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Insert a Graphic

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About Inserting a Graphic

You can easily display graphics in a question, answer choice, header/footer, an email message, or anywhere else in Qualtrics that has a rich content editor.

Qualtrics supports JPG (or JPEG), PNG, and GIF images that are 16MB or smaller. Before you upload a graphic into your survey, make sure you have permission to use the image.

Qtip: For the best user experience, we recommend using PNG files, keeping images below 1MB, and using images with a width of 770px or narrower. However, if you insert a graphic larger than 770px wide, your survey theme should expand to accommodate the picture.

Inserting Graphics into Questions

Qtip: A similar method can be used to insert an image anywhere in Qualtrics that you see a rich content editor.
  1. Double-click the question text.
  2. Select Rich Content Editor.
    Clicking on the Rich Content Editor button once the question text is selected
  3. Click the Insert Graphic icon in the upper left-hand corner.
    Insert graphic button in the rich content editor
  4. Choose the library where your graphic is / will be saved. By default, your account’s personal library will be selected.
    Qtip: This step is useful if you belong to 1 or more group libraries.Inserting a graphic from the library or from a newly uploaded file in the Insert Graphic window
  5. Click on the graphic you want to use, or select Upload a New Graphic to add a new one from your computer / the web.
  6. If you’re uploading a new graphic, you can choose between 1 of the following:
    Uploading a new image in the Insert Graphic window

    • Choose file: Upload a picture from your computer. This option lets you rename or resize the image before uploading it.
    • Use a graphic from the web: Upload an image using a URL. This option lets you rename but not resize the image before uploading it.
      Qtip: Make sure the URL ends in a file type, such as .PNG or .JPG. If the URL isn’t valid (such as if it goes to a website instead of an image), this upload method won’t work.
  7. If desired, choose the folder of your library where this graphic will be saved. You can always change this later.
  8. If desired, type the name you’d like the image to have in your library. This can make it easier to find later.
  9. If you chose to upload a graphic from your computer, you can adjust the width and height before it’s saved to Qualtrics.
    Qtip: If you update just the height or just the width, the other will automatically adjust so the image can resize without getting stretched or distorted.
  10. Click Save to save the graphic to your library and add it to your survey.
Qtip: Images saved to the Qualtrics library use RGB format. If your image doesn’t use this format, you might notice a slight change in color once the image is uploaded. If you would like to test and edit your image in RGB format before you upload it to Qualtrics, use an image editing software outside the XM platform, such as Photoshop.

Inserting Graphics into Answer Choices

The steps for adding a graphic to an answer choice are slightly different from adding a graphic to the question text.

  1. Click the answer choice that should contain a graphic.
  2. Click the blue drop-down menu to the right.
    Inserting a graphic into an answer choice
  3. Select Insert Graphic.
  4. Choose the library where your graphic is / will be saved. By default, your account’s personal library will be selected.
    Inserting a graphic from the library or from a newly uploaded file in the Insert Graphic window

    Qtip: This step is useful if you belong to 1 or more group libraries.
  5. Click on the graphic you want to use, or select Upload a New Graphic to add a new one from your computer / the web.
  6. If you’re uploading a new graphic, you can choose between 1 of the following:
    Uploading a new graphic to the Insert Graphic menu

    • Choose file: Upload a picture from your computer. This option lets you rename or resize the image before uploading it.
    • Use a graphic from the web: Upload an image using a URL. This option lets you rename but not resize the image before uploading it.
    • Qtip: Make sure the URL ends in a file type, such as .PNG or .JPG. If the URL isn’t valid (such as if it goes to a website instead of an image), this upload method won’t work.
  7. If desired, choose the folder of your library where this graphic will be saved. You can always change this later.
  8. If desired, type the name you’d like the image to have in your library. This can make it easier to find later.
  9. If you chose to upload a graphic from your computer, you can adjust the width and height before it’s saved to Qualtrics.
    Qtip: If you update just the height or just the width, the other will automatically adjust so the image can resize without getting stretched or distorted.
  10. Click Save to save the graphic to your library and add it to your answer choice.
Qtip: You can also use the rich content editor to insert images in an answer choice. If you insert a graphic this way, you’ll have free use of the rich content editor and other image properties to format your graphic. However, you won’t be able to use the Additional Graphic Options listed below on rich content editor graphics.

Additional Graphic Options

Once you’ve used the Insert Graphic option, additional settings will appear in the dropdown.

