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Field Types & Widget Compatibility

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About Field Types and Widget Compatibility

When you’re choosing data for your dashboard, each field (question or metadata) needs to be assigned to one of several field types. These field types define the data format of the field (eg., numeric or text) and consequently determine which widgets will be available for that field.

Whenever you create a new dashboard, the most recently updated fields have field types already set. While Qualtrics will try to choose the best field type based on the question’s format or data collected, you may need to change some of your fields so you can use different widgets.

Example: Questions can often be phrased as scales. “How much do you agree with this statement: I am given the tools I need to succeed in my role” may be followed by a series of seven answers, from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree.” There are times when you want this data to be in text-set, such as when you’re presenting a bar chart with the number of employees who chose each answer. Text set allows us to see the answer labels, “Agree,” “Somewhat Agree,” etc., which are more readable than if it were just numbers. However, there are also times when this data would work better in a number set format, such as when you’re showing the distribution of responses or a mean score.
An image that displays the bar chart and the question list described
Qtip: Be aware that changing field types can break widgets using those fields! If the same question needs to be in different data formats, we recommend mapping that same field a second time rather than editing the existing field type. Remember that no two fields can have the exact same name, so add the field type in parentheses at the end of the field’s name to differentiate them. For example, “I am given the tools I need to succeed in my role (Number Set)” vs. “I am given the tools I need to succeed in my role (Text Set).”

Field Types


Use a number field type when the data is exclusively numeric.

  • Numeric Value: A number field that has a very large or infinite set of values (e.g., any number between 0 and infinity).
  • Number Set: A number field that has a finite set of values (e.g., the set of numbers from 0 to 5). Typically used with scales, such as the Likert 1-5-point scale.
  • Date: Customized calendar date fields.
    Qtip: You can collect date data in any format you want – you just have to tell your dashboard how to read it. For more information, see Date Field Format.


Text types are used to map text entry responses or for labels in non-text entry questions.

  • Text Value: A one-to-two-word text field that has a very large or infinite set of values. Used for open-ended form questions such as asking for names or email addresses.
  • Text Set: A one-to-two-word text field that has a finite set of values. For example, instead of using a scale from 1-5 in a number set field type, mapping the labels “Dissatisfied” to “Satisfied” to Text Set widgets.
  • Multi-Answer Text Set: Multiple select questions that ask respondents to check all items that are applicable to them.
  • Open Text: Longer blocks or strings of text, such as a request for open-ended feedback.
Warning: When filtering (CX|EX) with number set or text set fields, the filter will display a maximum of 5,000 values.

Assigning Field Types

Now that you know the difference between all the field types, it’s time to assign them to your dashboard fields.

Qtip: Changing the field type can break widgets using that specific field on any dashboard, so edit with caution. For example, if you set an NPS Question to a Number Set in Dashboard Data and map it to a gauge chart widget in your dashboard, and then go back to the Dashboard Data page and change the definition to be a Text Set, your gauge chart widget in your dashboard will break.

First, open the dataset. In CX Dashboards, this can be done on the Data page or inside your dashboard’s settings. In an EX dashboard, this can be done inside your dashboard’s settings.

Data Mapper

If you’re using a data mapper in CX or any EX dashboard, adjust the Field Type dropdown.

field type in data mapper

Data Model

Qtip: The data modeler and related functionality is not yet available to all customers. If you’re interested in this feature, please reach out to your XM Success Representative. Qualtrics may, in its sole discretion and without liability, change the timing of any product feature rollout, change the functionality for any in preview or in development product feature, or choose not to release a product feature or functionality for any reason or for no reason.

If you’re using a data model in CX, select your source, union, or join. Then go to the Field editor and adjust the Type.

field type in the data modeler

In the data modeler, you can assign fields when you select a source, union, or join (but not in an output dataset). The latest join or union is generally what’s reflected in the final output dataset. If you change a field’s type at the source, keep the following in mind:

  • If you change a field type at the source, then only create joins in your dataset, the source field type is reflected in the output dataset.
  • If you change the field type at the source, then create a union, the final field type is determined by the union.
Attention: When mapping the same field across multiple nodes of a data model, be careful to use a consistent field type.  For example, if your CSAT is a Number Set at the source, it should be a Number Set in any unions and joins that follow. If you change the type in one node, you must change it across all of the others. If the type differs for each version of the field, there could be unintended effects, such as certain values not carrying over.

