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Dashboard Theme

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Accessing Your Dashboard Theme

Qtip: This page is for editing your dashboard’s theme. To learn about editing the theme for your survey, check out the support page on Look & Feel.

CX, EX, and BX Dashboards

Regardless of whether you are working with a CX, BX, or EX dashboard, you can access your dashboard’s theme settings by doing the following:

  1. Click the gear to go to your dashboard’s settings.
    Button that looks like a gear
  2. Select Theme on the left.
    Picture of theme settings

Results Dashboards

If you want to edit the theme on a results dashboard, click the Settings gear, then select Theme.

Theme page in a results dashboard

Qtip: Results dashboards do not have the Page Position or Show Page Icons settings.

Editing Your Dashboard Theme

You are allowed to customize several aspects of your dashboard’s appearance. Once you’ve made changes to any of these settings, they are saved automatically.

Picture of theme settings

  • Header Color: Add a thin line of color beneath the topmost header of the dashboard. Also changes the color of the account settings icon.
    Dashboard header with a thin line of red under it
  • Background Color: Change the color of the dashboard’s background. The background is the space between widgets, not the page navigation along the top or the background of the widgets themselves.
    Dashboard with a blue background. The dashboard header and page menu are still white
  • Widget Title: Choose the font of your widgets’ titles.
  • Favorability Scale Colors: This feature is used in EX dashboards that does not affect any widgets on CX dashboards. Choose from a list of preset color palettes for your scales, or create your very own custom palette. See our page on the Scale Settings (EX) for instructions on how to set which values correspond to each of the 3 colors. Below is an example of one of the widgets that uses the scales, the Engagement Summary widget (EX).
    Example of an Engagement Summary widget
  • Widget Content: Determine the font of the widget’s body.
  • Widget Container: When checked, your widgets will have containers. Containers are the white space behind your widgets. This means if you choose a dashboard background color, that color fills in the background on your widget, not just the spaces between widgets.
  • Widget Border: When checked, your widgets will have thin gray borders.
  • Color Palette: When Use Custom is selected, you can choose the default color palette for your widgets. The widgets will select colors in the order they are arranged in the palette. Click and drag colors to reorder them. Click a color and click Remove to remove it from the palette.
    Palette color expanded with Remove option indicated

    Qtip: If you’ve already edited your widget’s colors, changes to the default color palette will not affect this widget.
  • Commenting: When checked, commenting will be enabled on the Response Ticker widget.
  • Canvas Width: Determine the width of your dashboard.

Settings only included in EX Dashboards

  • Logo URL: Paste in the URL for a logo. This will appear in the top-left of your dashboard.

Changing Colors

Menus for selecting theme colors

  1. Click the color menu.
  2. Select a custom color by moving your cursor along the rainbow scale on the right and the color gradient in the middle.
  3. Or, select from a list of default colors.
  4. Or, enter the hex code for the desired color.
  5. Select Default to return to the default color.

Types of Dashboards

This feature can be used in a few different types of dashboard. This includes: