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COVID-19 Customer Confidence Pulse

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Attention: This solution is not longer available in accounts set to English, and has been replaced with a Version 2.0 that has an improved dashboard and pre-configured survey. Version 1.0 can only be created by users whose account language is set to Brazilian Portuguese, French EU, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish EU, Spanish (LATAM), Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Dutch, Finnish, Korean, or Portuguese (EU). If you are an English-language user who previously created Version 1.0, your old project will not be modified, but going forward, you can only make Version 2.0.

About the COVID-19 Customer Confidence Pulse

Whether you are a B2B or B2C company, it’s more important than ever to keep an on-going pulse on customer expectations, confirm COVID-19 response measures are communicated effectively to customers, and capture key insights to take action on improving your company’s handling of the situation. The COVID-19 Customer Confidence Pulse XM Solution is a premade survey and report that can help you do just that.

Qtip: All users with existing Qualtrics licenses have access to this solution. In addition, we are offering these solutions for free to companies based in India. If you are based in India and do not have a Qualtrics account, see this page for more information on how you can get access to this solution.


Developed by Qualtrics CustomerXM scientists, the COVID-19 Customer Confidence Pulse is an automated XM Solution offering two proven methods for organizations to check in with their customers:

  1. COVID-19 Quick Check-in: Two minute simple customer confidence barometer. Understand how well your company’s communication of response measures is meeting customer expectations, and gauge customer satisfaction with actions your company has taken so far to address the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation.
  2. COVID-19 Customer Confidence Assessment: Five-to-seven minute survey to better understand customer expectations, identify gaps, and take targeted action on the following key areas pertaining to your COVID-19 response:
    • Communication – What are customer expectations with regard to the frequency and channels for communicating your company’s COVID-19 response, and how well are you meeting those expectations today?
    • Action – How satisfied are customers with the actions you have taken, considering both the relevance and timeliness of those actions?
    • Confidence – How confident are your customers in the ongoing ability of your company/brand to meet the evolving needs of customers in these trying times?
    • In-person/On-location interaction (if applicable) – How are behaviors changing for in-person or on-location customers (e.g. restaurant patrons), and how do they want to interact with the company going forward?
    • Customer Needs – What would customers like your company to do better or different in your handling of the evolving COVID-19 situation?

Creating a COVID-19 Customer Confidence Pulse

Qtip: All users with existing Qualtrics licenses have access to this solution. In addition, we are offering these solutions for free to companies based in India. If you are based in India and do not have a Qualtrics account, see this page for more information on how you can get access to this solution.
Qtip: This XM Solution has been localized into various languages. You will only be able to make this project if your account language is set to one of the compatible languages. However, you can upload translations or auto-translate using Google Translate for content as needed. See Translating the Customer Confidence Pulse for more details.
  1. Select Catalog from the global menu.
    Image of global navigation hamburger icon expanded next to xm logo to reveal Catalog option

    Qtip: A project can also be created from the Projects or Homepage.
  2. Under COVID-19 projects, select COVID-19 Customer Confidence Pulse.
    Image of catalog, selecting the described project, seeing a sidebar open on the right describing it, ending with a button to get started creating it

    Qtip: You can also use the search in the catalog to find this project.
  3. Click Get started.
  4. Name your project.
    Field for project name and folder. Button to create on bottom-right
  5. If desired, put it in a folder.
  6. Click Create project.
  7. Provide your organization’s name.
    Fields described open in a new page
  8. If desired, upload a copy of your organization’s logo. Max file size is 1MB.
  9. Decide whether you’d like to create a COVID-19 Quick Check-In or the full COVID-19 Customer Confidence Assessment. See link for an overview of each.
    Qtip: If you choose one option and then later decide you’d prefer to work with the other, please create another, separate COVID-19 Customer Confidence Pulse.
  10. Determine whether you’d like to provide customers with a link to your company’s COVID-19 resource page at the end of the survey, and enter the URL if eligible.
    Next button in blue, bottom-right
  11. Select your company’s type. Your answer determines the type of customer information you can configure in the next steps.
    • B2B (business-to-business): Your company creates solutions, services, or products intended to help businesses run more smoothly.
    • B2C (business-to-consumer): Your company creates solutions, services, or products for the everyday consumer.
  12. Click Next.
  13. If you chose B2B, you will enter the following information:
    Fields as described