Field Types for Widgets Shared in CX and EX

In the table below, you’ll see a list of widgets that appear in both EX and CX dashboards. If a widget you’re looking for isn’t listed here, check one of the tables later on the page.

Qtip: The items indicated by asterisks ( * ) are metrics that can be used in the following widgets: simple chart, gauge chart, number chart, pie chart, simple table, multiple source table, pivot table, line chart, bar chart, table, and map view.

Numeric Value Number Set Date Text Value Text Set Multi-Answer Text Set Open Text
Filters on Metrics* Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Average* Yes Yes No No No No No
Minimum/Maximum* Yes Yes No No No No No
Sum* Yes Yes No No No No No
Net Promoter Score* Yes Yes No No No No No
Correlation* Yes Yes No No No No No
Top/Bottom Box* Yes Yes No No No No No
Donut / Pie (Dimension) No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No
Focus Areas (Outcome Metric) No Yes No No No No No
Focus Areas (Key Drivers) No Yes No No No No No
Key Drivers (Outcome Metric) Yes Yes No No No No No
Key Driver (Potential Drivers) Yes Yes No No No No No
Line, horizontal bar, vertical bar (X-Axis) No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No
Line, horizontal bar, vertical bar (Data Series) No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No
Record Table (Columns) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Response Ticker (Content) No No No No No No Yes
Response Ticker (Primary/Secondary Label) No No No Yes Yes Yes No
Response Ticker (Ticker Value) Yes Yes No No No No No
Response Ticker (Date) No No Yes No No No No
Table (Rows) No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No
Table (Columns) No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No
Word Cloud (Text Source) No No No No No No Yes

Field Types for Widgets Only in CX

In the table below, you’ll see a list of widgets that appear only in CX dashboards. If a widget you’re looking for isn’t listed here, check one of the other tables on the page.

Numeric Value Number Set Date Text Value Text Set Multi-Answer Text Set Open Text
Star Rating (Source) No Yes No No No No No
Breakdown Bar (Dimension) No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No
Breakdown Trends (Field) No Yes No No Yes Yes No
Scatter Plot (X/Y Axis) Yes Yes No No No No No
Breakdown Trends (Source) Yes Yes No No No No No
Breakdown Table (Rows) No Yes No No Yes Yes No
Multiple Source Table (Source) Yes Yes No No No No No
Map View (Location Dimension) No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No
Coaching priorities widget (Agent ID) No No No Yes Yes No No
Coaching priorities widget (Agent Name) No No No No Yes No No
Coaching priorities widget (Time period) No No Yes No No No No
Coaching priorities widget (Data field, customer rating, agent self-rating & key metrics) Yes Yes No No No No No

Field Types for Widgets Only in EX

In the table below, you’ll see a list of widgets that appear only in EX dashboards (such as Engagement, 360, Lifecycle, Pulse, or Ad Hoc Employee Research). If a widget you’re looking for isn’t listed here, check one of the other tables on the page.

Numeric Value Number Set Date Text Value Text Set Multi-Answer Text Set Open Text
Bubble Chart (Source 1 & Source 2) No Yes No No Yes No No
Demographic Breakout Table (Items) No Yes No No No No No
Demographic Breakout Table (Breakouts) No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
Heat Map (Items) No Yes No No No No No
Heat Map (Breakouts) No No No No Yes Yes No
Question List (Items) No Yes No No No No No
Comparison Widget (Items) No Yes No No No No No
Comparison Widget (Breakouts) No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
Response Rates (Fields) No No No No Yes Yes No
Engagement Summary (Items) No Yes No No No No No

Widgets with No Fields

The following widgets are not compatible with any field types because they do not require fields.

  • Scorecard widget (which uses categories instead of fields)
  • Image widget
  • Rich text editor widget
  • Action planning editor widget
  • Action item summary widget
  • Participation summary widget

Types of Dashboards that Use Field Types

Field types are used in every type of Qualtrics dashboard to help format data for widgets. This includes the following types of dashboards:

Qtip: Results Dashboards also use field types, but the steps to edit these mappings look different than they do in a data mapper or data model. See Mapping Results Dashboards Fields.


For a list of supported and unsupported survey features, see this page.