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Embedded App Feedback

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Thank you for your feedback!

Qtip: If you don’t have access to any of the features described on this page, reach out to your Account Executive. For more information about the differences between Digital Feedback and CustomerXM for Digital, see Digital Feedback vs. CustomerXM for Digital.

About Embedded App Feedback

Embedded app feedback is a creative and intercept available for Website / App Insights projects. Embedded App feedback presents a way to build natural, conversational listening into your app experience. The guided setup for embedded app feedback lets you create an intercept right out of the box, allowing you to begin collecting feedback within your app with ease.

Qtip: This feature used to be named Mobile Embedded Feedback.

Getting Started with Embedded App Feedback

  1. Open your Website / App Insights project, or create a new project.
    Creating a new intercept under the Intercepts tab
  2. Under the Intercepts tab, click Create new.
  3. Select Embedded App Feedback from the guided setup options that appear.Selecting Mobile Embedded Feedback under the guided App Feedback setup
  4. Enter a name for your intercept.Naming the intercept and clicking Next
  5. Click Next.

Customizing the Content

Attention: For embedded app feedback, there is no need to create a separate survey. The guided setup will automatically create a survey for you, without any additional work on your part.

The first section of your embedded app feedback intercept will allow you to customize the content of the intercept with questions, thank you messages, and optional changes to the buttons that appear.

Qtip: While editing your embedded app feedback intercept, the preview on the right side of the screen will update to match the settings you’ve added, and you can even click the buttons to see what the thank you message or follow-up question will look like. To reset the preview, feel free to select different options from the editing pane on the left side.

Customization options in the editing pane of the embedded app feedback intercept

  1. Question: The question that will be displayed to website visitors.
    Example: You may include a question such as, “Was this helpful?” or “Please rate how helpful you found this content.”
  2. Format: Either a Yes/No response or a 5 point rating.
  3. Style: Choose what your buttons for the feedback should look like.
    • Yes/No response: You will have the option to select thumbs up / thumbs down icons or Yes/No.Style options for the Yes/No response. Options include a thumbs-up icon and the words Yes/No.
    • 5 point rating: You will have the option to select emojis or stars.5 point rating style options. Options include a smiley face emoji and stars.
      Qtip: If you chose “Yes/No,” you can modify the words used in your intercept’s question by entering your own text in the Positive response option text or Negative response option text. By default, this text will be “Yes” and “No.”The editing pane shows the option to enter your own text for the Yes/No format. The default, Yes/No, is shown.
      Qtip: You cannot reverse the order that the emojis appear. For example, you cannot switch from increasingly positive to increasingly negative.
  4. Add a multiple choice question: You can choose to ask a follow-up multiple choice question after the initial Yes/No or 5 point rating question. When this option is checked, the following information will appear:When adding a multiple choice question, additional customization options appear on the left side
    • Multiple Choice Question: Enter the question text.
    • Include an “other” option: When checked, this will provide a choice that allows respondents to type in their own answer.
    • Number of choices: Modify the number of available answer choices.
    • Choice: Enter the answer choice text.
      Example: For example, the above intercept asks customers, “Which part of your meal were you most satisfied with?” and provides the option to select “Appetizer,” “Main Course,” or “Other.” If “Other” is chosen, the app visitor could enter an alternative option, such as “Dessert.”
  5. Include follow-up question: When this option is selected, you will be able to specify the criteria necessary for this question to display and ask an additional question.Including a follow-up question with additional customization options shown on the left side
    • Show question when one of these responses are selected: Determine when this question will display based on how respondents answer the first question.
      Qtip: You may select all or some of the answers, although we recommend targeting negative feedback.
    • Follow up question: Enter the question text for your follow up question.
    • Submit button text: Here, you will have the option to specify your own submit button text. The button text will say “Submit” by default.
      Example: You might want this button to say “Send” instead of “Submit.” You’ll have the option to change the text in the Submit button text box!
  6. Include a thank you message at the end: If this option is selected, once visitors submit their response, they’ll see a thank you message. You can type your message in the field provided.Include a thank you question at the end; you can enter your own text on the left side
    Qtip: By default, the thank you message will say, “Thank you for your feedback!”
Attention: Do not click Next at the bottom-right until you are happy with the Look & Feel and Translations!Look & Feel and Translations icons at the far-left

Look & Feel

The Look & Feel section allows you to adjust the layout, text weight, and colors of the embedded app feedback intercept.

Qtip: The customization options will change depending on how you configured your questions in the previous steps.

