ba
  • ql-mass-dot
  • ql-columbus-metropolitan-library
  • ql-state-of-hawaii
  • ql-california-conservation-core
  • ql-texas-department-of-health
  • ql-fox
  • ql-hulu
  • ql-university-of-michigan
  • ql-groupon
  • ql-home-depot
  • ql-texas-am
  • ql-1800-contacts
  • ql-direct-tv
  • ql-university-of-oregon
  • ql-amazon
  • ql-zappos
  • ql-penn
  • ql-the-new-york-times
  • ql-thomson-reuters
  • ql-netflix
  • ql-maserati
  • ql-cvs
  • ql-aeroflot
  • ql-viacom
  • ql-klm
  • ql-cox-media-group
  • ql-banana-republic
  • ql-west-jet
  • ql-emirates
  • ql-the-washington-post
  • ql-paramount
  • ql-etihad
  • ql-brussels-airlines
  • ql-delta
  • ql-gm
  • ql-healthcare-gov
  • ql-wikipedia
  • ql-sun-valley
  • ql-peets
  • ql-AAA
  • ql-chanel
  • ql-panasonic
  • ql-herman-miller
  • ql-crayola
  • ql-sprint
  • ql-investors-business-daily
  • ql-yamaha
  • ql-comed
  • ql-top100
  • ql-airforce
  • ql-gsa
  • ql-fdic

Optional Modifiers

These logo SVG / PNG's aren't an exact science, and so you might need to adjust the sizing slightly - here are some helpful modifier classes:

  • QL Sizing

    • .ql-*x - this shrinks or grows the font.
    • .ql-1x is the smallest (0.6em)
    • .ql-5x is baseline (1em)
    • .ql-75x - the largest it goes (38em)
  • Coloring (Black or White)

    • If the .ql-{name} class is nested under class text-white it will load the white version of the logo. Otherwise, it defaults to the black version.

Header Modules

The header modules are found throughout the site - you'll find at least one, if not multiple on each page. The .qualtrics-jumbotron is considered the "parent" class, with .qualtrics-hero and .qualtrics-sidekick being more specialized versions of the jumbotron.

Here's what you'll find in this section:

Two Words: Qualtrics Jumbotron.

This is the Qualtrics jumbotron.

It's so jumbo!

Qualtrics Jumbotron

The Qualtrics Jumbotron is the base of both .qualtrics-hero and .qualtrics-sidekick but is more flexible as far as content goes. Here's some sample code:

<section class="qualtrics-jumbotron spacing-lg">
	<div class="container">
		<div class="row">
			<div class="col-sm-7">
				<h1 class="no-spacing text-white">Two Words: Qualtrics Jumbotron.</h1>
			<div class="col-sm-5">
				<p class="no-spacing spacing-tn-top text-white">This is the Qualtrics jumbotron.</p>
				<a class="btn-q-primary spacing-tn-top" href="#">It's so jumbo!</a>
	<img class="sidekick-image" src="/wp-content/themes/qualtrics/images/pages/about/qualtrics-building.jpg" />

The use case for the .qualtrics-jumbotron is for when you need a section with a responsive, full-width image; the margins aren't set by default, and you're pretty free to do whatever you need to do (content-wise) within the .container, but be sure to include the <img class="sidekick-image" /> with a background image.

Optional Modifiers

Use these modifiers by adding them right after qualtrics-jumbotron:

  • .jumbotron-light-text - changes the text color of the h1, p, and ul to white
  • Image attachment classes:
    • Depending on the background image, it needs to be "attached" to the page in different ways (in terms of responsive design)
    • The available classes for attaching an image are .attach-bottom & .attach-right
    • Images are "attached" by default to the top and left

This is such a fancy little red header

The one and only, Qualtrics Hero.

Saving the day. Erryday.

Click Me

Qualtrics Hero

The Qualtrics Hero is used frequently throughout our pages - typically at the top, and sometimes again lower down the page. Here's what the code looks like:

<section class="qualtrics-hero">
	<div class="container">
		<h3 class="text-primary">This is such a fancy little red header</h3>
		<h1>The Qualtrics Style Guide</h1>
		<p>Welcome. This is the qualtrics style guide.</p>
		<a href="#" class="btn-q-primary">Click Me</a>
	<img class="hero-image" src="/wp-content/themes/qualtrics/images/home/cruise.jpg" />

By using the .qualtrics-hero class with the following code, it normalizes and sets the margin between the h3, h1, p, and, optionally, an anchor with a .btn-pill or .btn-q-primary class.

Optional Modifiers

Use these modifiers by adding them right after qualtrics-hero:

  • .hero-light-text - changes the text color of the h1 and p to white
  • .hero-light-subtitle - changes the text color of the h3 to white
  • Any of the Qualtrics Jumbotron modifier classes work on the Qualtrics Hero

Customer Experience

This is the Qualtrics Sidekick. Pun intended.

  • Qualtrics Sidekick®
  • Has this fancy plus list
  • Works pretty much like the qualtrics-hero
I'm so impressed

Qualtrics Sidekick

The Qualtrics Sidekick is really similar to the Qualtrics Hero, but typically isn't used at the top of the page. Here's what the code looks like:

<section class="qualtrics-sidekick">
	<div class="container">
		<div class="row">
			<div class="col-sm-7">
				<h3>Customer Experience</h3>
				<h1>This is the Qualtrics Sidekick. Pun intended.</h1>
			<div class="col-sm-5">
				<ul class="plus-list">
					<li>Qualtrics Sidekick<sup>&reg;</sup></li>
					<li>Has this fancy plus list</li>
					<li>Works pretty much like the qualtrics-hero</li>
				<a class="btn-q-primary" href="#">I'm so impressed</a>
	<img class="sidekick-image" src="/wp-content/themes/qualtrics/images/home/jetblue.jpg" />

By using the .qualtrics-sidekick class with the following code, it normalizes and sets the margin between the h3 and h1, ul and .btn-pill or .btn-q-primary.

Optional Modifiers

Use these modifiers by adding them right after qualtrics-sidekick:

  • .sidekick-light-text - changes the text color to white
  • Any of the Qualtrics Jumbotron modifier classes work on the Qualtrics Sidekick

Micro Modules

These are the "micro modules" of our style guide; they're pretty small and require minimal markup, but are handy and will save you time in the long run.

Here's what you'll find in this section:

What a header!

Qualtrics Line Header

This nifty little line header is fairly extensible, and has the following markup:

	<hr class="qualtrics-hr-break spacing-sm" />
	<h3 class="qualrics-hr-title spacing-xs bg-white width-25">
		What a header!

The key components of this are:

  • The parent div - this keeps your hr and header
  • <hr class="qualtrics-hr-break" /> - this is the actual hr, and it needs to have the .qualtrics-hr-break in order to have the right margins and look to it.
    • You can apply .spacing-* classes to this, which only affects the spacing above the <hr>, but not the spacing below.
  • <h3 class="qualrics-hr-title"> - this is the container for the words (or icon) - the two elements you can use are an <h3> and an <h4>.
    • You can apply .spacing-* classes to this, which only affects the spacing below the header, but not the spacing above.
    • You can use an icon in this section and it'll work just fine (something like <i class="ql ql-sap"></i>)
    • The header needs a background color class in order to work properly (to make it look like the line stops around the "box" where the header is)

Optional Modifiers

By default, the <hr> is colored @qualtrics-gray-md. Use the following classes to change the color:

  • .black - changes the <hr> black
  • .white - changes the <hr> white

The header has default widths and background colors, but sometimes those don't match the design or content; use the following modifier classes to get it looking just right:

  • Width classes:
    • .width-15 - changes the width of the header to 15%
    • .width-18 - changes the width of the header to 18%
    • .width-20 - changes the width of the header to 20%
    • .width-25 - changes the width of the header to 25%
  • Background color classes:
    • .bg-gray-super-lt - changes the background to @bg-gray-super-lt
    • .bg-gray-lt - changes the background to @bg-gray-lt
    • .bg-gray-md - changes the background to @bg-gray-md

Logo Strip

Here's some example code for the logo wall:

<section class="qualtrics-logos bg-gray-super-lt">
	<div class="container">
		<div class="row">
			<div class="col-bl-6 col-sm-3 col-md-offset-1 col-md-2">
				<i class="ql ql-3x ql-southwest"></i>
			<div class="col-bl-6 col-sm-3 col-md-2">
				<i class="ql ql-8x ql-emirates ql-top-20"></i>
			<div class="col-bl-6 col-sm-3 col-md-2">
				<i class="ql ql-5x ql-jetblue ql-top-6"></i>
			<div class="col-bl-6 col-sm-3 col-md-2">
				<i class="ql ql-2x ql-american-airlines ql-bottom-3"></i>
			<div class="hidden-xs hidden-sm col-md-2">
				<i class="ql ql-2x ql-united ql-bottom-2"></i>

This one is for a 5-logo layout that hides one of those 5 logos on smaller screens; the key here is the .qualtrics-logos class on the parent </section> tag. You use the logo class (.ql) like the icon class.

Optional Modifiers

You can use any of the logo font modifiers with the logo strip.

Page Modules

The page modules take more code than a micro module, and these modules are, for the most part, meant to organize content on the page in a specific way.

Here's what you'll find in this section:

This thing is called a Call to Action panel
That's neat So helpful

Call to Action Panel

The above element is considered a "Call to Action Panel", which typically appears at the bottom of the page. The code looks like this:

<section class="q-call-to-action-panel">
	<div class="container spacing-md">
		<span class="hero-title text-center">This thing is called a Call to Action panel</span>
		<section class="spacing-xs-top">
			<a href="#" class="btn-q-primary spacing-tn-right">That's neat!</a>
			<a href="#" class="btn-q-secondary-alt">So helpful</a>

The key pieces are the .q-call-to-action class and using the <h2> and the <section> tags within an element of that class. All of the spacing classes are at your discretion except the .spacing-tn-right class on the first button - that's the specified amount of spacing between the two buttons.

Sometimes you need to say three things.



If you end your training now—if you choose the quick and easy path, as Vader did—you will become an agent of evil.



A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind.... All his life has he looked the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. Hmm? What he was doing. Hmph. Adventure. Heh. Excitement. Heh. A Jedi craves not these things. You are reckless.



You must unlearn what you have learned.

Empower your Customer Experience

Horizontal ol

The .horizontal-ol isn't a modification of the actual <ol> tag, but just a class (and subclasses) to show blocks in a row, as you see before. The code looks like this:

<section class="horizontal-ol qualtrics-hero spacing-sm">
	<div class="container">
		<div class="row">
			<div class="col-md-12">
				<h1 class="text-center">Sometimes you need to say three things.</h1>
			<div class="col-md-4">
				<div class="empower-number">1</div>
				<div class="empower-about">
					<p>If you end your training now—if you choose the quick and easy path, as Vader did—you will become an agent of evil.</p>
			<div class="col-md-4">
				<div class="empower-number">2</div>
				<div class="empower-about">
					<p>A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind.... All his life has he looked the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. Hmm? What he was doing. Hmph. Adventure. Heh. Excitement. Heh. A Jedi craves not these things. You are reckless.</p>
			<div class="col-md-4">
				<div class="empower-number">3</div>
				<div class="empower-about">
					<p>You must unlearn what you have learned.</p>
	<img class="hero-image" src="/wp-content/themes/qualtrics/images/pages/employee-insights/ei-hero-two.jpg" alt="Empower your Customer Experience">

This module is used on the solutions pages, and they're a pretty specialized module; if you're planning on using this module more (and wanting to modify it), the CSS and associated markup should be re-written to be more generic and make better use of the helper classes.

Mmm. Information lists.

I really like bacon

Bacon ipsum dolor amet turkey kielbasa bacon, jerky swine pork loin pork chop capicola cupim. Ribeye pork chop pork loin tongue tri-tip corned beef. Shoulder swine cow landjaeger. Porchetta leberkas short ribs pork alcatra.

I also like cats

Human give me attention meow. Use lap as chair. Pelt around the house and up and down stairs chasing phantoms swat at dog scream at teh bath and chase mice, yet meow. Sleep in the bathroom sink make meme, make cute face hunt by meowing loudly at 5am next to human slave food dispenser. Caticus cuteicus. Sun bathe use lap as chair, and drink water out of the faucet scream at teh bath refuse to leave cardboard box i am the best.

I also like latin

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus sed nunc varius, semper sem at, consequat libero. Vivamus finibus diam ut urna sagittis, non euismod risus pulvinar. Donec erat sem, dictum ut ligula eu, dapibus rutrum eros. Aenean luctus tortor et porta feugiat. Proin volutpat ex metus, vel varius arcu porta et.

Qualtrics Information List

The above module is called the Qualtrics information list. Here's some sample code:

<section class="qualtrics-information-list spacing-sm bg-gray-lt">
	<div class="container">
		<div class="row">
			<div class="col-xs-12 no-spacing-important">
				<h1 class="no-spacing">Mmm. Information lists.</h1>
			<div class="col-md-4">
				<i class="qi qi-"></i>
				<h3>I really like bacon</h3>
			</div><div class="col-md-4">
				<i class="qi qi-"></i>
				<h3>I also like cats</h3>
			</div><div class="col-md-4">
				<i class="qi qi-"></i>
				<h3>I also like latin</h3>

IMPORTANT: when making the column divs, it's important that there is no whitespace between the divs. So in the above code, the </div><div class="col-md-4"> code structure is essential to making this work properly.

Reasoning for using inline block rather than bootstrap's default styling:

  • Bootstrap uses floats; a grid of floating objects with differing heights will cause elements to catch on each other and not wrap correctly
  • The alternative would be to use multiple rows of floated objects, however this would cause responsive issues. If you have 3 columns in a row with classes .col-xs-6 and .col-sm-4, since they are wrapped in a row, there would be a missing grid item in the bottom right corner when the screen size goes below 767px. Check out the broken row example below by bringing the screen width below 767px:

1/3 - 3 divs in this row
2/3 - 3 divs in this row
3/3 - 3 divs in this row
1/3 - 3 divs in this row
2/3 - 3 divs in this row
3/3 - 3 divs in this row

Expanding Element.
Wow. These are awesome.
Technology these days.

Here is some content that is visible before expanding. Expanding elements are versatile and can be used in many situations with the possibility of multiple buttons expanding or collapsing the same section!!!

I can put whatever I want in this!

And to think, they had no idea expanding elements would one day become a thing.

Expanding Element

The above is an expanding element. Here's the most basic code to implement it:

<section class="expand-outer">
	<div class="whatever">
		Here is some content that is always visible.
	<div class="expand-inner">
		Hidden Content
		<a class="link-expand btn-pill btn-q-primary" href="#" data-alternate="Close" scroll="false" data-visible="false">
			Second (optional) button inside of the expanding section that will close this expanding section
	<a class="link-expand btn-pill btn-q-primary" href="#" data-alternate="Close" scroll="false" data-visible="false">

Optional Modifiers

Use these modifiers by adding them right after expand-outer:

  • .border-top-lt - adds a border with a light gray fill
  • .border-bottom - adds a border with a medium gray fill
  • .border-bottom-lt - adds a border with a light gray fill
  • .open-border-bottom - when the expanded div is open, this adds a border with a medium gray fill
  • .open-border-bottom-lt - when the expanded div is open, this adds a border with a light gray fill

Button Attributes

Use these attributes to customize the buttons:

  • data-alternate - Set this value to whatever you want; This is the value that will be displayed when the expanding element is visible
  • data-scroll - Either true or false - using true will scroll the user to the expanding element when it becomes visible
  • data-visible - Do not change this as it is used by the JS for toggling. In the future we can add ability to have it visible on page load, but for now it must be hidden
  • data-time - Customize the time to open and close the expanding element in milliseconds. Default is 400 milliseconds. (Elements always close faster by a factor of 50%)

Features and UX

  • Any button with a class of link-expand within an element with the class expand-outer will expand the element with class expand-inner
  • This means you can have buttons inside of the expand-inner element itself! (these will always close the div)
  • When you click a button, all of the buttons will change values to reflect expanding element's current state
  • Containers and rows are not required
  • When data-scroll is set to true, scrolling only occurs when the expanding element goes from hidden to visible


You'd probably see content inside this area.

They'd have fancy jargon about how this increased baseline sales or NPS or something.

It would be a nice story about them doing cool stuff and making big bucks. Or maybe not as big bucks if it's about a non-profit. Depends on the non-profit.

Expanding Section

The expanding section is similar to the expanding element, but it's meant to be used with a qualtrics hero/sidekick/jumbotron. Here's what the code looks like:

<div class="expand-outer">
	<section class="qualtrics-sidekick sidekick-light-text">
		<div class="container">
			<div class="row">
				<div class="col-sm-7">
					<h3 class="header-cx">Coder Experience</h3>
					<h1>Expand even <br />from inside a sidekick.</h1>
				<div class="col-sm-5">
					<ul class="plus-list">
						<li>Expands your content to see stuff</li>
						<li>Nice picture of a lady in an airport</li>
					<a class="link-expand btn-q-primary" href="#" data-alternate="See More" scroll="true" data-visible="false">See More</a>
		<img class="sidekick-image" src="/wp-content/themes/qualtrics/images/pages/airlines/market-research.jpg" />
	<div class="expand-inner bg-gray-super-lt">
		<section class="expanded-section">
			<div class="container spacing-lg">
				<a class="link-expand btn-q-secondary-alt" href="#" data-alternate="Close" scroll="false" data-visible="false">Close</a>
				<h1 class="no-spacing spacing-xs-bottom">You'd probably see content inside this area.</h1>
				<p class="spacing-xs-bottom">
					They'd have fancy jargon about how this increased baseline sales or NPS or something.
					It would be a nice story about them doing cool stuff and making big bucks. Or maybe not as big bucks if it's about a non-profit. Depends on the non-profit. 

Tabs Section

This module can be used to toggle between 2 or 3 different tabs which have different content.

<section class="qualtrics-tabs">
	<div class="container"><div class="row spacing-md-top spacing-xs-bottom">
		<div class="col-bl-offset-1 col-bl-10 col-sm-offset-0 col-sm-12 col-md-offset-3 col-md-8 col-lg-offset-4 col-lg-6">
		<ul class="nav nav-tabs-blue" role="tablist">
		<li role="presentation" class="active" id="tab-first"><h2><a href="#customer" aria-controls="home" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">What It Is</a></h2>
			</li><li role="presentation" class=""><h2><a href="#market" aria-controls="profile" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">How it works</a></h2>
			</li><li role="presentation" class="" id="tab-last"><h2><a href="#academic" aria-controls="messages" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">Questions</a></h2>
	<div class="tab-content spacing-sm-bottom"> 
	<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane active spacing-sm-top" id="customer"> 
		<div class="col-xs-10 col-xs-offset-1 spacing-md-bottom"> <h2>We're always looking for ways to improve our products</h2> <h3>And the best people to tell us how to do that are users like you!</h3>
		<p class="spacing-tn">User experience research helps us improve Qualtrics products by gathering feedback directly from the people who use them. Sharing your experience and feedback helps our product team continue to build and enhance the tools you love.</p> 
		<p class="spacing-tn-bottom">During a study session, we may show you an existing product or a prototype of a new feature and ask what you think. We may also ask about your work habits or daily practices, such as how you interact with the people on your team to process and report survey data.</p> 
  • This is a title to a bullet point. This is the content. Content for the win! This is designed to be a paragraph, so at this point I'm just typing things to take up space. I really should look into using the Lorem Ipsum or something.
  • Another Bullet Point! Even MORE content. Content is the best.
  • Aaaaaand yet another bullet point. I've heard that if you have bullet points, you should always have at least three. So here we are - 3! It looks like the style for bullet points has an issue where the line height is too high. Let's fix it!

Bullet List Section

This module can be used for unordered lists (currently used in 3rd tier pages).

<ul class="circle-list">
	<li class="spacing-tn-bottom"><span class="h4 no-spacing">This is a title to a bullet point.</span>
		<span>This is the content. Content for the win! This is designed to be a paragraph, so at this point I'm just typing things to take up space. I really should look into using the Lorem Ipsum or something.</span></li>
	<li class="spacing-tn-bottom"><span class="h4 no-spacing">Another Bullet Point!</span>
		<span>Even MORE content. Content is the best. </span></li>
	<li class="spacing-tn-bottom"><span class="h4 no-spacing">Aaaaaand yet another bullet point.</span>
		<span>I've heard that if you have bullet points, you should always have at least three. So here we are - 3! It looks like the style for bullet points has an issue where the line height is too high. Let's fix it!</span></li>

This is the introductory paragraph, which is larger text and centered. It's probably wise to make sure that this paragraph doesn't get too long because people don't actually read things on the internet.
People are the worst.

Introduction Text Section

This module can be used for introduction text at the top of a new page

<p class="intro-text" align="center">
	This is the introductory paragraph, which is larger text and centered. It's probably wise to make sure that this paragraph doesn't get too long because people don't actually read things on the internet. <br>People are the worst.
Specialized Modules

These modules take a lot of markup, and are fairly complex. If you're feeling adventurous, you could go through the CSS & JS code, rewrite these, and make them more generic. Or if you're feeling less adventurous, copy the code and modify it as you like.