Additional image options showing the graphic size drop down menu

  • Edit Graphic: Choose the graphic to insert into the answer choice. This can be an existing graphic from your library, or you can upload a new image. “Edit Graphic” will replace any graphic you currently have added to the answer choice.
  • Edit Text: Edit the text for the choice that displays with the graphic.
  • Text Position: Change where the text is displayed relative to the image. This setting affects the whole question, so any choices with images attached look consistent.
    • Top
      Top text and image position
    • Bottom
      Bottom text position
    • Left
      Text appears to the left of the image
    • Right
      Text appears to the right of the image
  • Remove Graphic: Remove the graphic from the answer choice.
  • Graphic Size: Change the size of the graphic. You can choose from preset dimensions, or choose Custom to adjust the size manually. If you’ve resized the image, you have the option to select Show full size when clicked. This means that when the respondent clicks the image, a full-sized version will open.

Image Properties

After inserting an image into the rich content editor, you can right-click on the image and select Image Properties to further edit the parameters of your image.

Image Properties option appears by right-clicking on the inserted graphic

Image Info

This section contains information related to the formatting of your image.

Image info section of the image properties window

  1. URL: The URL where your image is hosted.
  2. Alternative Text: A few short words to describe your image. Alt text helps search engines understand what an image is about, but also helps screen readers detect and explain your image.
  3. Width/Height: The width and height (in pixels) of your image. Click the lock icon to change if the dimensions automatically adjust proportionally as you make changes (this can prevent the image from becoming stretched out or distorted as you adjust the dimensions). Select the arrow icon to revert to the image’s original dimensions.
    Qtip: If you would like to adjust the dimensions of your image everywhere that the image is being used in your account instead of this single instance, you can change the image dimensions in your Library.
  4. Border: The width (in pixels) of a border that will be added around your image.
  5. HSpace/VSpace: The horizontal and vertical spacing (in pixels) of your image. This is the amount of padding you’d like around your image.
  6. Alignment: The alignment of the image. You can choose left or right. You can also use the text alignment options in the rich content editor to adjust this.
    Qtip: Currently you can’t adjust how the text wraps around the image.


In this section, you can add a hyperlink to your image so that when someone clicks on it, they will go to the URL you link here.

Link section of the image properties window

  1. URL: Add the URL you would like hyperlinked to your image.
  2. Target: Define how you would like the user redirected to the link when they click on the image.
    Qtip: One of the most common options is New Window (_blank), which opens the link in a different window/tab. The other options provide ways to make the linked page appear in the same window/tab as the survey.


This section allows you to add an Id, Language Direction, Language Code, Long Description URL, Stylesheet Classes, Advisory Title, and Style, if desired.

Advanced section of the image properties window

Accessing Graphics Saved to Your Library

Once you’ve uploaded an image to Qualtrics, you can access it again at any time by going to your Library. In the library, you can edit the graphic’s name, size, and more, which will be reflected in every survey where you’ve inserted the graphic. See Library Graphics for more details.

Troubleshooting Graphics

This section goes over a few solutions for common questions that arise when uploading graphics to Qualtrics.

Image Won’t Upload to Qualtrics

  1. Requirements: All images must meet both of the following requirements before they can be successfully uploaded to Qualtrics:
    • Saved as one of the following file types:
        • JPG (or JPEG)
        • PNG
        • GIF
    • Size 16MB or smaller. If your image is too large, you must use an image editing program to change its width and / or height before you upload it to Qualtrics.
      Qtip: Double-check the size of your image before uploading it to Qualtrics.
      File opened in folders. This image is only 68KB, so it will upload just fine
  1. Best practices: We recommend using PNG files, keeping images below 1MB, and using images with a width of 770px or narrower. However, if you insert a graphic that is larger than 770px wide, your survey theme should expand to accommodate the picture.

Changing the Size of an Image Already Uploaded to Qualtrics

Depending on how you added the image to Qualtrics, there are a few ways to resize it once it’s been uploaded; you don’t necessarily need to resize it in an image editing program unless you want to.

  1. Added using the rich content editor: Right-click the image and adjust the Image Properties. There you can adjust the width and height of the image.
    Image Properties option appears by right-clicking on the inserted graphic
  2. Added within an answer choice: If you inserted a graphic within an answer choice, try the additional graphic options for Graphic Size. Here, you can choose from pre-set sizes, or set a Custom size.
    Additional image options showing the graphic size drop down menu
  3. Resize an image used in several places: If your image is used in multiple surveys, emails, and / or messages, go to the Library and make edits to the image. These edits will be reflected everywhere the image is used in Qualtrics. You can resize the image directly in the library, or you can make edits on your computer and upload a new version of the image.