Look & feel section with customization options in the left editing pane

  • Overridden through SDK: This setting allows you to override certain elements of your creative with configuration details from the SDK. For more documentation on SDK, see our API documentation. When this setting is enabled, some other look and feel settings become read-only.
    Attention: This option is only available on SDK versions 2.13.0 (iOS) and 2.10.0 (Android) or higher.
  • Text color: The color of the question and answer text.
  • Button customization: The colors you can change will depend on the format and style you chose earlier.
    • Yes/No: Change the color of the button text, button border, and and the button fill.
    • Thumbs up/thumbs down: Change the color of the button’s outline (border) and fill.
    • Emojis: If Default is selected, the emojis will be yellow. If Custom is selected, you will have the option to change the color of the emoji border and the emoji fill.
    • Stars: Change the color of the star’s outline (border). This is also the fill color of the stars when the respondent hovers over or selects them.
    • Multiple choice question color: Change the fill color of the radio buttons on the multiple choice question.
  • Submit button text / button color: This setting allows you to change the submit button’s text and fill color. Submit button customization options will only appear if you’ve included a follow-up question in your embedded app feedback intercept.
    Submit button text color and submit button color
  • Use a template: Use a survey theme as a template for the creative’s style settings. This will import the primary color and secondary color settings of that survey theme.
    New window where themes are configured

    Qtip: The settings in the creative are disconnected from the theme used as a template. The creative’s settings do not update if the template theme changes, and changing the creative’s settings will not change the template theme.
Qtip: To further customize the colors in your embedded app feedback intercept, you can use the color dropdown menus underneath each option.
Color dropdown in the look & feel


You can add translations for all the text in your embedded app feedback intercept. See the Translating Feedback Buttons & Responsive Dialogs page for step-by-step translation instructions.

Translations icon is indicated on the far-left

Translations can be added for the initial question, Yes/No answer choices, the multiple choice question and answers, follow-up question, submit button, and thank you message.

Translation options listed with editing boxes available

While using the Mobile App SDK (Software Developer’s Kit) integration, in order for your app to set the correct language in the embedded app feedback intercept, translations will first look to custom properties, then to the app language, and then will show the default.

Additional Intercept Customization Options

Adding Targeting Logic

After completing your embedded app feedback and clicking Next, you’ll be prompted to decide when your embedded app feedback intercept appears. If you’d like, you will have the option to add targeting logic to your intercept in order to display according to certain criteria. See Setting Up Mobile Intercepts for additional help setting up your targeting logic.

Adding targeting logic to a mobile embedded feedback intercept

Choosing How Often an Intercept Will Display

Once you’ve finished adding targeting logic to your embedded app feedback intercept and clicked Next at the bottom-right, additional display options will appear. If you’d like, you will be able to set the display sample rate and repeated display prevention here.

Adding display sample rate and repeated display prevention to a embedded app feedback intercept

Adding Embedded Data

Next, you’ll be able to add embedded data to your embedded app feedback intercept. This data will be collected along with the app visitor’s feedback. These extra data points can be especially helpful when you report on your results.

Attention: This step is critical if you want to be able to filter or break out your data by the specific pages or sections of content being rated.
  1. Click Add Embedded Data.Adding embedded data to a embedded app feedback intercept
  2. Select data.Setting up an embedded data element
    Qtip: For additional help setting up your mobile feedback intercept’s embedded data, see the Embedded Data heading under Setting Up the Intercept in Mobile Feedback and the page Setting Embedded Data in Website Feedback.
    Qtip: Static values refer to embedded data fields that will be the same for each visitor who receives this action (e.g., assigning 1 action “Condition” with a value of 1 and the other “Condition” with a value of 2). The other embedded data value options are dynamic, meaning that they’ll adjust depending on the particular visitor (e.g., which page the visitor was viewing when they saw the creative).
  3. Enter a value.
  4. Name your embedded data element.
  5. Click the plus sign ( + ) to add more fields.
  6. Click Next.
Example: In the image above, the embedded app feedback intercept will record a static value for each person who visits the intercept, and will set Version 1 as the value for the Condition.

Deploying the Embedded App Feedback on Your App

At the end of the guided setup, you’ll be prompted to review and deploy your embedded app feedback intercept. If you want to edit anything before it goes live, click the pencil icon to return to that step and make changes.clicking the pencil icon next to the part you want to edit

Attention: Before getting your mobile app feedback project underway, make sure that you’ve implemented the Mobile App SDK integration.

If you are ready for all changes to be live on the app hosting the Mobile SDK, click Publish and activate. If not, click Save and close, which will allow you to finish your project at a later time.
clicking save and close or publish and activate

Qtip: The Statistics tab will show you intercept statistics, which will not be populated yet, since the code is not yet published and activated.the statistics tab for a mobile embedded feedback
Qtip: After activating the intercept, if at any point, you’d like to deactivate the intercept, toggle the Activation button in the top-right to the grey “off” position.
the activation toggle to enable or disable mobile embedded feedback

Editing the Survey

Attention: You can only access this creative’s survey by opening the Embedded App Feedback, as described below. This survey cannot be found directly on the Projects page, even if you have the survey ID (e.g., SV_XXXXX).

When you create Embedded App Feedback, a survey is automatically generated for you. To edit this survey:

  1. Go to the Projects page.
    opening projects page from global menu, then selecting a website insights project
  2. Open the Website / App Insights project where you created the intercept.
  3. From the Intercepts tab, open the Embedded App Feedback.
    Opening embedded app feedback
  4. Click pencil icon next to Creative.
    Editing an embedded app feedback creative
  5. Choose from the following:
    Editing the content

    • Customize the content: Edit the content of the creative, including questions, button appearance, and so on.
    • Look & Feel: Adjust the layout, text weight, and colors of the creative.
    • Translations: Translate your intercept.
  6. Save your changes.
  7. Remember to save and / or publish your intercept.
    saving the intercept
Qtip: If you want to edit workflows, data, and reports, see Viewing and Analyzing Response Data.

Viewing and Analyzing Response Data

After publishing your embedded app feedback intercept, you’ll be able to report on or export data. Once you’ve collected survey responses, you will have the option to view your data in Reports or CX Dashboards.

Qtip: CX Dashboards are included with CX licenses. If you don’t have a CX license and are interested, you can request a demo with an Account Executive.

Navigating to Embedded App Feedback Responses

To view your survey responses in the form of a report, click View survey responses. You’ll be taken directly to the report for your embedded app feedback responses.

clicking view survey responses

After clicking on View survey responses, notice you have access to the following tabs and capabilities:

Attention: You can only access this creative’s survey by opening the Embedded App Feedback. This survey cannot be found directly on the Projects page, even if you have the survey ID (e.g., SV_XXXXX).

Reporting on Data

You can view and analyze this data the same way you would any other survey. Here are some ideas to get you started.

Collaborating on Embedded App Feedback

Attention: To share survey responses, you must be the intercept owner (i.e., the user who created the intercept). The users you collaborate with will need the Website Feedback permission called Manage Projects.

As the intercept owner, you can share your embedded app feedback with other users in your license who need to view the survey data. To share your intercept:

  1. On the summary page, click Share survey.
    clicking Share survey on a mobile embedded feedback
  2. Search for a user by their name to add them as a collaborator. You can add multiple collaborators.
    searching for a user to collaborate with and then clicking Details to set their permissions
  3. You can control the level of access a collaborator has by clicking Details.
  4. Choose the permissions for your collaborator. Your options include:
    choosing the permissions to give a collaborator

    • Edit Survey Responses: Disabling this permission stops your collaborator from deleting data or using the response editing feature. Also, while you can still generate a retake survey as a new response link, you cannot generate a regular retake link. This permission, when disabled, allows collaborators to add data, but not modify existing data in any way.
    • View Survey Results: Disabling this permission removes the Data & Analysis tab and the Reports tab.
      Attention: In order to enable any of the results permissions described in this section, you MUST also enable View Survey Results!
    • Filter Survey Results: When enabled, this permission allows the user to filter the collected responses on the Data & Analysis and Reports tabs.
    • View Restricted Data: Disabling this permission censors the standard contact fields, IP address, location latitude, and location longitude information in the Data & Analysis tab and in all exports.
    • Download Survey Results: Allows the user to export data from the Data & Analysis tab. When disabled, collaborators can no longer export from the Data & Analysis tab, but they can still export reports.
    • Use Crosstabs: Gives the user the ability to analyze the results with the crosstabs feature.
    • View Response ID: When enabled, this permission allows the user to view the Response ID, a unique ID assigned to every individual response.
    • View Text Analysis: When enabled, the collaborator has view access to text analysis performed in Text iQ. The collaborator will not be able to edit the details of your text analysis without the Use Text Analysis permission found in the Edit permission details.
  5. To remove a collaborator, click the minus sign () next to them.
  6. When finished adding collaborators, click Save.


Action set logic is used to determine when you want to display the Intercept. It can be helpful for when you have multiple action sets with different conditions for displaying.

For example, since creatives are not responsive to screen size, many users like to implement action set logic focused on whether a website viewer is/is not using a mobile device or whether the website is being displayed on a certain screen size. By using logic in this instance, you are able to target a properly formatted and sized creative to the appropriate person.

Action set logic based on location can even be used to make sure that website viewers are seeing a creative that is written in the language that most likely applies to them.
If you are looking to capture information from your website visitor's in your survey, embedded data should be added to each action set in your intercept.

Aside from simply setting a static value that you want carried into the survey, the embedded data menu also comes pre-built with other options that can be carried into the survey. For example, you will be able to automatically capture the ID of both the intercept and creative shown, the URL of the page that displayed the intercept, the person‘s site history, or even how much time was spent on the site. You will even be able to capture information from a cookie that appears on that person‘s web browser or you can write a JavaScript expression that captures a particular variable that you are interested in.

If you are running a survey in Qualtrics, then you can also add the embedded data in the Survey Flow to save this information to the survey response.
Site Intercept has been renamed Website / App Feedback, since the primary function of these projects is to gather data on your online presence. The functionality for Website / App Feedback is on par with Site Intercept, with notable improvements and a beautiful new user interface.