Here's what you'll find in this section:

The Qualtrics Experience

Slanted Captions Everywhere

Just look at that slanted caption right over there. Adorable!

This is a slanted caption
Pretty pretty isn't it?

Jet Blue

Slanted Caption

The above module is called a slanted caption. Here's the base code to implement it:

<section class="slanted-caption-section">
	<div class="container">
		<div class="row">
			<div class="slanted-caption-container align-right bottom-minus-20">
				<p class="slanted-caption-title">
					This is a slanted caption <br/>
					<span class="white">
						Pretty pretty isn't it?
						<img class="link" src="/wp-content/themes/qualtrics/images/home/link.png">
				<div class="slanted-caption"></div>

Optional Modifiers

Use these modifiers by adding them right after .slanted-caption-container:

  • .align-right - aligns the caption on the right side of the container
  • .slanted-bg-dark - makes the background color slightly darker
  • .caption-3-lines - makes the padding-top smaller to fit 3 lines of text
  • .bottom-plus-20 - sets bottom to 20%
  • .bottom-plus-10 - sets bottom to 10%
  • .bottom-plus-5 - sets bottom to 5%
  • .bottom-minus-5 - sets bottom to -5%
  • .bottom-minus-10 - sets bottom to -10%
  • .bottom-minus-20 - sets bottom to -20%
  • .top-plus-20 - sets top to 20%
  • .top-plus-10 - sets top to 10%
  • .top-plus-5 - sets top to 5%
  • .top-minus-5 - sets top to -5%
  • .top-minus-10 - sets top to -10%
  • .top-minus-20 - sets top to -20%

Use this modifier by adding it right after .slanted-caption-title:

  • .slanted-mobile-small - By default the mobile slanted caption is 320px wide (including the slanted part); this makes it 290px wide

Take a journey. Through space.

Luke looks for old Ben

I stumbled across a recording while I was cleaning him. He says that he belongs to someone named Obi-Wan Kenobi. I thought he might have meant old Ben. Do you know what he's talking about?

Email Surveys
SMS Surveys
Mobile Feedback
Call Center
Website Intercepts

Luke meets Obi-Wan Kenobi

The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

Email Surveys
SMS Surveys
Offline Surveys
Mobile Feedback
Call Center
QR Codes

Luke escapes the Desert

But I was going into Tosche Station to pick up some power converters!

Mobile Feedback
Website Intercepts

Luke Meets Han Solo

She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid. I've made a lot of special modifications myself.

Email Surveys
SMS Surveys
Receipt Surveys
Offline Surveys
Mobile Feedback
Call Center
QR Codes

Luke makes a lucky shot

YAHOOOOO! You're all clear, kid. Now let's blow this thing and go home.

Email Surveys
SMS Surveys
Receipt Surveys
Offline Surveys
Mobile Feedback
Call Center
QR Codes
Email Surveys
SMS Surveys
Receipt Surveys
Offline Surveys
Mobile Feedback
Call Center
Website Intercepts
QR Codes

Qualtrics Journey

The section above is called the "Qualtrics Journey", and is used to show a customer's progression through a series of steps (or Luke's, as you can see before). The code for this is absolutely massive:

<section class="journey-map-section">
	<div class="container">
		<div class="row">
			<div class="col-md-9">
				<div class="journey-map-outer">
					<img class="journey-map-img" src="/wp-content/themes/qualtrics/images/pages/customer-experience/cx-journey-map.png">
					<div class="toggle-map-outer" id="map-item-1">
						<a href="#"><span>Look for<br />old Ben</span></a>
						<div class="active-item"></div>
					<div class="toggle-map-outer" id="map-item-2">
						<a href="#"><span>Realize he's<br/>a Jedi</span></a>
						<div class="active-item"></div>
					<div class="toggle-map-outer" id="map-item-3">
						<a href="#"><span>Leave your<br />desolated<br />moisture farm</span></a>
						<div class="active-item"></div>
					<div class="toggle-map-outer" id="map-item-4">
						<a href="#"><span>Get a ride<br />with a<br/>smuggler</span></a>
						<div class="active-item"></div>
					<div class="toggle-map-outer" id="map-item-5">
						<a href="#"><span>Save the<br />galaxy</span></a>
						<div class="active-item"></div>
			<div class="col-md-3 mobile-journey">
				<div class="map-description-outer">

