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Record Table Widget

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About the Record Table Widget

The record table widget displays data from survey responses. This widget can be used to quickly compare how individuals responded to different parts of the survey, including responses to text entry and other comments which are not as easy to display in other widgets.
Record Table Widget

Feature Availability

Record table widgets are only available in the following types of dashboards:

Field Type Compatibility

The record table widget is compatible with the following field types:

  • Numeric Value
  • Number Set
  • Date
  • Text Value
  • Text Set
  • Multi-Answer Text Set
  • Open Text
  • Drill Down

Only fields with the above type will be available when selecting the columns for the record grid.

Widget Customization

For basic widget instructions and customization, visit the Building Widgets support page. Continue reading for record grid-specific customization.


Add columns to your record grid widget to start displaying data. You can add as many columns as you want.

Column configuration in the widget menu.

Qtip: In 360 dashboards with this widget, you cannot add columns containing the fields SubjectResponseID or ResponseID. This is to protect the integrity of subjects’ responses.

Column Format Types

When you click on a column, you can change its format. This lets you customize fields containing URLs and date fields.

  1. Default (text): The default setting for all fields. Does not come with customization except the ability to change the label, which you can also edit for duration and URL links.
  2. Duration: Once this setting is enabled, you can choose to display your duration as either hours and minutes, or seconds.
    Duration column selected in widget editing pane. see formatting option for duration set to hours and minutes

    Qtip: Surveys automatically record duration, i.e., how long it took a respondent to finish a survey. You can also record duration from Website Feedback interactions.
  3. URL Link: Useful if you have a field with a URL inside it, and you’d like to replace that with clickable text. Just select URL link under Format and then Custom text link under Link format. The same custom text will be applied to every URL in the widget.
    Additional information column selected, and format set to URL link. this makes more fields and dropdowns where the link can be formatted appear in the menu

    Qtip: The custom display text will only successfully override the URL if the URL contains http:// or https://.
    Qtip: The URL doesn’t have to be the only information in the response. For example, the response could contain feedback in addition to the link.
    Qtip: The character limit for custom display text is 25.

Formatting Dates

When you’ve added a date field to your widget, you can change the date format (e.g., day-month-year vs. month-day-year). You can also include a timestamp.

Recorded date column clicked, showing a menu where a date format can be set, including a timestamp


You can add a filter to your widget for a more granular look at the data in your chart. Click Add and then decide which metrics to include or exclude.

Add a filter configuration

  • Exclusively is: Limits filter to responses that have all of the selected field options. Without this enabled, the filter will limit responses to those that have any of the fields listed.
  • Lock filter: Prevents dashboard users from modifying this filter.


By selecting Display in the configuration panel, you can Enable Full Record View and customize the pagination.

Record table widget display options

  • Rows: Allows you to enable full record view. See Enabling Full Record View for more information.
  • Pagination: Select the number of rows to display per page. By default, 10 responses will display. You can display up to 100 rows per page.

Enabling Full Record View

Qtip: In 360 dashboards with this widget, you cannot display the fields SubjectResponseID or ResponseID. This is to protect the integrity of subjects’ responses.

Enabling this option allows someone to view a detailed record of the response when clicking on a row in the record table. From this menu they can also view related tickets, action those tickets, and email the client directly. This integration prevents dashboard users from having to navigate between their tickets and the dashboard.

To enable this feature, navigate to the display settings and select Enable full record view.

Enables full record view for the widget

After this setting is enabled, click anywhere on a row of the widget to expand that row’s response record.

A row on the record table widget

Qtip: Only dashboard administrators can edit the record.
  1. Open any response record and then click Edit in the upper-right.
    Full record view, can be opened by clicking a row in the widget.

    Qtip: Your widget must be in edit mode to be able to edit a response record.
  2. Click 1 Column to add a long, horizontal section, or click 2 Columns to add 2 sections side by side. You can add whatever combination of these sections you want.
  3. Name the section.
  4. Click Add Field to add a field to the section of data.
    Qtip: The fields available in records are pulled from the Dashboard Data. When selecting fields, you will see every field mapped in your dashboard, not just a list of specific survey fields. If you want to report on a particular field, make sure it is mapped to the dashboard.
  5. Hover over a field. You can click the icon to the left to move the field, or the minus sign ( – ) to remove it.
  6. Click Delete to remove an entire section.
  7. Click Save to save your changes.


In the Tickets tab, dashboard users can perform all the same functions they do on the tickets page. The only difference is that this tab is filtered to only show tickets assigned to the user that were generated by this survey response.

Shows the tickets functionality from within the record view

Functions Include:


In the emails tab, you can perform the same email functions you normally would on the ticket.

Shows the email functionality from within the record view

See Follow Up Emails on the ticket support page for more information.

Qtip: If your brand has a custom from address, then this email will be sent from that address. If your brand does not have a custom from address, then this email will be sent from

Exporting Data from a Record Table

Data can be exported from record tables in a number of formats, including JPG, PDF, CSV, XLSX, TSV. Record tables also have a unique zipped file option that gives you access to files respondents have uploaded.

To export your widget, click the 3 dots, then select Export. You’ll then be prompted to choose a file type.

table widget, 3 dots clicked, menu appears with export as an option

Exporting an image of a widget

When you export a record table to JPG or PDF, you’ll get a snapshot of the widget as it appears in the dashboard, with up to 5 records (rows). If your widget has multiple pages, it will pull records starting with the page of the widget you’re currently viewing.

Qtip: To export all pages of your data in the widget, try exporting the entire dashboard page instead. Then you’ll get additional options, such as Include all widget content.

Exporting records in Excel-compatible formats

When you export to CSV, TSV, or XLSX, your raw data will be exported in a spreadsheet style, so each widget column is a sheet column, and each record is a row. You can choose whether to include all of your records when you export raw data, or a limited number.

See more on CSV, TSV, and XLSX export options.

Exporting files uploaded to responses

Qtip: You can only export a zip of uploaded files in Results Dashboards and CX Dashboards. You cannot export a zip of uploaded files in EX Dashboards because the question types aren’t compatible.

If you have a survey with a file upload question, screen capture, or signature, you can export all of the files your respondents uploaded in a zip file. This way you can save all uploaded files at once.

small new window opens where you can set it to ZIP files

Displaying File Links in the Widget

Qtip: Keep in mind you can also quickly export a zipped folder of all uploaded files from the dashboard.

When you report on your survey data in your dashboard, there’s a chance you’ve asked respondents to upload a file. Files are generated for file upload, screen capture, and signature questions. If you’d like dashboard users to be able to download these files or even see previews of uploaded images, follow the steps below.

a table named 'files provided for troubleshooting.' each row shows a support representative, then a clickable text that says download file

Qtip: These steps are useful if you want to share a list of file links with dashboard stakeholders. If you only need access to files for yourself, check out the pre-built widget in your survey’s results instead.
  1. Go to the survey with the file upload question.
    survey options
  2. In your survey options, set Uploaded file access.
  3. Go to your dashboard data.
    dashboard data mapper
  4. Make sure the following columns are mapped:
    • File upload question’s “Id” – Text value.
    • Any other file upload information you want to include in the widget, such as name.
  5. Save your data.
  6. In the dashboard editor, edit a record table widget.
    record table with editing pane open and column settings displayed
  7. Add the “Id” column.
  8. Click the column.
  9. Under Format, select File Preview.
Qtip: Uploaded files will only generate an image preview if they are image files, such as PNG, JPEG, or GIF.
Qtip: File upload, screen capture, and signature questions are only available in survey projects, and are not available in EX or 360 projects. Therefore, you can only create a widget with file links in CX Dashboards and Results Dashboards.