Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Plan CAHPS
What is MA & PDP CAHPS?
The Medicare Advantage (MA) and Prescription Drug Plan (PDP) Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) provides information to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) about the quality of health services provided through Medicare Advantage, Medicare, and Part D programs. This information is collected through the Medicare CAHPS surveys. SurveyVitals is a CMS-approved CAHPS vendor for MA & PDP CAHPS, as well as six other CAHPS surveys.
What does the survey assess?
The MA & PDP CAHPS survey questions cover six question areas:
- Getting Needed Care
- Getting Appointments and Care Quickly
- Doctors Who Communicate Well (reported to contracts – not reported to consumers)
- Customer Service
- Getting Needed Prescription Drugs (MA-PD and PDP)
- Care Coordination
What modes of administration are offered?
SurveyVitals offers two survey mailings, as well as a telephone follow-up to non-respondents.
Will my organization’s MA & PDP CAHPS data be publicly reported?
Yes, results will be publicly available online at medicare.gov/plan-compare.
What other CAHPS surveys do you provide?
In addition to MA & PDP CAHPS, SurveyVitals is approved to administer CAHPS for MIPS, OAS CAHPS, Hospice CAHPS, HHCAHPS, HCAHPS, and ICH-CAHPS.
Does SurveyVitals have supplemental surveys?
Yes! Qualtrics Site of Care Solutions provides real-time insights into the patient experience across the continuum of care. Get started today to get patient feedback year-round with real-time analytics and trending to pinpoint areas needing improvement between CAHPS survey cycles.