    • Enter the industries relevant to your customers. This can help you better understand how customer experience varies across different industries. These will appear as options your respondents can select.
    • Specify whether you report on company size by revenue or number of employees. How you answer then determines the pre-populated company size segments we recommend; you can edit these as needed in the fields provided.
  14. If you chose B2C, you will answer the following questions:
    Image of Fields as described

    • Specify whether you would like to measure your customer’s in-store (location-based) behavior.
    • Enter the channels or methods customers have to interact with your company from an in-person or location-based perspective.
    • Specify whether you like to provide a list of geographic locations to measure. If you do not provide a custom list of locations then respondents will be asked to provide their location from a list of the 50 US states.
  15. Click Next.
  16. Specify whether you would like to ask customers about the potential actions your company could take to address the evolving COVID-19 situation. If so, enter the actions your company is considering to address the situation.
    Image of the question described, showing a yes/no question followed by a place where you can enter labels of choice
  17. Click Next.
  18. Determine whether you’d like to be notified when responses come in. If you say yes, you’ll be asked to specify the threshold of responses you’d like to reach before being notified.
    Image of notification settings
  19. When you’ve filled out these fields, click Finish to generate your survey.
  20. Click Preview Survey to test your survey.
    Survey builder open with a guidance sidebar to the right that takes you through key steps

    Qtip: Did your survey Preview not appear? Make sure your browser doesn’t block pop-ups on Qualtrics.
  21. Click Done to resume the guided setup.
  22. Use the tabs along the top if you’d like to edit components not included in the blue button steps. For example, you can go to the Survey tab to edit the survey theme and add demographic questions, whereas you can go to the Distributions tab to download a distribution history for emails you’ve sent.

Customer Confidence Pulse Survey Customization

If you want to see the questions in your survey or edit them, click the Survey tab. Once inside the survey builder, you can add new questions, tweak the wording on existing ones, edit the survey theme, and much more.

The survey builder of a COVID-19 project

If there’s particular functionality you’d like to add, try searching the Support Site, or use the Support Site’s menu to the left to pick a page. In this section, we’ll cover some of the fundamentals of survey editing.

Qtip: The questions included in this survey were developed by our top subject matter experts. We advise trying to keep your survey as similar to the original template as possible, and not making too many large-scale changes.

Adding and Editing Questions

Warning: It’s important to make edits to the survey before you distribute it to customers. If possible, avoid making edits to a survey actively collecting data, or you may risk invalidating your data and changing the premade reports that come with this solution. See Testing / Editing an Active Survey.

You can add as many additional questions as you want. However, keep in mind that the shorter the survey, the more likely customers are to fill it out.

For guides to adding and editing questions, see:

Qtip: For surveys like these, we generally advise sticking to multiple choice and text entry questions.

Deleting and Restoring Questions

Warning: If you delete a question, it’ll affect the premade report included with this solution! Be prepared to either make edits to the report or create a new one from scratch.

If you have sent a question to the trash, it is possible to restore it. To roll back many changes at once, see also how to revert a survey back to a previous version.

Saving and Publishing

All edits you make are saved automatically; however, they won’t necessarily be pushed to the live version of the survey. When you are finished with all of your edits and are ready to generate a link and share the survey with your customers, remember to click Publish in the upper-right.

For more on how this works, see Survey Publishing & Versions.

Translating the Customer Confidence Pulse

Attention: The translations provided here are for Version 1.0 of the Customer Confidence Pulse. Version 2.0 does not have the exact same questions, and so we do not advise using this these translations with it.

The COVID-19 Customer Confidence Pulse XM Solution is available to be created in accounts set to one of the following platform languages: English (US), English (UK), Brazilian Portuguese, French EU, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish EU, Spanish (LATAM), Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Dutch, Finnish, Korean, Portuguese (EU).

Qtip: You can change your account language in your user settings.

Additionally, you can add translations to the project so that respondents can choose from a language dropdown when taking the survey. You may choose to translate this XM solution through one of the following methods:

  1. Importing a translated language file provided by Qualtrics
  2. Adding translations manually
  3. Using automatic translation
Qtip: When it comes to distributing the survey, Qualtrics offers a number of ways for your respondents to see the survey in a particular language. This depends on the method you use to distribute your project. Respondents have the option to use any of the available survey languages, regardless of which one was initially sent to them. For more information, visit the support page on specifying the participant language.

Method 1: Importing a translated language file

Since the COVID-19 Customer Confidence Pulse XM Solution has been translated into the core languages, you can use Qualtrics-provided translation files to import additional translations to your project. The file contains translations for Brazilian Portuguese, French EU, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish EU, Spanish (LATAM), Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Dutch, Finnish, Korean and Portuguese (EU). To import your languages correctly, follow the below steps:

  1. Download the language file based on the type of survey method you selected.
  2. Export the translation file for your project from the Translate Survey option in your Survey Tools. See this support page for a step-by-step guide on exporting your translation file.
  3. Copy the desired translations from the file you downloaded in step 1 and paste them into the file exported in step 2. Make sure you paste the translations into their correct columns by matching the language codes.
    Qtip: You only need to copy the languages that you will use.
  4. If needed, make any necessary edits to your translation file.
    Qtip: All of the translations contain {{Company Name}} in place of your inputed company name in the translated text. Make sure to replace these with the correct translations.
  5. Import your translation file through the Translate Survey option in your Survey Tools. Visit this support page for a step-by-step guide on importing your translation file.

If you’d like to import a translation for a language that is not in the file provided by Qualtrics, see this support page for creating custom translations.

Method 2: Adding translations manually

If you’d like, you can translate each question and answer choice of your survey manually. This method generally takes longer than using the import method above. More information about translating your project manually can be found on this support page.

Method 3: Using Automatic Translation

To speed up your manual survey translation process, you can use the built-in automatic translation feature. The automatic translation feature uses Google Translate to translate your survey. Since this is an automatic translation, it may not be perfectly accurate. Therefore, we do not recommend using this as the final translation you share with respondents. Rather, this feature can save time when working with a professional translator, as they will only need to clean up automatic translation rather than starting from scratch. For more information on using this feature, please refer to the support page on automatic translations.

Distributing the Customer Confidence Pulse

When you are ready to distribute the COVID-19 Customer Confidence Pulse, it’s super quick and easy to do so:

  1. Make sure you have published any survey edits.
    clicking the publish button
  2. If your changes are published or you don’t have changes to publish, head to the Distributions tab.
    Get a Single Reusable Link option in Distributions Tab
  3. Choose Get a single reusable link.
  4. You will see the anonymous link. This link does not collect any identifying information other than what you explicitly ask for in the survey. You can copy this link and distribute it through your company’s email.
    Anonymous link, center of page

Qtip: If you publish changes, the menu that opens will give you your anonymous link.

Publishing a survey and being presented with the anonymous link

Other Methods of Distribution

We recommend using the anonymous link method described above, because it’s the quickest and easiest distribution method.

If you are interested in other methods of distribution, such as emailing from Qualtrics, see the Distributions Basic Overview for a list of options. Please note that depending on your license, not all options may be available, and some may be restricted.

Qtip: If you distribute through email to a Qualtrics contact list, results will not be anonymous unless you change the link type while writing the email or chose to anonymize responses in the Survey tab.


Premade Reports

Our XM Scientists have developed a special report for this XM Solution. This report gives an overview of the results, and is ready to share as soon as you have collected data. Just go to the Reports tab to view it.

Reports is last tab. Under that, another reports button, to right of Results. Screenshot shows the report

Qtip: This report will not generate charts and tables until you collect data. Try completing the survey through the preview button if you want to test what these reports look like with data. Remember you can always delete preview data later.
Qtip: The premade report was developed by our top subject matter experts. We advise trying to keep your report as similar to the original template as possible, and not making too many large-scale changes.
Warning: Do not delete the premade report! If you do, this report will not be retrievable, and you will have to make a new one from scratch.

Other Ways to View Data

Qtip: While Advanced-Reports include an expert premade report, this report is limited to showing 35-40 comments for a given Text Entry question (those are the open feedback questions). In addition, any responses given to the “Other – Please specify” option are also not included in the report by default. To see a full set of responses, you’ll want to use one of the other reporting options described below.

Data & Analysis allows you to edit data, export a spreadsheet of all responses, filter your responses, and much more.

the data & analysis tab

Qtip: To preview a particular column of data, choose columns to display on Data & Analysis. You can export this data at any time.

Results-Reports give a quick overview of your data, and do not require you to work from scratch. They have different charts and graphs than Advanced-Reports, and are generally there to help you get quick assessments of data.

Snapshot of results, with red bar graph

Qtip: There is no CX Dashboard associated with this XM Solution. If you are on a Qualtrics license with CX Dashboards, you can map this XM Solution’s data to a dashboard just like any other Qualtrics survey.

Closing the Loop

Qtip: The Workflows tab and related functionality is not available in all accounts.

Once you start collecting responses in your survey, you may realize that you want to follow up with clients to see how you can better serve their needs. There is a way to automate this process inside Qualtrics, using a feature called an Email Task, located inside the Workflows tab. This feature allows you to either send an email to your team or straight to your customers whenever you get a survey response.

Example: Send a follow-up email asking how you can help whenever a customer expresses low satisfaction with your company.
Example: Send an email to the appropriate customer service team whenever a customer indicates they’d like to know more about changes your company is making, so the customer service team knows to follow up with the customer.
  1. Go to the Workflows tab.
    creating a new event based action
  2. Stay in the Your workflows section.
  3. Click Create a workflow.
  4. Click Started by an event.
  5. Select Survey Response.
    image of the survey response event
  6. Determine whether you want an email to go out when a survey response is created or updated. Most likely, you will choose Newly created responses.
    choosing newly created responses

    Qtip: Learn more about the differences on the Survey Response Event support page.
  7. If you want to specify further when the email should go out, add a condition. For example, do you only want to target customers who don’t leave the email address field empty? Do you want to focus only on concerns from a certain retail location? You can add conditions based on any data you’ve collected in the survey.
    Image of a new action being created - clicking the plus sign, there is a menu with the option for Task and then Conditions

  8. Add a task.
  9. Select Email.
    New window opens. Email tile is third, green
  10. Determine who should receive this email. You can list up to 10 comma-separated emails. If you collected the customer’s email, you can use the {a} button to select the field where this email address is saved.
    Email task fields

    Qtip: Do not select “Panel Field” and “Recipient Email” unless you distributed your survey through Qualtrics email.
  11. The reply-to email is where you determine who gets responses to this email. If you’re sending this email to customers, make sure your reply-to is a functioning email address.
  12. For additional details on the From Address, customizing the message, and more, please see the Email Task support page.

Response Notifications

Depending on how you set up your guided project, there may be notifications built in. These can be found in the Workflows tab, and may require additional setup to complete.

navigating to the workflows tab to find the prebuilt workflow

Qtip: Once you’ve configured the notifications feed task as desired, make sure it is enabled.

The same notification as the above, but the warning text is gone, and the "turn on/ off" column is set to on

As needed, you can either review or edit:

  • Who receives the notification
  • The conditions under which the condition are sent
  • The message included in the notification

Depending on the frequency you chose, these conditions are set up with one of the following:

  1. Embedded data set in the survey flow.
  2. Quotas.

Do not edit the conditions on these workflows, the corresponding embedded data in the survey flow, or the quotas involved.

If you don’t want to receive this notification after all, you may delete the workflow or disable the workflow (if it is not already disabled). Please note that once you delete a workflow, it cannot be retrieved.

Viewing Reports

Email listing number of survey responses. Under the text is a blue button for viewing reports

View report: Clicking View report in the email or clicking the in-product notification will take you to the Reports section of the Reports tab of your project, where you should see the pre-built report.

Notification in product saying how many responses were received

Qtip: If you’re clicking these buttons from your email, you may need to log into your account before you are taken to these tabs.

Unsubscribing from Notifications

If you no longer wish to receive notifications, you can click unsubscribe at the bottom of the email.

Unsubscribe button at the very bottom of the email

Qtip: This will unsubscribe you from all notifications. You cannot unsubscribe from a specific project.

