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Classifications (Designer)

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About Classifications

Classification is the process of assigning sentences to categories in a category model. This process uses category rules to find sentences where the words outlined in the rule occur. When new data is uploaded, it will need to be classified to be organized in the category model. The results from classifications are also available in reporting.

Qtip: Classification is performed by the Classification dataflow. Like other dataflows, it can be managed in the Dataflows tab.

On-Demand Classifications

Run on-demand classifications any time you want to categorize project data. If this model is used for Intelligent Scoring, updated rubrics will be displayed and rebuttals will not be considered in the calculation of the score.

Attention: To run a classification for a single upload session, see Single Upload Session Classifications.
  1. Navigate to the Categorize tab.
    Run Classification from run tab of node options
  2. Select a category model from the drop-down.
  3. Right-click the root node.
  4. Hover over Run then select Run Classification.
  5. Select if you want to refresh the category model. Refreshing the model is only necessary if it was modified.
    Run classification pop up
  6. Click Run.
Qtip: If this model is used for Intelligent Scoring, updated rubrics will be displayed and rebuttals will not be considered in the calculation of the score. To prevent updating intelligent scores, disable the rubric before running classification.

Running Classifications for Nodes

Classification of the whole tree requires some time to load. If you make changes to one node, you can run a classification for just the parent of the node that you edited. To run a classification for a category, right-click the parent node and hover over Run then click Run Classification.

Run classification option from node options

Attention: When you make changes to a category, you need to re-categorize its parent category as well to update it.

Single Upload Session Classifications

Classifications can be run for a specific upload session instead of having to re-categorize the entire project data.

  1. Navigate to the Categorize tab.
    Custom Dataflows highlighted from the node options
  2. Select a category model from the drop-down list.
  3. Right-click the root node.
  4. Hover over Run and select Custom Dataflows.
  5. Select Classification from the list of dataflows.
    Custom dataflow options
  6. Click Session Wide.
  7. Click OK.
    Confirm the message

    Attention: For more information on publishing a category model, see Category Models Basic Overview.
  8. Choose the session from the drop-down list.
    Select a custom dataflow to run
  9. Click Run.

Incremental Classifications

Incremental classifications only process data from single upload sessions. These are typically performed during incremental uploads and real-time classification using the data loader. 

To include classifications in incremental uploads, right click the classifications and select Properties. Then, enable the Include in Incremental Data Uploads option. enabling the include in incremental uploads option for a classifications

Attention: Incremental classification will not pick up any changes to the category model until you publish them to the processing engine. For more information, see Category Models Basic Overview (Designer).

Categorizing Incremental Uploads

When performing an incremental upload, you will select which existing category model to classify the data into, or create a new category model. For more information, see Incremental Data Upload.

Qtip: If a new category model is created from an incremental upload, only sentences from the data in that upload will be in the category model. These models get published automatically.

Real-Time Classification

Classification is performed in real time when data is processed using Data Loader. In this process, all category models included in the incremental data loads will be classified. For more information, see Data Loader.

Running Classifications for Nodes

Classification of the whole tree requires some time to load. If you make changes to one node, you can run a classification for just the parent of the node that you edited. To run a classification for a category, right-click the parent node and hover over Run then click Run Classification.

Run classification option from node options

Classification Results Audit

The Audit Model allows you to check the classification and sentiment scoring results before building reports.

  1. Navigate to the Categorize tab.
    Audit model highlighted from the model actions menu
  2. Select a category model from the drop-down list.
  3. Right-click the root node.
  4. Hover over Model Actions and click Audit Model.
  5. Set the parameters for the audit.
    Sentiment audit criteria

    • Maximum number of sampled sentences: If the percentage of sampled sentences is more than this number, this number of sentences will be taken as a sample.
    • Minimum number of sampled sentences: If the percentage of sampled sentences is more than this number, this number of sentences will be taken as a sample.
    • Percentage of sampled sentences: Designer will include this percentage per examined category.
    • Audit sentiment: Performs sentiment audit in the same XLSx file.
  6. Click Run.

Once your XLSx file is ready, change the audit column value to NO if sentences have been assigned incorrectly. If you download the sentiment score, change the value to NO if any sentences have been assigned incorrectly. The more sentences you audit, the more accurate precision you will be able to reach.

Qtip: If the rate of correctly categorized sentences and sentiment scores are lower than average, it indicates that a review of the rules for this category might be needed.

Anaphora Resolution

Anaphora Resolution resolves the “it” pronoun. Designer analyzes “it” by connecting the noun to which it refers. Nouns appear in square brackets next to the word “it”.

A sentence highlighted with anaphora resolution turned on

Qtip: All linguistic connections are updated to reflect the resolved noun instead of “it”.