To evaluate the current global state of Experience Management (XM), the XM Institute surveyed more than 1,200 executives from Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, the UK, and the U.S. We found that although executives around the world regard XM as important – which is not surprising given its correlation with sales growth and profitability – the degree to which they focus on XM varies between countries. Canadian executives are most likely to consider improving XM a top organizational priority, while German executives are least likely. Additionally, which experience areas executives are most concerned with improving also differs from country to country. Respondents from Germany and the U.S. are most focused on customer experience (CX), respondents from Australia and Canada are most focused employee experience (EX), respondents from Japan are most focused on product experience (PX), and respondents from the UK are equally focused on EX and brand experience (BX). This report also examines how executives expect to use customer and employee feedback in the coming year as well as what obstacles are impeding their path to XM success.