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Ticket Follow-Up Page

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About the Ticket Follow-Up Page

After ticketing is all set up and new tickets are being created, it’s time to follow up with your respondents! The follow-up page provides a table of your tickets including ticket details, metrics, and the ability to search and filter. All ticket actions begin on the follow-up page.

To visit the follow-up page, select Tickets from the navigation menu.

Ticketing tab from the main menu

Ticket Metrics

On the top of the follow-up page, you will see a header with a series of metrics.

Ticket metrics in the follow up page.

  • Tickets not Closed: Tickets that have been marked as a status other than “Closed”.
  • Tickets Open more than 24 hours: Tickets that have been marked as a status other than “Closed” for more than 24 hours.
  • Tickets Open less than 24 hours: Tickets that have been marked as a status other than “Closed” for less than 24 hours.
  • Average resolution time: The average time it takes to resolve a ticket.
    Qtip: Average resolution time only takes into account tickets closed within the past two weeks, not all closed tickets.
Attention: All of the above metrics include tickets assigned to those selected in the filter. If you have filtered for your team, the entire team’s metrics will be displayed.
Qtip: Click one of the metric cards in order to filter for tickets in that metric. For more information, see Filtering the follow-up page.


To add ticket metrics to the homepage, see the Homepage Basic Overview page.

Ticket metrics in the homepage.

Filtering the Follow-Up Page

On the follow-up page, there are several ways to filter tickets. These filters indicate which metrics and tickets are displayed in your dashboard.

Qtip: If you leave the follow-up page, the filters applied to that page will save and be automatically enabled when you return. If you can’t find the ticket that you’re looking for, check the filters to make sure you’re searching in the right place. Filters can be reverted back to the default if local browser storage is altered.


This field displays the projects that have tickets assigned to you or your team/group. To filter the follow-up page by project, select another project from the dropdown.

Switching projects from the follow up page

Qtip: Only active projects are available in the projects drop-down.


You will see any ticket groups or ticket teams that have been created by your administrator, as well as the default values All Teams and All Groups. These fields only appear if ticket groups and/or ticket teams have been set up for your organization.

Filter tickets by teams and groups


The metrics banner displays summary metrics for the owner selected in the Teams and Groups filter. Click on one of the cards in this area to filter the dashboard by one of these metrics.

Clicking on metrics filters the ticketing list by that metric


Filtering tickets list by status and priority

  • Status: These will vary based on the statuses that have been set up for your organization. The default statuses are Active, Open, In Progress, and Closed, but additional statuses can be added in the Custom Ticket Status editor.
  • Priority: This field shows the priority options Low, Medium, and High. If none are selected this field will default to All.

Following Up on Tickets

There are many ways you can manage your tickets in the follow-up stage, including contacting the respondent from the ticket, changing the status of the ticket, and more. For more information on using tickets, see Following Up On Tickets.

To search for a certain ticket, type key terms into the search bar. The search bar picks up on all ticket content, meaning you can type anything from the owner’s name to the ticket ID.

When a search is made, all of the filters will be set to “All” and the search will include all possible tickets. Once the search is cancelled, the filters will revert back to what was previously configured.
Highlights the search bar from the follow up page


What’s available in the Queues page will depend on what your administrator set up, but you may see team names, issue types, or however else your organization has chosen to divide ticket queues.

Highlights the queues tab and the drop down that lets you select a queue