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TotalXM Reports

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Attention: This feature is only available to users on the new simplified pricing and packaging plans. If you have questions about your Qualtrics pricing and packaging plan, reach out to your account team.

About TotalXM Reports

TotalXM Reports are a great tool for gathering and presenting insights across different product areas. In this project type, you can build reports using your most meaningful data and dashboard widgets to present a cohesive story. These reports are designed to be shared with executive leaders and other shareholders interested in CX and EX drivers and outcomes.

Attention: Once you share your report, anyone can access it and look at its data via the shared link. You should not include data in your report unless you are comfortable with it being public. For more protection, add a password to your report.

Creating TotalXM Reports

  1. Use the navigation menu to go to the Catalog.
    Total XM Report from the project catalog
  2. Select TotalXM Report.
  3. Click Get Started.
  4. Give your project a name.
    Name report
  5. Click Create a project.

Once you have created a TotalXM Report, you will be able to edit content, add assets, and share your report. For more information on the different areas of the TotalXM Report, see the sections below.

Areas of the report

  1. Asset panel: Widgets that you have imported from dashboards. These images can be used in sections of the report.
  2. Sections: Provides content by using insights and data to tell the story.
  3. Share: Generates a link with a password that you can distribute to your audience.
  4. New section: Creates a new section.
  5. Preview: Shows a preview of the report that you can use to edit and revise your content.

Asset Panel

Use the asset panel to import widgets from your dashboards to your report. Assets can be imported from CX, BX, and EX dashboards, survey projects, or other TotalXM reports. The only type of dashboard not supported is Pulse.

Qtip: To import widgets into the asset panel, you must have export or edit access to the dashboard. For more information, see Sharing Your Dashboard (CX) or Participant Information Window (EX).
  1. Click Find a dashboard.
    Find a dashboard button highlighted
  2. Select which product you’d like to import the asset from.
    Select project from projects page
  3. Find the widget that you would like to import.
    Widget, three dot menu highlighted
  4. Click the three-dot menu at the top right of the widget.
  5. Click Add widget to TotalXM Report.
  6. Select the report you’d like to add the widget to.
    Select project and leave a note
  7. Enter a note or description of the widget, if you’d like.
  8. Click Confirm.
  9. Wait while the widget is imported into the report. You can either View report or click Done.
    View report button and Done button

    Qtip: You will receive a notification in the notifications feed when the asset has successfully been added.
    Notification in the notification menu
  10. View your assets in the Asset panel.
    Assets in the asset panel, then Add section highlighted
  11. Click Add section.
  12. Select one of the following section types: Visualization only, Text + Visualizations, or Text + Visualizations + Recommendations.
    Select a section type and click save
  13. Select the visualization type.
  14. Click Save.
  15. If you chose a selection type with text, enter the content into the section.
    Add an Asset button at the bottom of a section
  16. Click Add an asset.
  17. Select your asset from the asset panel.
    Click asset and then click apply asset
  18. Click Apply asset.
Attention: Widgets that are imported as static images into the asset panel. Changes to the widget or the data in the widget will not be applied automatically.


To replace or remove assets, click the three-dot menu in the upper right corner of the asset and select an option.

Three dot menu highlighted to the right of visualization

To remove an asset from the asset panel, click the three-dot menu in the upper right corner of the asset from the panel menu and select Remove from asset panel.

Three dot menu in the top right of an asset in the asset panel


You can also upload your own images directly into sections instead of importing them from dashboards. Once you add a new section with visualizations, click Upload an image and choose your file.

Upload image highlighted inside visualization template


Sections create the report’s content by using insights and data to tell the story. Click the Add section button after any section to add a new one. You can also click the New section button in the top-right corner.

New section button highlighted

There are multiple section types that can be added to the report. Each section type contains a combination of formats:

Section types menu highlighted

  • Text: Provides different formats for text content in your report.
  • Visualization: An asset from the asset panel. For more information, see Asset Panel.
  • Recommendations: An additional blue box at the bottom of your section that can be edited to include recommended action. Recommendations are combined with text and/or visualizations.

Click on text in the section to edit it. You can change the format of your text by using the rich text editor above the text box.

Rich content editor hovering above visualization


Click the three-dot menu in the top right of a section to duplicate, reorder, or delete it.

Three dot menu in upper right corner of section

If you select Reorder section, use the dropdown menus to indicate the new location for that section. Once the location is selected, click Move.

Dropdowns and move button is highlighted

Executive Summary

The executive summary is a text-only section designed to provide a clear takeaway of the content in the report. This section is at the top of the report and includes a report header textbox above the report title and supporting text.

Executive summary highlighted at the top of the report

Qtip: The date in the executive summary reflects the date that the report was created. It is not currently possible to change this date.

Sharing the TotalXM Report

Attention: Once you share your report, anyone can access it and look at its data via the shared link. You should not include data in your report unless you are comfortable with it being public. For more protection, add a password to your report.

When you are finished editing the report, you can preview how it will look to viewers by clicking Preview in the upper right corner.

Preview button in the upper right corner of the report

Once you are finished previewing and editing the report, you can Share it with your audience. Sharing the report will generate a link that you can send via email, SMS, or other distribution channels.

  1. Click Share.
    Share button
  2. Click the switch to enable Link sharing.
    Link sharing button, password entry, and Copy Link button
  3. Enter a password, if you want. If you would not like to password protect your report, leave this field blank.
    Qtip: Your password must be at least 12 characters long and contain at least one number, lowercase, uppercase, and special characters.
  4. Click Copy link.
Qtip: Users with editing access to the TotalXM report can view the source dashboard of an asset by clicking on it, as long as they also have editing rights to that dashboard.

Collaborating on TotalXM Reports

  1. Navigate to the projects page.
    Projects page, three dot menu highlighted to the right of a project, Collaborate option highlighted
  2. Click the three-dot menu to the right of your report.
  3. Select Collaborate.
  4. Search for the user you would like to collaborate with, then select that user from the list.
    Add user and give them access on the dropdown
  5. Use the dropdown menu to indicate the type of access that user should have.
    • Admin access: The user can edit the report.
    • Read-only access: The user can view the report in Preview mode.
  6. Click Save.
Qtip: To remove access from a user, click the dropdown to the right and select Remove this user.
Remove user option in collaboration dropdowns