Permissions (Discover)
About Permissions
A permission defines actions that a user can perform in Studio and other XM Discover applications. For information on how to change a user’s permission, see Managing Users or see the XM Discover Licensing page for more details about administrative user types. See also Sharing a Dashboard for information about sharing dashboards.
Dashboard Permissions
These are the available dashboard permissions in Studio:
- Create Dashboard: Can create dashboards and books (automatically becoming their owner).
- Delete Dashboard: Can delete owned dashboards and books.
- Edit Dashboard:
- Can edit owned or shared for editing dashboards (properties and widgets).
- Can edit owned or shared for editing books.
- Can become the new owner of other users’ dashboards and books when transferring them.
- Drill to Feedback in View Mode: Can drill to feedback in View mode.
Attention: The View-only Users Can Drill to Feedback dashboard property overrides this permission.
- Download Audio File: Can download MP3 files containing call recordings from voice interactions.
Attention: Only available for accounts that use XM Discover’s Voice Transcription Service and Audio Storage. Only available for files during the data retention period (45 days by default).
- Download Transcript File: Can download text files containing call transcripts from voice interactions.
Attention: Only available for accounts that use XM Discover’s Voice Transcription Service and Audio Storage. Only available for files during the data retention period (1,000 days by default).
- Drill in Place in View Mode: Can drill to reports in View mode.
- Share Edit:
- Enables dashboard owners to grant “Can Edit” access when sharing their own dashboards. Requires target users or groups to have the Edit Dashboard
- Enables dashboard editors to grant “Can Edit” access when sharing someone else’s dashboards. Requires target users or groups to have the Edit Dashboard permission and the Prevent Editors from Sharing option to be disabled by the dashboard owner.
- Share View:
- Enables dashboard owners to grant “Can View” access when sharing their own dashboards.
- Enables dashboard editors to grant “Can View” access when sharing someone else’s dashboards. Requires the Prevent Editors from Sharing option to be disabled by the dashboard owner.
- Change Ownership: This permission is reserved for future functionality.
- Export Widget Data:
- Export Feedback: Can export feedback preview to Microsoft Excel.
- Export Widgets: Can embed Studio widgets in external tools for Licensed viewers.
- Embed Widgets for Enterprise: an embed Studio widgets in external tools for Enterprise viewers.
Object Permissions
These are the available object permissions in Studio:
- Create Filter:
- Can create, duplicate, edit, and delete filters in Studio.
- Can become the new owner of other users’ filters when transferring them.
- Share View Filter: Can grant “Can View” access when sharing Studio filters.
- Share Edit Filter: Can grant “Can Edit” access when sharing Studio filters.
Attention: Requires target users or groups to have the Create Filter permission.
- Create Metric:
- Can create, duplicate, edit, and delete metrics in Studio.
- Can become the new owner of other users’ metrics when transferring them.
- Share View Metric: Can grant “Can View” access when sharing Studio metrics.
- Share Edit Metric: Can grant “Can Edit” access when sharing Studio metrics. Requires target users or groups to have the Create Metric permission.
- Manage Date Filters:
- Can define custom date ranges in Studio.
- Can disable and enable predefined date filters.
- Share to All: Can share Studio objects with all users at once.
- Create and Manage Metric Alerts:
- Can access the Alerts page.
- Can create metric alerts.
- Can become the owner of metric alerts created by other users.
- Manage Inbox Templates:
- Can access the Inbox Templates page.
- Can create and manage Inbox Templates.
- Create and Manage Drivers:
- Can access the Drivers page.
- Can create and manage drivers.
- Manage Projects:
- Can set reporting defaults for attributes and models.
- Can exclude attributes and models from drilling.
- Can exclude attributes and models from Document Explorer.
- Manage Rubrics: Can create, enable, edit, and delete rubrics.
- Rebut Rubrics: Can edit intelligent scores and perform rebuttals.
Group Permissions
These are the available object permissions:
Manage Groups:
- Can fully administer all groups within the Master Account. This includes changing the owner of any group, editing any group properties, deleting groups, and creating new ones.
- Can add or remove users from groups.
User Permissions
These are the available object permissions:
- Manage Users:
- Can register new users.
- Can edit properties of existing user accounts within the Master Account.
- Can manage user permissions.
- Create Users through Sharing:
Master Account Permissions
These are the available master account permissions:
- Manage Settings:
- Can administer the user’s Master Account.
- Can access Dashboard Schedules.
- Manage Organizations
- Can access the ORGANIZATION tab in Account Settings.
- Can create and manage organization hierarchies.
- Conduct Security Audit
- Can access the security log for the Master Account.
- Delete Feedback Records
- Can delete documents from the system.
- Allow Account Owners to Manage Master Account Objects
- Account owners can View Studio as Another User.
- View Profanity (Groups only):
Attention: This permission does not appear in the derived permissions section. Can see sentences that contain profane words even in accounts where feedback screening is enabled.
Social Connect Permissions
These permissions control access and actions in Social Connect.
- Social Connect Access: Can access Social Connect functionality.
- Manual Ticket Creation: Can create tickets manually for a specific document in Studio.
Interaction Permissions
This permission controls access to the Interactions Explorer.
- View Interactions Explorer: Can access Interactions Explorer.
Connectors Permissions
Having any permission from the Connectors group lets a user access Connectors.
- View Jobs: Can view scheduled jobs and historical data pulls.
- Manage Jobs: Can create and modify jobs.
- Administer Connectors: Can manage account settings in Connectors.