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A/B Testing in Website / App Insights

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About A/B Testing in Website / App Insights

A/B Testing is a classic research format used across disciplines. In this testing method, you compare a control condition to one where a treatment is applied, so you can then analyze if there is a significant difference between the respondents’ behavior in the treatment vs. the control baseline. A/B Testing can be useful in web development because it allows you to compare 2 versions of a design or advertisement in order to determine which is preferred by your customers.

On this page, we’ll explain how to test 2 different versions of the same Website / App Insights creative to randomized subsets of site visitors, to see which performs better.

Qtip: This page is not about testing an intercept on your website before it goes live. For that guide, see Test Intercept Section.
Qtip: If you’re interested in running A/B testing for research purposes unrelated to web development purposes, see A/B Testing in Surveys.

Establishing the Creatives Being Tested

Creatives are the visual element of a Website / App Insights project. The first step in A/B testing creatives is, of course, to make the creatives you want to test.

Whether you are trying out different ads, banners, or embedded content, you can A/B test just about any creative. To help you get started, here’s a list of all the creatives you can make in Qualtrics:

Qtip: Make sure you make a separate creative for each version you want to test. For example, if you want to test whether your new ad gets more clicks when it’s in black and white vs. color, you would need to make 2 creatives.
Qtip: You will generally be testing 2 or more of the same type of creative. But there are no absolute rules – for example, you may be trying to gauge whether a banner or a dialog that pops over the screen gets more traction with site visitors.
Qtip: The creatives and intercepts you create for A/B testing should be located inside the same project.

Publishing Creatives

Once you’re finished, make sure you publish your creatives so that they are pushed to the live code. Only changes that are published will display on your website once you have the code placed on your website.

If you are editing a creative, have the code deployed to your website, and do not want to push your edits live to website visitors, click Save instead.

Publishing a creative to use in A/B testing

Setting Up Intercepts

Once the creatives are made, it’s time to move onto the intercepts. Intercepts are the rules governing when and how your creatives are displayed on your website.

Every intercept is made up of at least 1 action set. An action set determines what happens on your website when certain conditions are met. When you set up multiple action sets, you can start to do more complex things, like present a completely different creative to different sets of website visitors.

  1. Create an intercept.
    Qtip: For users on the old flow, see these steps. For users on the new flow, see these steps.
  2. Create an action set for each creative you want to test.
    An intercept with two action sets. You can see two different but similar creatives loaded into each one
  3. Add logic, as needed. For logic that should apply to both creatives, use intercept targeting logic. If it’s creative-specific, use action set logic.
    Example: Regardless of which randomized subset sees my banner, I only want it to appear on my support pages. I specify that the URL has to contain “/support/” in the intercept logic.
  4. Go to your intercept Options and select Randomize action set.
    Randomize action sets and display sample rate settings indicated in the intercept options
  5. Make sure your Display sample rate is 100%.

Embedded Data

This step is optional, but can change how dynamically you can report on the results of your A/B test. If you want to pass certain information over to your website, use CX Dashboards, or set up advanced reports in a target survey, you’ll want to add embedded data to your intercept.

Embedded data are custom variables that can be named and set equal to any values you desire. For the purpose of A/B testing, that means you can track information related to which treatment / version of a creative your website visitor was exposed to.

  1. On your first action set, select Options.
    Selecting embedded data from the intercept options
  2. Select Embedded Data.
  3. Name your field – something simple like “Condition” works.
    New window opens, adding static embedded there according to directions
  4. Choose Static Value.
  5. Give this condition a unique label.
    Qtip: You can just number your conditions, or you can choose more descriptive names. Whatever you think will benefit you most when reporting this data.
  6. Save your changes.
  7. On your second action set, select Options.
    Selecting embedded data from intercept options
  8. Select Embedded Data.
  9. Use the exact same field name as Step 3 – for example, “Condition.”
    New window opens, adding static embedded there according to directions
  10. Choose Static Value.
  11. Give this condition a unique label. It must be different from what you wrote in Step 5.
    Example: If your other action set is “Version 1,” this action set could be “Version 2.”
  12. Save your changes.
  13. Repeat as needed if you have more action sets.