					<div class="mobile-map-outer journey-mobile-top" id="map-item-1">
						<a href="#"><span>Look for<br />old Ben</span></a>
						<div class="mobile-journey-img"></div>
						<div class="active-item"></div>
					<div id="map-description-1" class="map-description-inner">
						<a class="mobile-exit" href="#"><i class="qi qi-remove"></i></a>
						<h3 class="text-secondary spacing-sm-top">Luke looks for old Ben</h3>
							I stumbled across a recording while I was cleaning him. He says that he belongs to someone named Obi-Wan Kenobi. I thought he might have meant old Ben. Do you know what he's talking about?
						<div class="clearfix spacing-xs-top">
							<div class="journey-icon-outer">
								<i class="qi envelope-open-survey-md"></i>
								<span>Email Surveys</span>
							<div class="journey-icon-outer">
								<i class="qi qi-comments-survey-md"></i>
								<span>SMS Surveys</span>
							<div class="journey-icon-outer">
								<i class="qi mobile-list-md"></i>
								<span>Mobile Feedback</span>
							<div class="journey-icon-outer">
								<i class="qi phone-mark-md"></i>
								<span>Call Center</span>
							<div class="journey-icon-outer">
								<i class="qi qi-site-intercept-alt-md"></i>
								<span>Website Intercepts</span>
							<div class="journey-icon-outer">
								<i class="qi social-boxes-md"></i>
					<div class="mobile-map-outer journey-mobile-top" id="map-item-2">
						<a href="#"><span>Realize he's<br/>a Jedi</span></a>
						<div class="mobile-journey-img"></div>
						<div class="active-item"></div>
					<div id="map-description-2" class="map-description-inner">
						<a class="mobile-exit" href="#"><i class="qi qi-remove"></i></a>
						<h3 class="text-secondary spacing-sm-top">Luke meets Obi-Wan Kenobi</h3>
							The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.
						<div class="clearfix spacing-xs-top">
							<div class="journey-icon-outer">
								<i class="qi envelope-open-survey-md"></i>
								<span>Email Surveys</span>
							<div class="journey-icon-outer">
								<i class="qi qi-comments-survey-md"></i>
								<span>SMS Surveys</span>
							<div class="journey-icon-outer">
								<i class="qi qi-group-online-md"></i>
								<span>Offline Surveys</span>
							<div class="journey-icon-outer">
								<i class="qi mobile-list-md"></i>
								<span>Mobile Feedback</span>
							<div class="journey-icon-outer">
								<i class="qi phone-mark-md"></i>
								<span>Call Center</span>
							<div class="journey-icon-outer">
								<i class="qi qr-code-md"></i>
								<span>QR Codes</span>
					<div class="mobile-map-outer journey-mobile-top" id="map-item-3">
						<a href="#"><span>Leave your<br />desolated<br />moisture farm</span></a>
						<div class="mobile-journey-img"></div>
						<div class="active-item"></div>
					<div id="map-description-3" class="map-description-inner">
						<a class="mobile-exit" href="#"><i class="qi qi-remove"></i></a>
						<h3 class="text-secondary spacing-sm-top">Luke escapes the Desert</h3>
							But I was going into Tosche Station to pick up some power converters!
						<div class="clearfix spacing-xs-top">
							<div class="journey-icon-outer">
								<i class="qi mobile-list-md"></i>
								<span>Mobile Feedback</span>
							<div class="journey-icon-outer">
								<i class="qi qi-site-intercept-alt-md"></i>
								<span>Website Intercepts</span>
							<div class="journey-icon-outer">
								<i class="qi social-boxes-md"></i>
					<div class="mobile-map-outer journey-mobile-top" id="map-item-4">
						<a href="#"><span>Get a ride<br />with a<br/>smuggler</span></a>
						<div class="mobile-journey-img"></div>
						<div class="active-item"></div>
					<div id="map-description-4" class="map-description-inner">
						<a class="mobile-exit" href="#"><i class="qi qi-remove"></i></a>
						<h3 class="text-secondary spacing-sm-top">Luke Meets Han Solo</h3>
							She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid. I've made a lot of special modifications myself.