Subscribing to Updates

Most users will be subscribed to these automatically. However, if you unsubscribed and find you want to start receiving them again, you can do the following:

Qtip: Users that have 10 or more active surveys that have received responses in the last 2 weeks will not be automatically subscribed.
  1. Go to your Qualtrics account.
  2. In the upper-right corner, click the notifications icon.
    Bell upper-right, once opened, settings gear is below that, further right
  3. Click the settings gear.
  4. Select Workflows to subscribe to notifications set up using the Workflows tab.
    navigating to settings and selecting workflow notifications
  5. You may need to select Notifications first if you at some time or another unsubscribed from all account notifications.

Terms of Use: COVID-19 Solutions

Expiry Dates

The following terms only apply to customers who sign up from the “Here to Help” or “Return to Work” landing pages or via Qualtrics Surveys. Prior to expiration on 30th November 2021, these customers will need to export their data or upgrade to a paid product.

Qtip: Existing customers will have access to the content for the life of their license with Qualtrics.

Access to the following solutions is subject to expire on 30th November 2021. Users will be notified in advance of access being terminated. This is applicable to the Return to Work Pulse, Remote + Onsite Work Pulse, Public Health: COVID-19 Pre-Screen & Routing, High Education: Remote Learning Pulse, K-12 Education: Remote Learning Pulse, Remote Educator Pulse, Dynamic Call Center Script, Customer Confidence Pulse (1.0), Brand Trust Pulse, Supply Continuity Pulse, and Healthcare Workforce Pulse solutions.

Response and Email Limits

  • New customers who are based in India and sign up from the “Here to Help” or “Return to Work” landing pages with a work email will get their own provisioned brand up to 500k responses total. This is applicable to the Return to Work Pulse, Remote + Onsite Work Pulse, Public Health: COVID-19 Pre-Screen & Routing, High Education: Remote Learning Pulse, K-12 Education: Remote Learning Pulse, Remote Educator Pulse, Dynamic Call Center Script, Customer Confidence Pulse (1.0), Brand Trust Pulse, Supply Continuity Pulse, and Healthcare Workforce Pulse solutions.
  • Customers who sign up for access to the COVID-19 solutions as described above will be limited to 1K emails per week per user.

New customers who sign up from the “Here to Help” or “Return to Work” page with a personal email will be provisioned a free account with up to 500 responses for each Return to Work Pulse or Remote + Onsite Work Pulse survey. This is also the case for new customers who sign up via Qualtrics Surveys.  The full COVID-19 solutions will only be available to new customers who sign up with a work email on the “Here to Help” or “Return to Work” pages as indicated above.

Other Free COVID-19 XM Solutions

The following COVID-19 XM Solutions are free to customers with existing licenses and to customers based in India. Click the name of the Solution for more guided support:


See our page on Survey Themes.
  1. Version 1.0 is a CoreXM project, and will appear on the projects page with a CoreXM icon. Version 2.0 is a Customer XM project. See the difference in icons below:
  2. Version 1.0 comes with a pre-configured report, but no dashboard. Version 2.0 comes with a pre-configured dashboard, but no report.
  3. If you just created your project and your account language is English, it is likely Version 2.0.
You should only ever reconfigure the setup assistant if you have not collected data and if you have not made additional changes that you would like to keep. Redoing the setup assistant will reset the entire project and erase any data you’ve collected. If you redo the setup assistant, the associated Dashboards and / or Website / App Feedback projects (also called “digital touchpoints”) will also be re-configured based on your new setup.

If you want to start the setup assistant over, do the following:
  1. Go to Overview tab.
  2. In the top bar that says “Setup, Preview, Launch, Analyze,” click the checkmark next to Setup.
  3. Click Reconfigure.
Please note that if you want to start over from scratch, you can also create a new XM Solution instead.
Qualtrics has best-in-class data privacy and security features and has earned FEDRamp, HITRUST and ISO27001 certifications. These features enable users to manage HIPAA compliance if required. Only covered entities are subject to HIPAA regulations. Employee data generally is not subject to HIPAA, but employee health data may be subject to the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) and may need to be stored confidentially outside of employees' personnel files. For more information about employers' obligations regarding employee healthcare data, please see this website.

If you have specific questions or concerns, we encourage you to seek your own legal advice about what additional steps, if any, you need to take to comply with applicable privacy laws or company policies. We have included suggested consent statements in these materials but you will need to confirm whether these statements are adequate or need to be modified to meet your specific needs.