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Editing Custom Fields

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About Custom Fields

You can add new information to responses after they’ve already been registrado. You can categorize based on items like age, dates, or certain answers to questions, bucket answers into new categories, combine answers, calculate new formulas, and more.

Qtip: For steps to create these fields, please see the linked support pages.
  • Manual fields: Manually add tags, dates, numeric fields, or text fields to your responses.
  • Bucketed fields: Sort answers to a question into different groups, allowing for new reporting opportunities and data cleanup.
  • Formulas: Calculate math operations with your existing data.
  • Combined fields: Combine of 2 or more fields in your dataset, either by concatenating or coalescing answers.

Custom fields can be edited at any time in the Field Editor in Data & Analysis. However, the kinds of edits you can make varies based on the field you created.

Qdica: Os campos personalizados podem ser exportados com o restante dos seus dados. Eles também podem ser utilizados na ponderação e relatórios. Se você preferir a API, pode exportar seu conjunto de dados com os campos personalizados incluídos se usar as chamadas Iniciar exportação de resposta, Obter andamento da exportação de resposta e Obter arquivo de exportação de respostas.

Basics to Editing Fields

Regardless of what kind of field you’re editing, you can always change its name, and you must publish your edits.

Qdica: Lembre-se de que você sempre pode editar as respostas da pesquisa depois que elas forem coletadas. No entanto, a edição da resposta com um link de retomada sobregravará qualquer valor de campo personalizado que você tenha adicionado.
  1. Vá para Data & Analysis.
    going into the field editor
  2. In Data, select Field Editor.
  3. To change a field’s name, edit the Destination.
    editing destination and publishing
  4. Once you’re finished, click Review and Publish.
  5. Click Publish your Changes.
    publicar suas modificações

Edits You Can Make to Each Field

For all kinds of custom fields, you can:

For bucketed, formula, or combined fields only, you can change the rules.

For manual fields only, you can:

Changing Rules for Bucketed, Formula, or Combined Fields

You can make change to how your bucketed, formula, or combined fields calculate their answers.

  1. Clique nos 3 pontos ao lado do campo.
    editing the field rule button
  2. Select Edit Field Rule.
  3. Modifique os campos conforme necessário. See our bucketed, formula, and combined field pages for step-by-step instructions.
    new window where you edit a formulas exact setup
  4. When you’re done, click Edit Field.
  5. Publique suas alterações.

Assigning Types to Manual Fields

Attention: You can only make these edits for manual fields, such as date, numeric, text, and tags.

A field’s “type” is the same as its data format. For example, numeric data is very different from multiple choice, and both can be very different from open-ended feedback. Because of this, the field type determines what kind of edits you can make to the data and what widgets you can use in results dashboards.

Exemplo: se seu campo for um valor numérico ou um conjunto numérico, você só poderá inserir números quando editar respostas a esse campo. Você pode tornar seu campo Idade numérico para garantir que todas as respostas estejam na forma de números.
Exemplo: seu campo Idade está definido para o tipo de texto aberto. Open text is only compatible with a few widgets, such as word clouds and response tickers; because of this, you aren’t able to display your respondents’ age ranges in a graph like the simple table.

Click the Type column to select a different field type.

screenshot of field type menu expanded

Formatação de datas

For date fields, you can specify a format and time zone.

Qdica: Se seus dados contiverem datas com formatos diferentes, você poderá adicionar vários formatos. Date formats will be applied in the order they are listed.
  1. Click the 3 dots next to the date field.
    selecionando o botão formatar datas
  2. Selecione Formatar datas.
  3. Selecione um formato de data na lista suspensa. Consulte Sintaxe de formato de data para obter mais informações sobre os formatos de data disponíveis.
    new window for selecting a format and timezone

    Qtip: You must select from the date format options. You cannot create a custom date syntax.
  4. Selecione um fuso horário.
  5. If answers can come in more then one format, click Add to define more.
  6. When you’re finished, click Apply.
  7. Publique suas alterações.

Marcar um campo como confidencial

Às vezes, você pode querer ocultar alguns dados de relatórios ou painéis, como informações pessoais do entrevistado. Fields marked as sensitive will be hidden to users you share the survey with, so long as they have the View Reports permission View Restricted Data turned off. See more on collaboration permissions.

Once fields are marked sensitive, restricted users will not be able to see that data in Data & Analysis.

in data and analysis a field appears as all asterisks with no information

Warning: Marking sensitive fields does not affect what users see in results dashboards or reports. If you do not want collaborators to see certain data, we recommend turning off report access altogether.

You can mark any kind of custom field as sensitive.

  1. Clique nos 3 pontos ao lado do campo.
    marcar um campo como sensível
  2. Select Mark sensitive. 
  3. A lock icon will appear next to fields that are marked sensitive.
    Qtip: You can mark as many fields as sensitive as needed.
  4. To undo these changes, click the 3 dots and select Mark as insensitive.
    mark as insensitive button appears in menu for locked field
  5. When you’re finished, publish your changes.

Deleting a Custom Field

Warning: Once you delete a field, it is irretrievable. Do not delete a field unless you are absolutely sure you want to remove it permanently.
  1. Clique nos 3 pontos ao lado do campo.
    removendo um campo personalizado
  2. Clique em Remover.
  3. Publique suas alterações.


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