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Creating Tickets Based On Discover Alerts

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About Creating Tickets Based On Discover Alerts

Many features from the Qualtrics Social Connect (QSC) Inbox can be rebuilt as ticket workflows in the XM Engage platform. This page goes over the steps to create XM Engage ticketing workflows based on Discover Studio alerts.

Attention: The QSC inbox is no longer supported for alerting use cases and will not be available after June 30, 2024. You can accomplish the same capabilities and more using the tickets task in Workflows. See the pages linked below for more information.

Step 1: Review Current Discover and QSC Inbox Setup

Login to your Discover Studio account and navigate to your Inbox. Take note of how your inbox is set up and how alerts are managed. Each inbox will be rebuilt as a Ticket Team and/or Ticket Group, and every active alert should map to an inbox.

Next, navigate to the Alerts workspace. Take note of current alerts, which will be connected to your newly built workflows in Engage. Be sure to disable any alerts that are not actively being used or reviewed.

Alerts page in Discover

Attention: Designer alerts are not supported with this feature. We recommend rebuilding any Designer verbatim alerts as interaction alerts in Studio to use in this workflow.

Step 2: Build Alerts in Discover

Once you have reviewed your current setup, it’s time to build alerts in Discover. These alerts will trigger workflows in XM Engage.

Attention: While previously created alerts can be used to create workflows, resulting action will be inconsistent due to their connection to the QSC inbox. It is best practice to rebuild alerts and only connect them to Engage workflows.
  1. Login to your Studio account.
  2. Navigate to the Alerts page.
    Disabling alerts or creating new alerts

    Qtip: If you do not have access to the Alerts page, reach out to your Qualtrics Account Team for assistance.
  3. Select the Interactions tab.
  4. Create your alert. You can either create a verbatim alert (also known as an interaction alert) or a scorecard alert.
    Qtip: Scorecard alerts are automatically created when a rubric is saved and enabled, so as long as the alert is enabled on the Alerts page, no further steps are required.
    Attention: Designer alerts are not supported with this migration. We recommend rebuilding any Designer verbatim alerts as interaction alerts in Studio to use in this workflow. For more information, see Interaction Alerts.
  5. Make sure the alert is enabled.

Step 3: Build Workflows in Engage

Use XM Engage workflows to trigger tasks based on the alerts you set up in step 2. For example, you can create a ticket every time a customer states that they want someone to follow up with them on an issue they had during checkout.

  1. Login to your Engage account.
    Qualtrics account with workflows highlighted
  2. Navigate to the workflows page.
  3. Click Create a workflow.
    Create a workflow when an event is received
  4. Select Started when an event is received.
  5. Enter a name for your workflow.
    Name and create your workflow
  6. Select Stand-alone workflows from the drop-down menu.
  7. Click Create workflow.
  8. Select XM Discover. Use the search bar to quickly find the extension, if needed.
    XM Discover event

    Qtip: If you don’t have access to the XM Discover event, reach out to your Brand Administrator for assistance.
  9. Name your template.
    Set up the XM Discover event
  10. Select the type of alert that you are using. For more information, see Step 2: Build Alerts in Discover.
  11. Select an XM Discover project.
  12. Select the name of the alert you built in Step 2: Build Alerts in Discover.
  13. Select the attributes you’d like to carry over into Qualtrics. Select data from the left, then click Add.
    Add attributes to the event then click save

    Qtip: These should resemble the attributes visible in the case you view in the inbox.
  14. Click Save.
  15. Click “New Workflow” in the upper left corner to re-name your workflow.
    Add a task to the workflow
  16. Turn your workflow off to prevent it from triggering during set-up.
  17. Click the plus sign ( + ) underneath your Discover event.
  18. Select Add a task.
  19. Select the Tickets task.
    Select the tickets task
  20. Set the Priority. This can be either High, Medium, or Low.
    Set up the tickets task
  21. Click the piped text drop-down menu ( { a } ) then select an option to dynamically name your ticket, such as the name of the alert or the document ID.
  22. Select the Ticket Group and Owner from the drop-down menus.
    Qtip: The ticket group and owner will depend on the inbox that you are building your workflow to recreate. For more information, see Step 1: Review Current Discover Setup.
  23. Add items to the Ticket summary, if you want.
  24. Next to Ticket Data, click Add data to this ticket.
  25. Enter the name of the event data field from step 13.
    Ticket data values
  26. Click the Set value drop-down menu and select the corresponding field.
    Qtip: The verbatim field is pulled in automatically and can be used to create a ticket data field to display the sentence that triggered the alert inside the ticket. To see the full verbatim, add the Document Explorer URL to open it in Studio.
  27. Configure other ticket task details, if you’d like. For more information, see Tickets Task.
  28. Click Save.

