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Table Widget

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About the Table Widget

The table widget lets you display dashboard data in a table. You can break data out into rows and columns as needed and even add an additional row/column for total calculations. This widget is easy to set up and is recommended as an alternative to the simple and pivot tables.

A table that shows NPS broken out by department; there is a row for each department, and a column for each NPS group (dtractor, promoter, passive), and a column named "sum" with totals of each row

Types of Dashboards

This widget can be used in a few different types of dashboard. This includes:

Field Type Compatibility

Table widget metrics are compatible with fields and categories (EX) with the following field types:

  • Number Set
  • Numeric Value

Only fields with the following field types will be available when selecting rows or columns:

Attention: Simple table widgets, such as Simple Table and Simple Chart, do not support translations at this time.

Basic Setup

This section covers the most basic setup you need to know to build a table widget. All of this setup occurs in the default Data tab of the widget editing pane.

Editing pane of a table widget; shows "Data" tab is selected along the top


The metric is the data you want to display in your table. This can be as simple as a count of the number of responses in the dashboard, or the average value of a data point you’ve mapped to your dashboard.

  1. To add a metric to your table, click Add under Metrics.
    Screenshot of metric in a table widget
  2. Select the metric you want to use. See a list of widget metrics and what they mean.
  3. If you’ve added weighting to your dashboard, you can set the metric to Weighted.
    Qtip: For more on setting up weighting, see Response Weighting in CX Dashboards.
  4. Determine whether you want to include significance testing.
    Qtip: Significance testing is only available for certain metrics, such as average, top / bottom box, NPS, and custom metrics. See Significance Testing in Dashboard Widgets for more details.
  5. If you’d like, you can apply a rolling calculation.
    Qtip: For more details, see Rolling Calculations.
  6. Under Label, write a name for this field as it will appear in your widget. You can leave the default text if you prefer.
  7. For additional metric configuration options, see Widget Metrics.
Qtip: If you add multiple metrics, each metric will be displayed on a row of your table, and you will not be able to add other kinds of rows. No more than 20 metrics are recommended.
A picture of a table widget where there's a row for average and for count
You can add metrics until the cardinality of your widget reaches 5,000. If you exceed this limit, you will see the message “Too many results, please add a filter.” To display data in your widget, filter the widget so the cardinality of displayed fields is below 5,000. You can calculate the cardinality of your widget’s data by multiplying the total number of possible values for each field together. For example, if your widget displays two different fields, one with 300 possible values and another with 3 possible values, then your widget’s cardinality is 900.

The metric is the minimum amount of information needed to display data in a table. However, if you want to do more with your table, there are other fields you can fill out.


When you add a field under Rows, each value of that field will be added to a new row in the table, allowing you to break out your chosen metric by specific groups.

Example: Instead of just showing the total number of responses in the dashboard, this table shows the number of responses from each department.
Table that has a row for each department and the count of each department

You can add a maximum of 3 fields to your rows. Once you add a second and third field, the data will be broken out so you can see the values for each possible combination of field values.

Example: Using the table widget from the previous example, we added 2 additional rows: NPS Score and Region. This allows us to see the number of responses for each department, broken out by NPS score and then broken out again by region.
Image of a larger table where there's a row for each department, but each of those rows is split into smaller rows that show each NPS group. That way you can see each NPS group's response counts for each department


When you add a field under Columns, the values of that field will be added as columns to the table. You cannot add columns until you’ve added at least 1 field to your rows.

Example: This table displays the department as the row and the NPS group as the column. Now we can see the different number of responses for each department, separated by the different NPS groupings.
Image where a department is on each row and the NPS group is on each column, for a cleaner way to view the same data as the previous example

You can add a maximum of 3 fields to your columns. Once you add a second and third field, the data will be broken out so you can see the values for each possible combination of field values.

Example: Using the table widget from the previous example, we added 2 additional columns: Region and CSAT score. This allows us to see the number of responses for each department, broken out by NPS Group, then broken out by Region, and then again broken out by CSAT score. table widget broken out by location


Qtip: This option is useful if you want to add a “Total” column/row to the end of your table!

Under Calculations, you can add 1 additional column or row to your table. This can be used to calculate the sum (total), average, minimum, or maximum of all the values in that column or row.

  1. Under Calculations, click Add.
    Image shows adding calculations in a table widget; also highlights where the Total column is in the background
  2. Choose whether this calculation should be a sum, average, minimum, or maximum.
  3. Choose whether to apply this to a row or column.
  4. Change how this row/column will be labeled in the widget. You can leave the default text if you want.
Example: The screenshot above shows how to create a “Total” column that adds the value of previous columns together. For example, the first row, in addition to showing all the different NPS groups in the Customer Success department, also shows there are 58 Customer Success responses total.

Display Options

This section covers settings in the Display tab of the widget editing pane.

Image of editing pane in a table widget, Display tab is selected and shown

Qtip: You will need to complete the basic setup of the widget before you adjust any display options.


Image of row settings in a table widget

Under Sort axis by, choose how the values in your rows are sorted by default. Your options are by label (alphabetical), custom, or any columns you’ve added.

  • If you choose Label, you can also choose whether rows should be sorted by ascending or descending order.
  • If you choose Custom, you will be able to drag and drop the values of your rows into the order of your choice.
  • You can also choose to sort by any columns added to the table.
    Example: In the screenshot above, we can also sort by the Detractor, Passive, and Promoter columns. For example, we could choose to sort the table so the departments with the most detractors appear first and the ones with the least detractors appear last.
Qtip: Dashboard users can manually adjust the direction of sorting (ascending/descending) in the table by clicking the headers.

You can also change rows’ labels here.

If you have added multiple different fields to your rows, you will be able to adjust sorting options independently for each row. Calculation rows (i.e., totals, sums) are excluded from sorting rules and will always appear last.


The display options for columns are the same as the ones available for rows. It is not possible to change the width of columns in this widget.

Conditional formatting

See Conditional Formatting.

Data values

By default null (missing) values are hidden from the table and all its calculations and metrics. Therefore, we show an empty cell. However, if you would like to include these values, you can enable Show null values, which will show them as a dash ( ) instead.

Additional Widget Customization

Like all widgets, you can customize the table’s title, description, and filters, and you can decide whether to show the number of responses. For more widget editing tips that apply to all widgets, see our general widgets pages (CX, EX). For more customization specific to the table widget, read on.

Removing Fields

Click any field, then click the remove button to delete it from the widget.

Screenshot of a table widget where the calculation is clicked, showing where the remove button appears in red in the lower-right of the new dialog

Reordering Fields

You can reorder fields you added as columns or rows. Click the dots on the right, then drag and drop the fields.

Series of six dots on the far-right of each row, showing where an object can be clicked to be dragged

Conditional Formatting

Adding conditional formatting to your table allows you to specify how values in a certain range are formatted differently – for example, bolding results or changing their color once they fit within a certain numeric range. This is useful if you would like to be able to easily differentiate cells on the table based on their value.

You can add multiple formatting rules.

  1. Go to the Display tab.
    Conditional formatting dropdown is expanded, "add" button to direct right
  2. Click Conditional formatting.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Name your rule.
    Image of the "define your rule" menu that opens from the newly added rule; the fields say rule label, apply to, format cells if, value 1, styling, and then color palette
  5. Select the metric you’d like to apply these rules to. If you only have 1 metric, select it.
  6. Set the value or value range.
  7. Determine the styling (bold, underline, italics) values should take on if they match the specified value/value range.
  8. Choose the color palette that will be used to highlight the value/value range. You have the following options:
    • Semantic: Use our preset semantic palette. You can then choose from 1 of 3 threshold labels:
      • Good (green)
      • Okay (yellow)
      • Bad (red)
    • Custom: Pick a color of your choice.

Both the text styling and color palette are optional steps, so you can mix and match which you use to highlight your chosen values.

Qtip: The semantic label itself does not appear on the table. Just the color does.

Formatting layout

This determines how highlighting is applied to values/value ranges that meet a rule. You can choose from highlights that are placed:

  • Horizontally
    Image of table widget where a value is highlighted with an underline of yellow
  • Vertically
    Image of a table where the number 30 is highlighted with a short vertical line next to it

Significance Testing

Dashboards can help you understand whether the differences you see over time or between groups are statistically significant, and therefore worthy of driving important business decisions. With significance testing in tables, you can discover what data changes matter most.

See Significance Testing in Dashboard Widgets (CX) for more information. Although this is a CX Dashboards page, the functionality described is the same as in EX dashboards.

Exporting Table Data

You can export a CSV or TSV of data from a table widget. Because tables can support a large number of columns and rows, the metrics are the columns of the spreadsheet, and the individual combinations of  breakouts are the rows.

Calculations are not included in exports.

Attention: Exports are limited to 10,000 rows.

Example: This is our table widget:

A table widget where there's a column for departments, then within those, columns for NPS group, then at the very end, count for each combo

This is how the data exports:

A spreadsheet where every department appears 3 times each to accommodate for each nps group

The departments are Customer Success, Engineering, Marketing, and Sales. The NPS Groups are Detractor, Passive, and Promotor. Each row represents a different NPS Group / Department combination. If we continued to break out the table by more dimensions, the export would create new rows for each breakout combination.