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Extract Employees from Workday Task

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Attention: At this time, only existing setups of this task are supported and new connections cannot be created. If this task is not currently available in your brand, it cannot be enabled. A new task will be released at a later date that enables the same functionality and use cases.

About Extracting Employees from Workday

Workday is a commonly used HRIS for managing employee data. Using workflows, you can automatically import your employee data from Workday and save it to your Qualtrics employee directory for use in your current EX programs.

Once you’ve set up this task, you must combine it with the Load users into EX directory task to save the data in Qualtrics. More information can be found on the Building ETL Workflows page.

Attention: There is a limit of 100K employees that can be pulled at a time with this task.
Qtip: To use this task, you must have the Access API Qualtrics user permissions enabled.

Workday Requirements

Before you get started extracting employee data from Workday, you need to set up your Workday instance so that it can send data to Qualtrics.

Attention: Qualtrics Support cannot help with setup in Workday. For assistance using Workday, contact Workday Support.

Creating an ISU

You must create an Integration System User (ISU) in Workday that has access to the relevant security domains within Workday (i.e. has permission to access the data you want to import into Qualtrics). This is the user account you will connect to the workflow task.

Field Override Service

Sometimes values returned from Workday may not be useful for you, but you can derive meaningful values from the field. For example, Workday returns an employee’s raw birth date but does not automatically calculate their age. However, you can configure a field override service in Workday to expose extra “calculated” fields. When creating the field override service, Workday will give you an Integration System ID which you will use later for saving the fields in Qualtrics.

Qtip: Workday returns the text representation of the value and no reference IDs.

Setting Up an Extract Employees from Workday Task

Qtip: Check out the Extract employee from Workday template for a preconfigured setup.
the "extract employee from workday" template in the catalog
  1. Create an ETL workflow.
  2. Select Data source (ETL extractor).
    adding an extractor task to the etl workflow
  3. Choose Extract employees from Workday.
    choosing the "extract data from workday" task
  4. Choose the Workday account to use. You can use an account you’ve previously connected, or a shared account a Brand Administrator has connected.
    choosing a workday account to use, or adding a new one
  5. If adding a new Workday account, click Add a new account.

    Qtip: When adding a new account, you’ll need the following information:adding a new workday account

    • Name: Give the account a name so you can identify it in the future.
    • Username: The username you use to log in to Workday.
    • Password: The password you use to log in to Workday.
    • Host Name: The host name prefix included in the Workday login/API URL (e.g.,
    • Tenant Name: The tenant name included in the URL when working in Workday (eg., https://<hostName>/ccx/service/<tenantName>/).
  6. Click Next.
  7. Choose the fields you want to import from Workday. By default, Worker ID, First Name, Last Name, and Email Address are automatically selected. For a full list of fields, see Supported Fields.
    choosing the fields to import from workday
  8. To remove a field, click the minus sign ().
  9. To import additional standard fields, click Add a Field.
  10. To import a calculated field, click Add a Calculated Field.
  11. Specify the calculated field name.
    adding a calculated field
  12. Enter the Integration System ID. For more information about this field, see the Field Override Service subsection in the Workday Requirements section.
  13. Check the I acknowledge that this integration is powered by Boomi checkbox.
    Attention: This extension uses a third-party platform, Boomi, to run. Boomi will process the employee data, but no extracted data is stored or persists on Boomi’s servers.
  14. Click Save.
  15. Add a Load users into EX directory task to your workflow. See the linked page for more information.
    Qtip: We recommend running your data through a basic transform task before sending it to a data loader task. This allows you to make sure your fields are in the right format for easy mapping in the loader task.
Qtip: The first time this extraction runs, all Workday employee records will be pulled into Qualtrics. On subsequent runs, only updated employee records will be pulled in. This task only imports updated records when the employee record itself changes, not when calculated fields are updated.

Supported Fields

This section covers the fields that you can import from Workday.

Qtip: Some fields return more than one value. The current behavior is to look for a ‘Primary’ tag, and if that fails then pull the first found value. Some fields (i.e. Manager ID) are configured to pull a specific position separate from the first value.
Label Source
Worker ID Worker_ID
User ID User_ID
Universal ID Universal_ID
First Name (Legal) Personal_Data/Name_Data/Legal_Name_Data/Name_Detail_Data/First_Name
Last Name (Legal) Personal_Data/Name_Data/Legal_Name_Data/Name_Detail_Data/Last_Name
First Name (Preferred) Personal_Data/Name_Data/Preferred_Name_Data/Name_Detail_Data/First_Name
Last Name (Preferred) Personal_Data/Name_Data/Preferred_Name_Data/Name_Detail_Data/Last_Name
Email Address Personal_Data/Contact_Data/Email_Address_Data/Email_Address
Phone Number Personal_Data/Contact_Data/Phone_Data/Phone_Number
Birth Date Personal_Data/Birth_Date
Gender Personal_Data/Gender_Reference
Ethnicity Personal_Data/Ethnicity_Reference
Country (Home) Personal_Data/Contact_Data/Address_Data/Country_Reference
Region (Home) Personal_Data/Contact_Data/Address_Data/Country_Region_Reference
Business Title Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Business_Title
Position Title Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Position_Title
Position ID Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Position_ID
Start Date Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Start_Date
End Employment Date Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/End_Employment_Date
Worker Type Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Worker_Type_Reference
Position Time Type Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Position_Time_Type_Reference
Job Exempt Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Job_Exempt
Scheduled Weekly Hours Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Scheduled_Weekly_Hours
Default Weekly Hours Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Default_Weekly_Hours
Working Time Value Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Working_Time_Value
Full Time Equivalent Percentage Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Full_Time_Equivalent_Percentage
Specify Paid FTE Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Specify_Paid_FTE
Paid FTE Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Paid_FTE
Specify Working FTE Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Specify_Working_FTE
Working FTE Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Working_FTE
Exclude from Headcount Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Exclude_from_Headcount
Pay Rate Type Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Pay_Rate_Type_Reference
Work Shift Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Work_Shift_Reference
Work Hours Profiles Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Work_Hours_Profiles_Reference
Job Profile Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Job_Profile_Summary_Data/Job_Profile_Reference
Management Level Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Job_Profile_Summary_Data/Management_Level_Reference
Job Profile Name Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Job_Profile_Summary_Data/Job_Profile_Name
Work Shift Required Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Job_Profile_Summary_Data/Work_Shift_Required
Critical Job Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Job_Profile_Summary_Data/Critical_Job
Difficulty To Fill Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Job_Profile_Summary_Data/Difficulty_to_Fill_Reference
Location Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Business_Site_Summary_Data/Location_Reference
Name Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Business_Site_Summary_Data/Name
Local Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Business_Site_Summary_Data/Local_Reference
Display Language Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Business_Site_Summary_Data/Display_Language_Reference
Time Profile Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Business_Site_Summary_Data/Time_Profile_Reference
End Date Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/End_Date
Pay Through Date Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Pay_Through_Date
Active Employment_Data/Worker_Status_Data/Active
Active Status Date Employment_Data/Worker_Status_Data/Active_Status_Date
Hire Date Employment_Data/Worker_Status_Data/Hire_Date
Original Hire Date Employment_Data/Worker_Status_Data/Original_Hire_Date
Hire Reason Employment_Data/Worker_Status_Data/Hire_Reason_Reference
End Employment Date Employment_Data/Worker_Status_Data/End_Employment_Date
Continuous Service Date Employment_Data/Worker_Status_Data/Continuous_Service_Date
Terminated Employment_Data/Worker_Status_Data/Terminated
Termination Date Employment_Data/Worker_Status_Data/Termination_Date
Pay Through Date Employment_Data/Worker_Status_Data/Pay_Through_Date
Primary Termination Reason Employment_Data/Worker_Status_Data/Primary_Termination_Reason_Reference
Regrettable Termination Employment_Data/Worker_Status_Data/Regrettable_Termination
Resignation Date Employment_Data/Worker_Status_Data/Resignation_Date
Probation Start Date Employment_Data/Worker_Status_Data/Probation_Start_Date
Probation End Date Employment_Data/Worker_Status_Data/Probation_End_Date
Rehire Employment_Data/Worker_Status_Data/Rehire
Contract Pay Rate Employement_Data/Worker_Contract_Data/Contract_Pay_Rate
Contract Assignment Details Employement_Data/Worker_Contract_Data/Contract_Assignment_Details
Contract End Date Employement_Data/Worker_Contract_Data/Contract_End_Date
Job Family Employement_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Job_Profile_Summary_Data/Job_Family_Reference
Job Family Group Employement_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Job_Profile_Summary_Data/Job_Family_Reference
Country (Work) Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Business_Site_Summary_Data/Address_Data/Country_Reference
Region (Work) Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Business_Site_Summary_Data/Address_Data/Country_Region_Reference
Manager Name Employment_Data/Worker_Job_Data/Position_Data/Manager_as_of_last_detected_manager_change_Reference
Manager ID Management_Chain_Data/Worker_Supervisory_Management_Chain_Data/Management_Chain_Data/Manager_Reference
Manager’s Manager ID Management_Chain_Data/Worker_Supervisory_Management_Chain_Data/Management_Chain_Data/Manager_Reference
Self Evaluation Rating Employee_Review_Data/Performance_Review_Data/Review_Data/Self_Evaluation_Data/Overall_Data
Manager Evaluation Rating Employee_Review_Data/Performance_Review_Data/Review_Data/Manager_Evaluation_Data/Overall_Data
Potential Talent_Assessment_Data/Employee_Potential_Data/Potential_Reference
Achievable Level Talent_Assessment_Data/Employee_Potential_Data/Achievable_Level_Reference
Retention Risk Talent_Assessment_Data/Employee_Potential_Data/Retention_Risk_Reference
Loss Impact Risk Talent_Assessment_Data/Employee_Potential_Data/Loss_Impact_Risk_Reference
Short Term Relocation Career_Data/Short_Term_Relocation_Reference
Short Term Relocation Area Career_Data/Short_Term_Relocation_Area__Reference
Long Term Relocation Career_Data/Long_Term_Relocation_Reference
Long Term Relocation Area Career_Data/Long_Term_Relocation_Area__Reference
Username User_Account_Data/User_Name
User Language User_Account_Data/User_Language_Reference

Troubleshooting Common Errors

If your Extract employees from Workday task has failed, go to workflows run history to find more information about why the task failed. This section covers common errors you may find and their resolution.

Error Resolution
Failed to connect to Workday The Workday credentials, host name, or tenant name is incorrect. Please double check your Workday account information and add your Workday account again.
Brand misconfigured Internal error. Please contact Qualtrics Support.
Process already running in sub-account This error occurs when you have multiple Extract employees from Workday tasks set up to run at the same time. To fix this error, adjust the schedule for your workflows so they run at different times of the day.
Max wait time exceeded Internal error. Please contact Qualtrics Support.