Once your different conditions are marked, you can create additional embedded data that will help you build robust reports on the performance of your creatives. For example, you can capture how long the visitor spent on the site, how many pages they visited, the URL they were on when they saw the creative, and so, so much more. Check out the Embedded Data Value Types section of the Embedded Data in Website / App Insights for your options.

Embedded data setting a condition, but also the dynamic values described pulling website visit data and such

Qtip: Remember that for any additional embedded data you capture, you need to make sure it’s added to both action sets, or you will only have that data for 1 of your conditions. Here’s what the same embedded data shown above would look like for your second condition:

Looks exactly like the previous embedded data except the one for condition has a different value to show it's a different treatment

Qtip: Once you choose targets for your action sets, don’t forget to add the appropriate query strings. Generally, you’ll be adding the same target to each creative, but you’ll want to make sure values in your query string differ where necessary.

Showing the full targets with query strings. You'll see the link is the same for both, except the value of "Condition" in the URL varies by 1 number to differentiate between 1 and 2

Qtip: Looking to track certain events on your site? See Event Tracking & Triggering.

Additional Intercept Customization

The rest of the options and customization you add to your intercept will depend on the needs of your program.

When editing an intercept, think about how you want that specific touchpoint to behave towards website visitors. For more guidance on the options available to you, see:

  • Setting Up Your Intercept: An introductory page that goes over top-level information on intercepts and the types of edits you might want to make.
  • Editing Intercepts: Step-by-steps on all the basics to intercept editing, from targets, to the rules under which they display (logic), and more.

Additional resources and advanced options:

Deployment to a Website

Deployment for A/B testing is the same as for any other Website / App Insights project.

Testing and Activating Intercepts

Try testing the intercept on your website before you deploy anything.

Qtip: Remember to test on the correct URLs. If during project setup you said your intercept should only appear on “,” it won’t appear when you test it on other pages of your site.

When you are finished editing your intercepts, publish them.

Publishing an intercept in A/B testing

When you are ready for your edits to be live on your website, activate your intercepts.Activating an intercept for A/B testing


Qtip: Going forward, anytime you edit the intercepts, you will only need to publish your changes to push those changes to your website, because the intercepts are already activated. To disable 1 or both intercepts, you can deactivate them. See more on Activating, Publishing, & Managing Intercepts.

Getting Deployment Code for your Developers

Qtip: For more details, see Project Deployment Code.
  1. Find the project where your A/B testing intercept lives.
  2. Go to Deployment.
    Settings and deployment code of a Website / App Insights project

Resources for Development Teams

We have a few resources that can help your development team, once they have the code:

Qtip: We recommend using a tag manager to expedite the deployment if you have one already.

Analyzing Results

Each creative you made will come with a Statistics page. Here, you can get an idea of how many clicks and impressions your creative generated over a certain time period, and even compare 2 creatives against each other. You can even download this data to a spreadsheet.

Statistics page of a creative comparing the performance of the two creatives we made. Line chart shows performance over time

Embedded data

If you added embedded data to your intercepts, then this opens up a world of possibilities with regards to reporting.

Embedded data collected through a Qualtrics survey can be reported on just the same as any other survey data. This means it can be integrated into survey reports and CX Dashboards, and tell a larger story with all the data collected in your program.

Here are some pages to get you started:

Example: We were testing 2 different feedback intercepts. These number chart widgets shown side by side compare how many responses each version collected.

2 number charts with different numeric and change data highlighted

Example: A simple chart widget displaying comparison of time spent on the site after exposure to 1 version of the creative vs. another.

Line chart with 2 different colors of lines on it, each representative of a different creative

Example: A bar chart comparing responses for each version of the creative.

Bar chart, each bar representing a different creative