Exploring Customer Experience Data (Studio)
About Exploring Customer Experience Data
Studio provides several tools you can use to explore the actual customer experience data: customer feedback and interactions (calls, chats).
Document Explorer
Document Explorer is the ultimate destination when you drill into report items. For example, you can use it to look through the feedback that was categorized into a certain topic, or browse documents associated with a certain attribute value.
Interactions Explorer
Interactions Explorer provides a workspace for viewing, navigating, and managing documents in your projects. Where Studio dashboards are a space for viewing aggregations and data visualizations, Interactions Explorer enables you to view each fully enriched interaction and manage them freely, outside of dashboards.
Feedback Widget
The Feedback widget enables you to display customer feedback directly in a dashboard. This widget is entirely curated by its creator, from the choice of feedback displayed (via filters or Feedback Selection) to the presentation style (Bubble, Table, and Pane views).