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Extract Employee Data from HRIS Task

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Qtip: The functionality described on this page is in development and is not yet available to all users. Qualtrics may, in its sole discretion and without liability, change the timing of any product feature rollout, change the functionality for any in preview or in development product feature, or choose not to release a product feature or functionality for any reason or for no reason.

About Extracting Employee Data from an HRIS

It’s very likely that you keep employee information stored not just in Qualtrics®, but in an HRIS (Human Resources Information System), along with all kinds of important operational data for each person. You can automate the process of syncing this employee information to Qualtrics on a regular basis, keeping your directories up-to-date and enriching your employee research. To accomplish this, you create an ETL workflow that starts with an Extract employee data from HRIS task.

No matter the system you use, it’s worth trying this task out, as this task lets you choose from an incredibly wide range of HRIS platforms. See below for a short list of supported, popular platforms.

Qtip: Are you trying to connect to Workday? This is the task for you! We’ll use Workday as the example in the setup steps below.
Attention: The Extract employee data from HRIS task uses a third party system named Merge to integrate with your HRIS of choice. Merge will retain extracted data and credentials for as long as your Merge integration account exists. For more information, see this Merge documentation.

Setting Up an Extract Employee Data from HRIS Task

  1. Create an ETL workflow.
  2. Click Data source (ETL extractor).
    creating an ETL task, the second widget on the screen lets you add a data source
  3. Search and select Extract employee data from HRIS.
    new window where you can see the task mentioned
  4. Click Add a user account.
    add a user account button in the upper-right
  5. Create a name for your account.
    naming your account

    Qtip: This account name is mostly to help you identify the connection or HRIS account you plan to log into.
  6. Click Connect to HRIS.
  7. Search and select the integration you’d like to use. See supported HRIS platforms for a non-exhaustive list.
    new window showing products you can integrate with
  8. Depending on the HRIS you select, your next steps will vary. Follow the steps on the screen to learn the permissions you need and the actions you should take to connect to your chosen HRIS.
    Qtip: See our Workday example for an idea of what next steps could look like.
  9. Once you’ve connected to your HRIS, complete your workflow.

Example: Connecting to Workday

In this example, we’ll show you what it looks like to log into Workday with this task. These steps are written assuming you’ve already completed the instructions in Setting Up an Extract Employee Data from HRIS Task.

Qtip: If you need help finding information needed to integrate into Workday, we recommend reaching out directly to Workday’s support team.
Qtip: While you complete these steps, you’ll need to have your HRIS (e.g., Workday) open in another tab.
  1. Select Workday from the list of integrations.
    window with list of integrations highlighting workday
  2. Choose how to authenticate. In this example, we’ll select Use my credentials (recommended).
    in next page of the window, choosing authentication type
  3. Workday requires an administrator role to connect. Confirm you’re an admin to proceed.
    confirming administration role

    Qtip: If you’re not a Workday administrator, reach out to your organization’s IT team.
  4. Review data permissions and end user terms. By proceeding, you are agreeing to these terms.
    a page showing data permissions, with headings you can click to learn more
  5.  For Select operator, choose is.
    select operator field

    Qtip: This step (5) and the next step (6) are optional. You only need to complete these steps if you want to use custom calculated fields in Workday.
  6. Enter your employee integration system ID.
    entering the employee integration system ID

    Qtip: For help setting up your integration systems user or ID, see this Merge documentation.
  7. Go to the next page.
    Qtip: If you need to change your answers, there is a Back button in the top-left of every page.
  8. Enter your Workday ISU (Integration System User) username.
    entering the ISU and password

    Qtip: If you’re not sure how to find your Workday information, follow the steps on the screen. You can also click Stuck? to see detailed instructions provided by Merge.
  9. Enter your Workday password.
  10. Go to the next screen.
  11. The next several pages of this window are steps that you need to follow in your Workday account. Follow the steps in the window carefully, and use the links to illustrated support docs provided in the window if you need help. These steps include:
    screenshot highlights the total number of steps you can expect, the directions on the screen, and the links to more documentation hosted by Merge

    • Create a security group.
    • Configure permissions.
    • Activate security policy.
    • Validate authentication policy.
    • Activate pending authentication policy changes.
  12. In step 7/7, you add your Workday web services endpoint URL.
    URL added
  13. In the next step, you’ll map fields from Workday to Qualtrics.
    window explaining you're about to start mapping fields

    Qtip: You can also skip this and map fields later.
  14. Under New target field, select the Workday field you’d like to map.
    mapping fields
  15. Give this field a name.
  16. Enter an optional description for the field.
  17. Click Add.
  18. To add more fields, click Mapping, and repeat the previous steps.
    more field mapping
  19. If you are trying to map a field that is part of an ObjectList, click Advanced mapping to select the field from that list.
    Qtip: If you’d like to use calculated fields, it may take the time for them to appear in the user interface. To access these calculated fields, use Wd:Worker_Data.wd:Integration_Field_Override_Data in the advanced mapper.
    Qtip: Advanced mapping is currently only available for List type fields. For JSON and text type fields, the Advanced mapping option will not appear.
    Qtip: For more information on advanced field mapping, see Merge’s field mapping guide and the Workday field mapping guide.
  20. When you’re finished mapping fields, click Save.
  21. Click Finish setup to return to Qualtrics.
    window indicating the connection was a success, with a finish button at the bottom
  22. Select your integrated HRIS (Workday) account.
    Your connected account now appears
  23. Click Next.
  24. Select the fields you’d like to carry over into your destination (employee directory).
    selecting fields to include

    Qtip: If you notice fields missing or named incorrectly, you should edit your HRIS connection. You can skip straight to field mapping without having to complete the other steps.
  25. Click Next.
  26. Save your changes.
    saving changes
  27. Complete your workflow.

Completing the Workflow

Once you’ve set up your Extract employee data from HRIS task, it’s time to choose a destination for your employee data.

  1. If you want, you can add optional data transformation.
    Back inside the workflow editor with a source added, can now complete the ETL
  2. Select Add a data destination.
  3. If you’re automating employee directory uploads, we recommend using the Load Users into EX Directory task. Follow the steps on the linked support page to complete your workflow.
    new window where you decide where the data extracted with Merge should go
  4. Once your workflow is activated, your employee upload automation will run on your chosen schedule.
    using buttons in upper-right of workflow editor to activate and run the workflow
  5. You can also run the workflow immediately, regardless of the schedule. (This is optional.)
Qtip: If you’d like to export your employee data to a different destination, you can browse our support pages for other possible destinations (data loader tasks).
Qtip: For help pulling hiring manager and recruiter information from Workday, see this Merge documentation.

Supported HRIS Connections

The Extract employee data from HRIS task offers about 50 HRIS platforms you can connect to. Below is a non-exhaustive list of some of the highlights. If you have questions about authenticating into these platforms, click their names to be taken to their websites.

Qtip: Merge is continuously updating their list of supported HRIS systems. Newer integrations will be listed in the product as “Beta” when they are still being developed.
Qtip: Although many HRIS platforms are available, the Extract employee data from HRIS task allows you to connect to 1 at a time. If you use more than one HRIS, make sure to make a separate workflow for each one.

Editing HRIS Connections and Mappings

Editing a Workflow’s HRIS Connection

You can edit the Extract employee data from HRIS task in an existing workflow. By doing this, you can edit the mappings, resync the connection, or make other changes to this task.

  1. Click the Extract employee data from HRIS task.
    back in workflow, the HRIS task is highlighted
  2. Click Back.
    button bottom-left
  3. Click the 3 dots next to your HRIS.
    menu appears when you click dots next to your account
  4. Click Edit account.
  5. The Re-sync option can be helpful if you’ve recently updated field configurations in your HRIS, or if you need to immediately import data. This option syncs data between the HRIS and Merge (the third party back-end of the task). Data is synced between Merge and Qualtrics on the workflow schedule.
    new window where you can configure setup, see data syncs, and more

    Qtip: You can also run the workflow immediately to resync data between your HRIS and Qualtrics.
  6. Under Configure setup, you can choose from the following:
    new window with the options listed below

    • Relink integration: Redo the entire connection and login portion of your HRIS connection.
    • View data filters: Filter down the data you pull in from your HRIS connection. For Workday, this is also used to provide the integration system ID.
    • Map additional fields: Create or edit mappings for custom fields.
Qtip: The exact steps to complete these tasks will vary by HRIS. To preview what these steps could look like, see our Workday example.

Managing Account Connections as a Brand Admin

As with other extensions, Brand Administrators can make edits to connected HRIS accounts. This extension is named the same as the task, Extract employee data from HRIS.

See the following sections of the Extensions Administration page for help with:

From here in the Extensions Admin page, you can also make the same edits described in the previous section (relinking, filters, mapping fields). Just select the 3 dots, then Edit account.