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Single-Instance Incentives

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Warning: We recommend you take extra care when setting up surveys that involve incentives (e.g., with incentives described on this page, setting up anonymous raffles, or setting up your own incentive survey). Using the correct settings and configuration is essential to ensure that the incentives are restricted to your intended respondents. Without appropriate settings, it may be possible for people to take advantage of your survey distributions and claim the incentives. Please carefully review the settings you can use to protect your survey on the Security Survey Options page.

About Single-Instance Incentives

Incentives are a great way to increase respondent engagement and improve response rates. As the name suggests, single-instance incentives are only set up for one survey at a time. They allow you to reward your respondents for participating in your survey.

Currently, you can add incentives to your survey by integrating with:

BHN Task

Qtip: If you don’t see the BHN task, contact your Brand Administrator to make sure they’ve installed the extension.
Attention: The BHN task is not supported on FedRAMP brands because it does not meet FedRAMP certifications.

BHN Rewards (formerly known as Rybbon) helps you reward your survey takers with incentives. To use the Qualtrics-BHN integration, select the BHN Rewards task when setting up your workflow. You can click the information icon on the task to view support documentation and contact information for getting help.clicking the i on a BHN task

For more information on setting up the Qualtrics-BHN integration, see this BHN support page.

Tango Card Task

Attention: The Qualtrics owned Tango Card Task will no longer be available in the near future. The best way to integrate Qualtrics with Tango is through the third party extension owned by Tango.
Attention: The Tango Card task is not supported on FedRAMP brands because it does not meet FedRAMP certifications.

Setting Up in Tango

The Tango Card with Rewards Genius is a great way to create incentives for your respondents. However, before you set this up in Qualtrics, there are a few steps you have to take in Tango. Go to Tango’s Qualtrics Integration page for more information.

Setting Up in Qualtrics

  1. Navigate to the Workflows tab.
    in the workflows tab, clicking create a workflow and choosing the type of workflow
  2. Click Create a workflow.
  3. Determine whether the email should be sent on a schedule or based on an event. Visit the linked pages for more information. Usually, the workflow is started with a survey response event to begin the workflow when a new response is submitted.
  4. Click the plus sign ( + ) and then Add a condition to set the conditions under which the email is sent.
    clicking the plus sign and then conditions

    Qtip: This step determines the conditions under which a respondent receives an incentive, so it is important to set this step up correctly. If you want every respondent to receive an incentive, do not set a condition.
  5. Click the plus sign ( + ) and then Add a task.
    clicking the plus sign and then task
  6. Select Tango Card as your task.
    selecting the tango card task
  7. Select whether Respondent emails will come from a list of contacts (meaning you emailed the survey, used personal links, or used an authenticator) or if Respondent emails will be captured via survey question (meaning you ask for the email address in the survey).
    choosing where respondent emails come from

    Qtip: When you have Respondent emails will be captured via survey question selected, click the piped text button, {a}, to select the survey question where you ask for the email address.
    using the piped text menu in the tango card to select the question where respondents entered their email
  8. Click Continue.
  9. Enter your Tango Card Incentive Program ID. Read the instructions for help finding this in your Tango account.
    entering the program id
  10. Click Continue.
  11. You will see a screen confirming your Tango Card information. Click Finish to confirm the it is correct.
Qtip: Qualtrics Support is only responsible for providing support for the functions that occur in the Workflows tab; Tango Card / Rewards Genius is only responsible for providing support for the Tango Card rewards system.