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Editing Custom Variables

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About Editing Custom Variables

After creating a bucketed, formula, or combined variable, you may realize that you want to make changes. Custom variables can be edited in the Data & Analysis tab at any time without hurting your previously collected data. As with the creation of these variables, all changes made will affect past and future responses.

Visit our Manual Variable Creation page to learn how to edit this third kind of custom variable.

Changing Variable Names & Types

The field type refers to the format the data should be in. The field type determines what kind of edits you can make to the data and what widgets you can use in results dashboards. These field types are almost the same as those in CX Dashboards; see Field Types & Widget Compatibility for more info.

Example: If your field is a numeric value or number set, then you can only enter numbers when you edit responses to this field. You might make your Age field numeric to ensure all answers are in the form of numbers.
Example: Your Age field is set to the open text type. Open text is only compatible with a few widgets, such as word clouds and response tickers; because of this, you aren’t able to display your respondents’ age ranges in a graph like the simple table.
  1. Select Field Editor.
    field editor button within data & analysis
  2. Click on a field name within the “Destination” column.
    editing and renaming custom variables
  3. Type the new name.
  4. Click the dropdown in the “Type” column to select a different field type.
    Attention: You can only change the field type of manually created fields.
  5. Click Review and Publish.
  6. Select Publish your Changes.
    publishing changes button

Changing the Variable Rule

After setting up your variable, you may realize that you need to add more groups, mixed up the variables in your equation, or need to make another major change to the logic behind the variable. In this case, you would edit the Rule behind your variable.

  1. Select Field Editor.
    field editor button within data & analysis
  2. Click the 3 vertical dots next to the field you want to edit.
    editing the variable rule button
  3. Select Edit Variable Rule.
  4. Change fields as needed. See our bucketed, formula, and combined variable pages for step-by-step instructions.
  5. When you’re done, click Edit Variable.
    edit variable button to confirm changes
  6. Click Review and Publish.
    review and publish button
  7. Select Publish your Changes.
    publish your changes button
Qtip: Before changing the name or the rule of your variable, make sure the column is displayed on your Data & Analysis tab. To learn how to do this, see the instructions on Choosing Columns.

Recoding a Variable

After setting up your variable, you may realize that you need to change the values of a response choice or exclude it from analysis. In this case, you would Recode the values of your variable.

Attention: Only the following fields can be re-coded: Number Set, Text Set, Multi Answer Text Set.
  1. Select Field Editor.
    field editor button within data & analysis
  2. Click the 3 vertical dots next to the field you want to recode.
    recode button
  3. Click Recode.
  4. Recode your values or choose to exclude them from analysis. See Recode Values for more information.
  5. Click Review and Publish.
    review and publish
  6. Select Publish your Changes.
    publish your changes

Formatting Dates

After setting up your variable, you may realize that you need to change the format of a date field.  In this case, you can use the Format dates button to specify a format and time zone for the field.

Qtip: If your data contains dates with different formats, you can add multiple formats. Date formats will be applied in order.
  1. Select Field Editor.
    field editor button within data & analysis
  2. Click the 3 vertical dots next to the date field you want to edit.
    selecting format dates button
  3. Select Format dates.
  4. Select a date format from the dropdown. See Date Format Syntax for more information about the available date formats.
    selecting a format and timezone
  5. Select a time zone.
  6. Click Apply.
  7. Click Review and Publish.
    review and publish
  8. Select Publish your Changes.
    publish your changes

Marking a Field as Sensitive

Sometimes you may want to hide some data from reports or dashboards, such as personal respondent information. Fields marked as sensitive will be hidden to dashboard viewers. To mark a field as sensitive, follow these steps:

  1. Select Field Editor.
    field editor button within data & analysis
  2. Click the 3 vertical dots next to the field you want to mark sensitive.
    marking a field as sensitive
  3. Select Mark sensitive. A lock icon will appear next to fields that are marked sensitive.
    Qtip: To mark a field insensitive, repeat steps 1-2 and select Mark insensitive.
  4. Click Review and Publish.
    review and publish
  5. Click Publish your Changes.
    publish your changes

Removing a Variable

  1. Select Field Editor.
    field editor button within data & analysis
  2. Click the 3 vertical dots next to the field you want to delete.
    removing a custom field
  3. Click Remove.
  4. Click Review and Publish.
    review and publish
  5. Select Publish your Changes.
    publish your changes