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Managing Metrics (Studio)

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About Managing Metrics

To manage your metrics, click the Spaces menu and select Metrics.

metrics page under spaces menu

Qtip: Only users linked to a content provider can access this page.
Qtip: Metrics can be shared, modified, and deleted in Studio, but not in Designer.

Numbered sections of the metrics page

  1. Project: Select a project from the dropdown to see metrics associated with that project.
    Qtip: In your user preferences, you can set a project that is selected by default.
  2. Find Metrics and Labels: Search a metric by name or by label.
  3. New Folder: Create a folder to organize your metrics into.
  4. Columns: Click the button then hover over Columns to decide which columns of information to display.
  5. This icon indicates that the metric has been labeled. See Labeling Metrics.
  6. Select a metric. If you select multiple metrics at a time, the actions will change.
  7. Perform actions for each metric.

Managing Metrics

Click the dropdown next to a metric to edit it, rename it, share it, duplicate it, delete it, transfer it to another owner, and more.

dropdown menu next to a metric expanded

Managing Individual Metrics

The following actions are available if you’ve selected one metric:

Qtip: You cannot edit metrics created by other users, even if you have access to them. However, you can duplicate an existing metric and then modify it.

Managing Multiple Metrics at the Same Time

The following actions are available if you’ve selected multiple metrics:

Columns of Information

Qtip: If you have access to more than 10 projects, you’ll need to select a project before any metrics will be displayed on this page.

Columns in screenshot are name, modified (date), owner, type, definition (band), status, and Project

For each metric, you’ll see the following information displayed:

  • Name: The name of the metric.
  • Modified: The time this metric was last modified, according to your time zone.
  • Owner: The current owner of the metric.
  • Type: The type of metric.
  • Definition: A text description of the metric, or the conditional formatting if it’s a top box, bottom box, or satisfaction metric.
  • Status: The metric’s sharing status:
    • single person iconPrivate: A metric that has not been shared or made available to any other users.
    • 3 people in iconShared: A metric that has been shared with other users.
    • globe iconPublic: A metric that, when shared, was marked Share with all Users. This means all the users in your master account have access to it.
  • Project: The name of the project the metric is based on.

Custom vs. System Metrics

2 tabs in upper-left of metrics page named custom and system

The Custom tab contains metrics you created. These metrics can be:

The System tab contains: