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Website / App Insights Accessibility

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Website / App Insights Accessibility Features

Website / App Insights projects have many features built in to make accessibility effortless. Here are some of the accessibility features you can expect to find across the platform:

  • All Creative elements are tab-able and clickable via keyboard. We support TAB, ESC, and Enter (and return, for Mac Users), but do not support arrow keys or others.
  • For Pop Over and Responsive Dialog creatives, users cannot tab outside the Creative until it is closed. Furthermore, it does not allow tabbing into the underlying page.
  • For Pop Over and Responsive Dialog creatives, focus is applied directly to the Creative once it is displayed.
  • If embedded targets are being used, then users can right click on the embedded target and add an iframe title.
  • If embedded windows are being used in the Intercept advanced options, users can add an iframe title.

Next, we’ll cover accessibility features unique to the needs of each Creative’s design.

Responsive Dialog Creative

  • Easy to define Alt Text: If a custom icon is used within the dialog, we allow users to specify Alt Text to indicate the text that the screen reader should read when the focus is on the icon.
    Qtip: If you select to Include an icon to dismiss the intercept, the alt text for the X button that appears in the upper-right of the Creative is “close.” This alt text is also localized.
  • ARIA labels for button controls: By default, screen readers will read the text that you specify for the button label. However, in some cases, you may want the screen reader to read additional context, such as, “Click on this button to open up a new survey window.” In this case, you can specify the ARIA label for the button controls.
  • Color contrasts for elements within the Creative itself: While Qualtrics cannot provide direct contrast guidance, users have full control to pick and choose the appropriate color for  Creative elements.

Feedback Button Creative

Pop Over, Slider, InfoBar, and Custom Embedded Feedback Creatives

  • Color contrasts for elements within the Creative itself: While Qualtrics cannot provide direct contrast guidance, users have full control to pick and choose the appropriate color for  Creative elements.
Qtip: Target Buttons on these creatives need additional edits to make them accessible, since your chosen button names and roles can vary. See the linked sections of the support page for more details.

Mobile App SDK

  • Accessible to mobile screen readers:
    • Makes it easy for screen readers to navigate and exit the dialog.
    • Allows text within buttons and also the type of the item (e.g., button) to be read.

Creating an Accessible Responsive Dialog Creative

This section covers how to edit a responsive dialog creative so that it is accessible for screen readers.

  1. Navigate to the Projects page, then create a Website / App Insights project.
  2. Click Create new.
    Click on Create New on right hand side
  3. Select Responsive dialog as your intercept type.
    Click on the box on the far left hand side
  4. Name your intercept.
    Create your intercept with a name
  5. Choose a survey to link or enter in a custom URL to direct to.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Select Buttons.
    Select Buttons and then provide the label feedback
  8. Insert the appropriate text for each of the buttons in the Text section. This text will display visually to users as well as be read aloud by screen readers.
  9. Click Logos & images.
    Click Logos on the left hand side and then name your Alt text
  10. Change the Alt text section to provide a written description of the graphic. Visitors that use screen readers will have the alt text read to them so they know what the image is if they are sight-impaired.
  11. If you are displaying your survey directly in the dialog, navigate to Size & the size & style tab, adding an iframe title
  12. Check box for Display survey directly in the dialog.
  13. In the Iframe title box, enter the text that you want to be read by screen readers when they first encounter your survey.
Qtip: If you are not using guided workflow to create your intercept, please follow steps 7-13 for each creative.

Creating an Accessible Feedback Button Creative

  1. Navigate to the Projects page, then create a Website / App Insights project.
  2. Click Create new.
    Click on Create New on right hand side
  3. Select Feedback button as your intercept type.
    CLick the middle icon "Feedback button"
  4. Name your intercept.
    Create your intercept with a name
  5. Choose a survey to link or enter in a custom URL to direct to.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Navigate to Look & Feel.
    Go to Look & feel on the right hand side and then enter in the button text
  8. Insert the appropriate text for the buttons in the Button text section. This text will display visually to users as well as be read aloud by screen readers.
  9. If using a custom button, select Use my own button and upload the appropriate image from your computer.
  10. Once uploading the image, change the Alt text to provide a written description of the button. Visitors that use screen readers will have the alt text read to them so they know what the image is if they are sight-impaired.
    If clicked use my own button, upload an image from your computer
  11. Click Survey display.
    Click on survey display on the left hand side
  12. Specify an iframe title in the Iframe title section. If you have added an embedded target to your intercept, this option will add a title to the iframe that screen readers can interpret.

Adding Alt Text and Roles to Target Buttons

Qtip: If you don’t have access to any of the features described in this section, reach out to your Account Executive. For more information about the differences between Digital Feedback and CustomerXM for Digital, see Digital Feedback vs. CustomerXM for Digital.
Qtip: Responsive Dialogs and Feedback Buttons do not require this step.
Attention: Custom coding features are provided as-is and may require programming knowledge to implement. Our support team does not offer assistance or consultation on custom coding. You can always try asking our community of dedicated users instead. If you’d like to know more about our custom coding services available for purchase, please contact your Qualtrics Account Executive.

If your Target is in the form of a button image you’ve uploaded, adding alt text and a role attribute helps the screen reader understand what the button’s supposed to say and do.

  1. Open your Creative in the Creatives tab.
  2. Double-click into the Target element that contains the image.
    The button in the Creative editor is double clicked, revealing a new toolbar up top with a Source button in it
  3. Click Source.
  4. Inside the <img> tag, add an alt attribute <img alt="text here" /> to the tag and set the value equal to the text of the image.
    <img alt="Sign Up Now" ... />
    Qtip: Screen reading software will read aloud what is contained in the alt attribute when it arrives at the picture.

    In the source, the img tag has an alt tag, just like this image

  5. Surround the <img> tag with a <span> tag.
    Spans added to the source text of the button
  6. Add a role=”button” attribute to the <span> tag.
    <span role="button"><img .../></span>
    Qtip: The role attribute tells the visitor using a screen reader that this element is a button that can be activated.

    A role added to the span tags set equal to button

Standard Targets (Link Text)

  1. Open your Creative in the Creatives tab.
  2. Double click into the Target element that contains the text.
    The target in the Creative editor is double clicked, revealing a new toolbar up top with a Source button in it
  3. Click Source.
  4. Add a role=”button” attribute to the <span> tag.
    <span role="button" ... >Textbox content</span>

    A role equal to button has been set in the span tag

Adding Alt Text and Roles to Close Buttons

Qtip: Responsive Dialogs and Feedback Buttons do not require this step.
Attention: Custom coding features are provided as-is and may require programming knowledge to implement. Our support team does not offer assistance or consultation on custom coding. You can always try asking our community of dedicated users instead. If you’d like to know more about our custom coding services available for purchase, please contact your Qualtrics Account Executive.

Close Button as Image

  1. Open your Creative in the Creatives tab.
  2. Double click into the Close element that contains the image.
    The close button in the Creative editor is double clicked, revealing a new toolbar up top with a Source button in it
  3. Click Source.
  4. Add the alt=”close” attribute to the <img> tag.
    <img alt="close" ... />
    Qtip: Screen reading software will read aloud what is contained in the alt attribute when it arrives at the picture.

    An alt tag equal to the word Close has been added to the img tag inside the source

  5. Surround the <img> tag with a <span> tag.
    Span tags inside the source code
  6. Add a role=”button” attribute to the <span> tag.
    <span role="button"><img .../></span>
    Qtip: The role attribute tells the visitor using a screen reader that this element is a button that can be activated.

    A role attribute equal to button added to the span

Close Button as Text

  1. Open your Creative in the Creatives tab.
  2. Double click into the Close element that contains the text.
    The close text in the Creative editor is double clicked, revealing a new toolbar up top with a Source button in it
  3. Click Source.
  4. Add a role=”button” attribute to the <span> tag.
    <span role="button" ...>Textbox content</span>
    Qtip: The role attribute tells the visitor using a screen reader that this element is a button that can be activated.

    A role attribute added to the span set equal to button