Step 4: Use Tickets in Engage

Once your alert is triggered, a new ticket will be created using the ticket task from Step 3. To view tickets, navigate to the Tickets Follow-Up Page.

Tickets page

The follow-up page will display all of the tickets owned by you or your team. For more information on navigating the follow-up page, see New Ticket Owner Experience.

Qtip: If you’re a Brand Administrator, you will be able to view all tickets from the follow-up page.

Open tickets in the follow-up page

Select an open ticket to view the ticket that was generated by the tickets task. All attributes from Discover are displayed in the Ticket details section.

Ticket details in an open ticket

Configuring Tickets in Engage

Features in the Ticket Tools dropdown can be helpful for using tickets in Engage. For information on items that are particularly useful, check out the following support pages:

Ticket tools drop-down menu

  • Ticket settings: Various ticket management options.
    Qtip: Only Brand Administrators can access Ticket Settings.
  • Ticket format: Modify the values that are displayed in the ticketing activity to all users in the brand.
  • Manage permissions: Manage ticket group permissions.
  • Manage teams: Assign individuals to ticket teams, assign tickets to teams by default, and create ticket queues to assign tickets to teams.
  • Manage queues: Manage ticket queues and queue settings.


Attention: Only Brand Administrators can give users access to tickets. To reach out to your Brand Administrator, see Contacting Your Brand Administrator.

Users must have the Use Qualtrics Tickets permission enabled to be able to interact with tickets. You can utilize User Types to easily assign permissions to new users in your brand.

Example: Let’s say you want to create a “Ticket User” user type with limited access to the Engage platform. When creating the user type, only enable the: Customer Experience project permission, Access Organization Address Book, Use Qualtrics Tickets, and Use CX Dashboards account permissions. If you want to create a “Ticket Admin” user type, be sure to include the Qualtrics Ticket Admin permission. For a list of all permissions available when creating a user type, see User, Group, & Division Permissions.
Permissions to use tickets in the admin

Using Ticket Queues

To take tickets in Engage, click the Queues tab in the Follow-Up page and select the appropriate queue from the dropdown. To take a ticket, click Assign yourself a ticket and you will be assigned as the owner to a ticket from this queue. For more information, see Ticket Queues.

Assign yourself a ticket from the queue

Re-Creating Qualtrics Social Connect (QSC) Inbox Features in Ticketing

Many QSC inbox features can be recreated using Tickets. See the table below for more information on making the most out of the Engage ticketing platform.

Social Connect (QSC) Inbox Feature Ticketing Feature
1. Organize cases via Smart Folders.

2. Add tags to cases to move them between Smart Folders (e.g. to advance them in the triaging process).

Custom ticket statuses organize tickets into different stages of the triage process. Update the status of tickets to move them between stages instead of using tags. You can add a Root Cause to the ticket to add another classification, if needed.
Add notes to collaborate with colleagues. Comment on tickets.
Mention ( @ ) the user who created the ticket to let them know of the resolution. Send a Follow-Up Email to close the loop or follow up on ticket details. Follow Up emails can be sent to the user who submitted the ticket, or to colleagues.

Qtip: To seamlessly close the loop, create reusable ticket templates that pull in saved messages from the library.
Open the document associated with a case in Document Explorer in Studio. Add the “Discover Document Explorer URL” field to the ticket data while setting up the tickets task. This will provide a link in the ticket that users can click to open the Document Explorer in a new tab.
Discover Document Explorer URL field in ticket data
Issue rebuttals. Rebuttals can be done in Document Explorer, without having to create a ticket. Agents can submit rebuttal request tickets via the Manual Ticket Creation workflow in Document Explorer.

Qtip: Users need the Rebut Rubrics permission enabled and data access to the project in order to complete a rebuttal.
Reassign cases to a teammate if escalated. Manually reassign tickets to another owner via the Assign To dropdown in the ticket, or set up a workflow to automatically reassign tickets based on certain criteria (e.g. older than 5 days).

Qtip: Admins can ensure that tickets are only reassigned to members of a specific group. This can avoid reassigning the ticket to someone outside of the intended team.
Assign an automatic owner to new cases. Tickets can be automatically assigned to individuals or teams. Additionally, admins can set up dynamic ticket assignments to assign owners based on conditions of the ticket data.
Access the archived list of cases. Closed tickets remain in the ticket library. Filter and search for closed tickets on the follow-up page.