						<div class="clearfix spacing-xs-top">
							<div class="journey-icon-outer">
								<i class="qi envelope-open-survey-md"></i>
								<span>Email Surveys</span>
							<div class="journey-icon-outer">
								<i class="qi qi-comments-survey-md"></i>
								<span>SMS Surveys</span>
							<div class="journey-icon-outer">
								<i class="qi qi-list-alt-md"></i>
								<span>Receipt Surveys</span>
							<div class="journey-icon-outer">
								<i class="qi qi-group-online-md"></i>
								<span>Offline Surveys</span>
							<div class="journey-icon-outer">
								<i class="qi mobile-list-md"></i>
								<span>Mobile Feedback</span>
							<div class="journey-icon-outer">
								<i class="qi phone-mark-md"></i>
								<span>Call Center</span>
							<div class="journey-icon-outer">
								<i class="qi qr-code-md"></i>
								<span>QR Codes</span>
					<div class="mobile-map-outer journey-mobile-bottom" id="map-item-5">
						<a href="#"><span>Save the<br />galaxy</span></a>
						<div class="mobile-journey-img"></div>
						<div class="active-item"></div>
					<div id="map-description-5" class="map-description-inner">
						<a class="mobile-exit" href="#"><i class="qi qi-remove"></i></a>
						<h3 class="text-secondary spacing-sm-top">Luke makes a lucky shot</h3>
							YAHOOOOO! You're all clear, kid. Now let's blow this thing and go home.
						<div class="clearfix spacing-xs-top">
							<div class="journey-icon-outer">
								<i class="qi envelope-open-survey-md"></i>
								<span>Email Surveys</span>
							<div class="journey-icon-outer">
								<i class="qi qi-comments-survey-md"></i>
								<span>SMS Surveys</span>
							<div class="journey-icon-outer">
								<i class="qi qi-list-alt-md"></i>
								<span>Receipt Surveys</span>
							<div class="journey-icon-outer">
								<i class="qi qi-group-online-md"></i>
								<span>Offline Surveys</span>
							<div class="journey-icon-outer">
								<i class="qi mobile-list-md"></i>
								<span>Mobile Feedback</span>
							<div class="journey-icon-outer">
								<i class="qi phone-mark-md"></i>
								<span>Call Center</span>
							<div class="journey-icon-outer">
								<i class="qi qr-code-md"></i>
								<span>QR Codes</span>
		<div class="journey-map-icons clearfix spacing-xs-top">
			<div class="journey-icons-title-wrapper">
				<span class="journey-icons-title">
			<div class="journey-icon-outer map-highlight-1 map-highlight-2 map-highlight-4 map-highlight-5">
				<i class="qi envelope-open-survey-md"></i>
				<span>Email Surveys</span>
			<div class="journey-icon-outer map-highlight-1 map-highlight-2 map-highlight-4 map-highlight-5">
				<i class="qi qi-comments-survey-md"></i>
				<span>SMS Surveys</span>
			<div class="journey-icon-outer map-highlight-4 map-highlight-5">
				<i class="qi qi-list-alt-md"></i>
				<span>Receipt Surveys</span>
			<div class="journey-icon-outer map-highlight-2 map-highlight-4 map-highlight-5">
				<i class="qi qi-group-online-md"></i>
				<span>Offline Surveys</span>
			<div class="journey-icon-outer map-highlight-1 map-highlight-2 map-highlight-3 map-highlight-4 map-highlight-5">
				<i class="qi mobile-list-md"></i>
				<span>Mobile Feedback</span>
			<div class="journey-icon-outer map-highlight-1 map-highlight-2 map-highlight-4 map-highlight-5">
				<i class="qi phone-mark-md"></i>
				<span>Call Center</span>
			<div class="journey-icon-outer map-highlight-1 map-highlight-3">
				<i class="qi qi-site-intercept-alt-md"></i>
				<span>Website Intercepts</span>
			<div class="journey-icon-outer">
				<i class="qi audio-md"></i>
			<div class="journey-icon-outer map-highlight-2 map-highlight-4 map-highlight-5">
				<i class="qi qr-code-md"></i>
				<span>QR Codes</span>
			<div class="journey-icon-outer map-highlight-1 map-highlight-3">
				<i class="qi social-boxes-md"></i>


The biggest thing to know about this module is: it's a pretty specialized module, and I'd recommend just copying this code and modifying it as you need.
