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Connecting Monitored Profiles

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About Connecting Monitored Profiles

A key aspect of Social Connect is the ability to track data from monitored streams and send interactions to customers based on that data. In order to do so, one or more streams need to be connected in a topic. Within Social Connect there are two types of connections: Authorized and Unauthorized connections. Depending on which one you choose, you will have different options available:

  • Unauthorized connections are pages that you do not own, e.g., a competitor. For this type of connection, only publicly available data can be tracked.
  • Authorized connections are used for accounts that you own. Benefits of having an authorized connection include:
    • Publish, reply, comment, like, hide, delete with these accounts (for supported services)
    • More detailed insights
    • Private Message coverage

Connecting Authorized Streams

In order to connect a profile as a authorized connection, you must complete the following 2 steps:

  1. Linking your stream to Social Connect in Personal settings
  2. Connecting your stream to a Topic

Step 1: Linking your Personal Profile to Social Connect

An access token is required to connect an authorized stream. Qualtrics doesn’t have access to any personal details, nor do other users in your account. This is only necessary to determine whether or not you manage a page.

  1. Click the profile icon in the top right corner.navigating to connected profiles in personal settings and adding an account
  2. Go to Personal settings.
  3. Select Connected profiles.
  4. Click on the service you wish to connect.
  5. Click Continue or Allow in the popup window. This window will look different depending on the service you are trying to connect.clicking continue in the popup window
  6. Your personal profile is now connected.
Warning: It is extremely important to follow the required steps and allow Social Connect to have access and permission to your profile. If you do not allow access, Social Connect will not be able to ingest data from the connection.

Step 2: Connecting your Stream to a Topic

Next you will need to connect the actual profile as a stream in order to track data coming from and towards the profile.

  1. Go to Account settings.going to the topics section of account settings
  2. Select Topics.
  3. Choose the topic you want to connect a new stream in or create a new topic.choosing a topic to add the stream to
  4. Click Add next to the stream you want to add.clicking add next to a stream
  5. Depending on the amount of pages your connected user has admin permission for, one or more pages will display. Click the Add button next to the page that you want to connect.clicking add next to a page

Connecting Unauthorized Streams

It is also possible to connect pages you do not own, also known as unauthorized streams:

  1. Go to Account Settings.going to the topics section of account settings
  2. Select Topics.
  3. Select the topic you want to connect a new stream in or create a new topic.choosing a topic to add the stream to
  4. Click Add next to the service from which you wish to monitor an unauthorized connection.clicking add next to a stream
  5. Enter the page’s URL or handle in the search bar and click Search. A list of the most relevant profiles or pages will be displayed.searching for a page and clicking add
  6. Click Add next to the page that needs to be connected as an unauthorized stream.
Attention: Not all services allow tracking of unauthorized pages.

Reconnecting Streams in Qualtrics Social Connect

Occasionally pages will expire because most services require valid tokens from third-party applications. When a page expires, an email will be sent to the account administrators and a red banner will be displayed on the topics page.

Expired pages will no longer crawl new data, so it is crucial that these are reconnected to avoid potential data loss.

Click the Reconnect button in the red banner to reconnect your page.clicking the Reconnect button

Qtip: Profiles expire for various reasons and at various times. Once a day, Social Connect runs a check to see if any profiles are expired. An email will be sent to the account administrators if one or more profiles are expired. If the profile is reconnected before Social Connect performs the daily topic check, no email will be sent and the expiration will not be logged in the history.

Considerations for Facebook Streams

This section covers considerations you should take into account when connecting Facebook as a stream.

Required Facebook Permissions

Your Facebook page and user account needs certain Facebook permissions to connect properly to Qualtrics Social Connect as an authorized stream.

  1. In the Business integrations section, make sure Qualtrics Social Connect appears and every permission listed there is enabled.
  2. You must be an Admin for the page you want to connect.


Facebook calculates metrics differently than other platforms. You will notice the following metrics for Facebook posts:

  • Impressions: The number of times your content was displayed to other users. An impression indicates that the content was displayed on someone’s feed. The viewer however doesn’t have to engage with the content in order for it to be counted towards an impression.
  • Reach: The number of people who interacted with your content. This is a more accurate representation of the engagement on your post since this is the number of users who actually engaged with the post.

These metrics are available on 2 different levels:

  • Post: Measures how well a specific post performed.
  • Page: Measures how well a page performs, which is a combination of the individual post performance.

Data Access

The data available to you depends on if the connected stream is an authorized stream or not.

  • Authorized stream: All posts that appear in the Page’s New Feed can be tracked.
  • Unauthorized stream: Only updates to the most 100 recent posts can be tracked.

Additionally, Social Connect only tracks the “stories” that are represented in the feed, not the individual “objects.”

Example: For example, if I add 5 new pictures to a Facebook album, the “objects” are the 5 pictures. This action will create the “story,” which is a post on the page’s timeline saying that your page uploaded 5 pictures. The individual pages will not appear in your Social Connect account, but the post saying that new pictures were uploaded will appear.