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The Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS)

What is CAHPS for MIPS?
As directed by the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) of 2015, CMS began implementing the Quality Payment Program (QPP) as a part of the transition to value-based care. For eligible clinicians participating in the QPP, there are three available reporting tracks:

  1. The Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS)
  2. Advanced Alternative Payment Models (APMs)
  3. ACO SSP’s

Most Medicare clinicians will participate in MIPS.
CMS has developed a system for scoring clinicians under MIPS with four performance categories:

  1. Quality
  2. Promoting Interoperability
  3. Improvement Activities
  4. Cost

What does the survey assess?
The CAHPS for MIPS survey covers 10 Summary Survey Measures (SSM):

  1. Getting Timely Care, Appointments, and Information
  2. How Well Providers Communicate
  3. Patient’s Rating of Provider
  4. Access to Specialists
  5. Health Promotion and Education
  6. Shared Decision Making
  7. Health Status and Functional Status
  8. Courteous and Helpful Office Staff
  9. Care Coordination
  10. Stewardship of Patient Resources

Do I need a vendor to administer CAHPS for MIPS?
Yes. Groups participating in CAHPS for MIPS will need to select a CMS-certified vendor to administer the survey on their behalf. Approved vendors will collect and submit data for participating groups. SurveyVitals is a CMS-certified vendor ready to administer CAHPS for MIPS surveys on your behalf.

What is the source of the sample for CAHPS for MIPS administration?
CMS will prepare the samples and distribute them to each appropriate survey vendor for data collection activities.

How many patients are surveyed?
The number of patients surveyed will depend on the number of eligible clinicians in a group. Additionally, sample sizes can also vary based on the size of the available patient population.

  • For groups of 100 or more eligible clinicians: between 415 and 860 beneficiaries will be surveyed.
  • For groups of 25 to 99 eligible clinicians: between 254 and 860 beneficiaries will be surveyed.
  • For groups of 2 to 25 eligible clinicians: between 125 and 860 beneficiaries will be surveyed.

What modes of administration are offered?
The CAHPS for MIPS survey is administered using mixed-mode data collection including a pre-notification letter, survey mailings, and phone follow-up of non-respondents.

What languages are available for CAHPS for MIPS administration?
The CAHPS for MIPS survey is administered in English, except for in Puerto Rico, where the survey is administered in Spanish. Translations are also available in Cantonese, Korean, Mandarin, Russian, Spanish, and Vietnamese.

Will my organization’s CAHPS for MIPS data be publicly reported?
CAHPS for MIPS survey scores are publicly available on the Care Compare website. For more information about Care Compare, you may visit the website at

What other CAHPS surveys do you provide?
In addition to CAHPS for MIPS, SurveyVitals is approved to administer OAS CAHPS, Hospice CAHPS,  HHCAHPS, HCAHPS, and ICH CAHPS.

Does SurveyVitals have supplemental surveys?
Yes! Qualtrics Site of Care Solutions provides real-time insights into the patient experience across the continuum of care. Get started today to get patient feedback year-round with real-time analytics and trending to pinpoint areas needing improvement between CAHPS survey cycles.