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Insights People Report

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About the Insights People Report

The People tab of your Insights report shows you key demographic information about the people who interact with your brand.

Qtip: You can change the topics, date range, and filters for your report. See Insights Basic Overview for more information.

Accessing the Report

To navigate to the report:

  1. Click the navigation menu in the top left corner.navigating to insights and choosing a topic
  2. Go to Insights.
  3. Select the Topic you want to view the report for.
  4. Click on the People tab.
    the people tab in insights

People Report Widgets

The widgets available on this page include:

  • Unique contacts
  • Languages & countries
  • Demographics
  • People

Unique Contacts

the unique contacts widget
The Unique contacts widget shows the number of unique contacts who have reached out to any of your pages broken out over your selected time period.

Languages & Countries

the languages and countries widget
The Languages & countries widget shows a breakdown of the languages your mentions are written in. You can click on one of these numbers to filter the report by mentions of only that language.

A breakdown of the countries of origin of your mentions are shown to the right of the language breakdown. You can click on a country to filter the report by mentions of only that country.


the demographics widget displaying different profiles

The Demographics widget lists your pages and demographic breakdown for your different audiences. Click on either Fans or People reached to show the gender and age breakdown of that selected audience.the demographics breakdown for a profile


the people widget

The People widget shows you the most influential people for your topic. You can sort this widget by using the SORTING filter in the top right corner. You can sort by:

  • Tracked mentions: The people that engage with your topic the most. The numbers on the side show how much posts, likes, retweets, etc. the user did, by type.
  • Influence: The people whose posts are liked, retweeted, commented, and replied to the most. The numbers on the side show how much others did a certain type of action with the profile.
  • Followers: The people engaging with your topic ranked by the most followers they have on social networks. The follower count is based on the number of followers a profile had at the moment that it posted the last tweet that was related to the topic. Therefore, the number of followers could change after the mention is received in Social Connect.