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Text iQ in Dashboards

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About Text iQ in Dashboards

Sometimes a study calls for a dashboard that performs more extensive text analysis than a Word Cloud can provide. You may wish to label text responses by topic, or perform analysis on the sentiment (i.e. positive/negative slant) of a comment. With Text iQ in Dashboards, you can perform these analyses and display them in your widgets, just as you would with any other variable.

Text iQ can be used in CX Dashboards, brand dashboards, and pulse dashboards. It is not available in any other Employee Experience dashboards.

Qtip: To use Text iQ in a CX Dashboard, the dashboard user must belong to a role with Edit Dashboard enabled.
Attention: In order to analyze text in different languages, you’ll need to pull in the UserLanguage field before visiting Text iQ for the first time. This will help ensure that Text iQ will map the correct language to your topics and responses. For more details, see the UserLanguage section on our Respondent Information page.
Attention: Text iQ in Dashboards is completely separate from Text iQ in surveys. While you can map Text iQ results from a specific Survey’s Text iQ, the Dashboard’s Text iQ is unique in that it allows you to analyze any open-ended field mapped to the Dashboard. This means you can analyze five different surveys’ text responses and report them all in one dashboard!

There are 2 ways to find Text iQ in a dashboard. Regardless of which method you use, each will show the same text analyses you’ve conducted in the dashboard previously.

One option is to go to the settings page of your dashboard, and select the Text iQ tab.

Button that looks like a gear

Text iQ platform. This image highlights the text pane from a dashboard settings page

Another option is to click the Text iQ button at the top of the page.

Text icon looks like a tiny magnifying glass with the letter T inside it

Qtip: There are a few situations where you won’t see this Text iQ button:

Mapping Text Entry Questions

Before you start performing text analysis, you need to make sure your text entry questions are mapped correctly.

In your dashboard data, make sure you’ve set your text entry questions to Open Text.

Text entry questions with their Field Types set to Open Text

If your dashboard has multiple sources mapped to it, it is okay to not have data mapped to the Open Text field for each of your sources.

Text Analysis Capabilities

Text iQ has the same capabilities in the Survey Platform as it does in dashboards. Below is a series of links to the Survey Platform pages, complete with step-by-step instructions.

Attention: While Text iQ works the same way in both software, the results cannot be combined. Topics and sentiment analysis that you perform in the Survey Platform can be mapped into a CX dashboard. If you enable Text iQ on your dashboard, new fields will be created. These new fields will not carry over to your survey.
  • Text iQ Functionality: Navigating Text iQ, saving changes, and the spellcheck and lemmatization capabilities.
  • Topics in Text iQ: How to create and manage Text iQ topics. Also includes how to build complex searches.
  • Sentiment Analysis: How to edit and perform sentiment analysis.
  • Widgets in Text iQ: How to read and manage the widgets that appear directly inside Text iQ. Note that these are not necessarily widgets that can be used in the dashboard’s pages.
Qtip: If you have multiple surveys mapped into your dashboard, you should enable Text iQ on your dashboard rather than each individual survey.
Qtip: Text iQ is only compatible in dashboards with less than 100 sources.

Mapping Topics and Sentiments

When you start performing text analysis in dashboards, the topics and sentiments will map onto your dashboard automatically and be assigned the best field type for their data. These fields include:

  • Sentiment: This field will be populated with the overall response level sentiment label.
  • Sentiment Score: This field will be populated with overall response level sentiment score.
  • Sentiment Polarity: This field is no longer used and will eventually be deprecated.
  • Topics: This field will be populated with all of the topics associated with a response.
  • Parent Topics: This field will be populated with all of the parent topics associated with a response. If you are using hierarchical topics, this field is no longer needed in your dashboard.
  • Topic Sentiment Label: This field will be populated with a sentiment label for each topic associated with your response.
  • Topic Sentiment Score: This field will be populated with a sentiment score for each topic associated with your response.
  • Topic Hierarchy Level Fields: If you are using hierarchical topics, there will be 5 fields corresponding to the topics at levels 1 through 5 (ex. Topic Hierarchy Level 3). Each field will contain a list of topics for that level.

mapping text iq dashboard fields

You can rename these fields as needed. You will not be able to delete them, change the field type, or change the mapping. By default, the field names include the name of the Open Text field being analyzed and the name of the specific text analytics. For example, “Movie Feedback – Sentiment.”

Qtip: Would you like to map topics and sentiments created in your survey’s text analysis? These are also pulled in automatically when you map data, but only if survey text analysis was performed before you mapped data to your dashboard. To add these to your dashboard data, create a new field and select Embedded Data when you map it. Under this menu, you’ll find the survey sentiments and topics.
Mapping a new field in dashboard data, and pulling open menus to select text analysis fields

Adding Text Analysis to Widgets

To add your text entry question’s topics or sentiments as a source, metric or dimension in a widget, look for the question text with “- Topics” or “- Sentiment” at the end.

Setting a widget's dimensions to topics

Example: Here, the text topics have been selected as the dimension in the breakdown bar (left) and as the rows of a table (right).
A breakdown bar next to a simple table

There are also widgets made especially for text analysis performed in CX Dashboards. See Text iQ Table Widget and Text iQ Bubble Chart Widget.