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Data Table Visualization

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About Data Tables

The Data Table visualization allows you to view basic information about a selected metric for a given data source. By default, it displays the name of each answer option and the metric for each option. For example, if you set the metric to Choice Count, the number of respondents who selected each choice will appear to the right of each choice.

Ice Cream Preferences table with a column for field (ice cream type), dislike, neutral, and like

Qtip: Don’t like your table colors or fonts? Head over to the Global Settings to change them for the whole report!


For basic visualization instructions and customization, visit the Visualizations Overview support page. Continue reading for visualization-specific customization.

Qtip: When breaking data out by date, you can also add a rolling average to your data table. See Rolling Averages.

Column Values

column values on the visualization editing pane

  1. Type in the field to rename the value. This does not affect the question as it appears in the survey, just the visualization.
  2. Click and drag to change the order of the options.
  3. Deselect to hide the option from the visualization.

Table Totals, Show Percentages, & Total Counts

Table Total options

Table Totals allow you to calculate and display the total sum of each row or column in a Data Table visualization.

  • Show Totals: Decide between totals being displayed for rows or columns.
  • Show Percentages: Decide if you would like to display percentages next to each value in a data table.
    Table with percentages next to integeres
  • Total Counts: This option is useful if you are reporting on a multiple select-style question, where respondents can choose multiple answers.
    • Choice Totals: Base data on the number of choices. This can add up to more than the number of respondents because respondents can choose multiple answers for one question.
    • Respondent Totals: Base data on the number of respondents. This will only ever add up to the number of respondents who answered the question. If the respondent skipped a question, then this number may be less than the number of completed responses you’ve received.


Select the Styles tab to modify table header and body fonts.

Styles tab. Arrow shows what the alternating row permission affects on the table

Select Alternate Row Colors to shade every other row and make them easier to read.

Selecting Repeat Table Header will make sure that the header row (not the title) will repeat as the table gets much larger and has many rows.

Use Margin to adjust the table’s margins.

Transpose table

You can switch which data appears along the table’s column headers and which data appears along the rows. To do this, select Transpose.

Here’s a picture of a table with a breakout applied:

A table named satisfaction by department. Along the left as row headers are levels of satisfaction - very satisfied, very dissatisfied, et cetera. Along the top, as column headers, are names of departments - Sales, Engineering, et cetera.

Here’s a picture of the same table transposed:

A table named satisfaction by department. Along the left as row headers are are names of departments - Sales, Engineering, et cetera. Along the top, as column headers, levels of satisfaction - very satisfied, very dissatisfied, et cetera.

Qtip: When you edit column or row labels, they will appear in their original position in the visualization editing pane. For example, if department names were the rows before you transposed the table, you’ll edit those labels under “Row Values” even after the table is transposed. See the screenshot above.

Incompatible Fields

Data Table visualizations are compatible with almost every kind of variable in Qualtrics because they can display both discrete data (for example, a finite, five point scale) and continuous data (for example, a question where respondents type in their age). This includes most question types, survey metadata, embedded data, and custom variables, such as Formulas or Bucketed variables.

Below are the few variables Data Table visualizations are not compatible with:

In general, Data Table visualizations are incompatible with open text content that does not come in numeric format.

Qtip: Be careful with numeric data collected from open-ended questions and with finite scales that have hundreds of choices. A Data Table visualization cannot comfortably display hundreds of choices!

Types of Reports

This visualization can be used in a few different types of report: