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Editing Intercepts

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About Editing Intercepts

Once you’ve built a creative, the next step is to set conditions for when it will display and what the targets on your creative should be linking to. This is where the intercept comes in. Intercepts manage when your creatives appear and where they link to.

Once you’ve generated a new intercept, you can edit it in the Edit section.

Edit intercepts section in Website / App Feedback

Understanding Intercepts

An intercept is organized into parts called action sets. Each of these action sets will contain specific conditions (logic) under which the creative should appear, the creative that should appear, and where the visitor should be redirected if they click the creative (target).

You can have just one action set or multiple. Having multiple action sets allows you to display different creatives and targets under different conditions, or to randomize action sets, so you can perform A/B testing.

Qtip: When should you have one intercept with multiple actions and when should you have several intercepts with one action each? In many cases, either method will get the job done, but there are some important differences. For more information, check out our Multiple Action Sets support page.

Selecting a Creative

Each action set connects to a creative. Click the Select a Creative to show dropdown, highlight the type of creative, and then select the creative to show.

Selecting a creative

Selecting a Target

The target is where your creative should link to. In the case of an embedded target, it’s the content that should be embedded right on the creative. For example, instead of linking visitors away to a Qualtrics survey, you may want them to complete it as soon as the creative appears.

Qtip: See the Edit Creative Section page on adding target text to your creative.

To add a target, click the Select a target for your Creative to link to dropdown.

Selecting a target

From there, you can do one of the following:

  • A Qualtrics Survey: Choose one of the Qualtrics surveys you’ve built.
  • My Own Web Page: Add any link you’d like. Type the URL in the field and click Link.
  • No Target: Your Creative will not link the visitor to anything.

Action Set Logic

Action set logic is how you decide when the corresponding action set’s creative should be shown to your site’s visitors.

Adding Action Set Logic

  1. Click Change/Add Logic.
    Change or Add Logic button on the upper-left of an action set
  2. Choose what information to base your logic on.
    Logic added to the action set; If Day is Saturday selected as the logic condition
  3. Finish the “If” statement. In the example, the phrase becomes “If Day Is Saturday,” meaning the logic in this action set will only pass on Saturday.
  4. To add another condition to your logic, click the plus (+) sign.
  5. Select whether the next condition is linked by AndOr, or Moved to a new logic set. In this example, the And means that visitors can see the intercept on Saturday AND they cannot see the intercept on Sunday.
    Logic that says Day is not saturday And Day is not Sunday. The And is clicked to reveal a dropdown menu

    Qtip: For more information on how to use the Move to a new logic set option, see the page on Advanced Action Set Logic.
  6. To remove a condition, click the minus () sign.

Types of Logic

You can base logic on several different kinds of conditions.

Adding Another Action Set

Sometimes your intercept will require multiple action sets.

Example: You store’s website has two major annual sales: your summer vacation sale and your winter holiday sale. You have made a creative for summer and a second one for winter, and you want to make sure the correct creative appears at the correct time of year. You would need two action sets: one to specify the summer sale and the other to specify the winter sale.

To add an action set, click Add Another Action Set.

At the bottom of the action set, the Add another Action Set button

To learn more about how multiple action sets work together, see the linked support page.

Targeting Logic

Targeting logic applies to the entire intercept instead of just one action. If you have logic that applies to every action set in the intercept, it’s a good idea to apply it as targeting logic instead.

To add logic that applies to the entire intercept, click Add targeting logic.

Add targeting logic at the upper-left

Setting up targeting logic is exactly the same as setting up action set logic.

Action Set Options

Every action set has an Options button to the upper-right of it.

Action Set Options dropdown

From here, you can do much more with your action set. To learn more about these options, see the following pages:

Intercept Selection Menu

When you enter the Edit, Options, Test Intercept, or Statistics sections, a menu will appear to the left listing all the intercepts you’ve created in this project. You can switch easily between intercepts by clicking their names.

Intercept selection menu on the far left

Using the Search bar, you can search intercepts by name, or change the Sort by Date dropdown to sort your intercepts by a different criteria.

Green icons indicate activated intercepts. Gray icons indicated intercepts that haven’t been activated yet, or have been deactivated.