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Bucketing Fields

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About Bucketing Fields

You can “bucket” answers to questions into new groups. As soon as a bucketed field is created, it’s applied to existing data, and applied to all new responses going forward. Creating a bucketed field can be a great way to split out your data in different ways for reports and filters without having to make edits to an active survey.

This support page covers how to create a bucketed field. If you’d like to edit an existing bucket field, see Editing Custom Fields.

Example: Let’s say you distribute a survey internationally, asking what country each respondent lives in. No meio da coleta de dados, você percebe que não quer apenas fazer análises sobre os países, mas também sobre todos os continentes. It’s too late to add a new question or an embedded data element that captures this information, so you bucket countries into regions.

Creating a Bucketing Field

  1. Vá para a guia Dados & Análise.
    Botão Editor de campo no canto superior direito do Data & guia Analysis
  2. Selecione Editor de campos.
  3. Clique em Criar campo.
    Criar botão de campo no editor de campo
  4. Selecione Agrupar na parte superior.
    Bucketing option selected in top-right corner of Create field window
  5. Nomeie seu campo.
  6. Click Select Field to choose the data to bucket. Você pode escolher entre todas as perguntas de pesquisa disponíveis, metadados de pesquisa, campos de contato ou dados incorporados.
    Qtip: You can bucket any multiple choice or numeric data. You cannot bucket other custom fields or open text data (like a standard text entry).
    Qdica: O campo selecionado deve ter 200 ou menos valores exclusivos. (I.e., questions cannot have 200+ answer choices.) If the field exceeds this amount, you’ll see the message “Too Many Source Values” in the Source Values box.
  7. Nomeie os grupos nos quais seus valores serão ordenados.
  8. You can add more groups by clicking Add Group.
    Opção Adicionar grupo abaixo da categoria de período mais abaixo
  9. Arraste os campos da caixa Valores de origem para os grupos à direita.
    Os valores à esquerda são arrastados para as categorias de bucket à direita

    Qtip: Note that you don’t need to have every field sorted into a group. Whenever a value isn’t sorted into a group, it’s marked Uncategorized within your new bucketed field.
  10. Clique em Criar campo.
  11. Select Review and Publish to save your changes.
    clicando em revisar e publicar
  12. Clique em Publicar suas alterações.
    publish changes button in new window

    Qtip: Click Data Table to return to your response data.
    data table button at top of the field editor
Attention: Bucketing is compatible with multiple answer questions. However, only 1 group can be assigned per response. For example, if you allow respondents to choose multiple countries where they’ve lived, a field that bucketed countries into continents would only assign them the continent of their first selected answer.

Bucketing Numeric Ranges

When the field you’re trying to bucket is numeric in format, you divide your buckets into numeric ranges instead of the categorical groups described in the previous section.

Example: You want to create buckets for a range of answers to your slider or numeric text entry.

Criar buckets usando um intervalo de números

  1. Defina o valor numérico mínimo e máximo para cada período.
  2. Os nomes do seu bucket serão ajustados para corresponder aos intervalos numéricos, mas você também pode inserir o nome desejado aqui. These names will appear as the answers to the new bucket field once it’s created.
  3. Add the desired number of buckets by clicking Add group. Os períodos podem ser removidos clicando no “x” do lado direito do bucket.
  4. When you’re finished, click Create Field.
Qtip: Even if an embedded data field is saved in a numeric format, it will always behave like a categorical bucket instead. Multiple choice questions will also always behave as categorical buckets, even if they’re recoded.

Projects Where You Can Bucket Fields

Depending on your license, you may have access to several different types of projects that have a Data & Analysis tab. As opções descritas nesta página estão disponíveis em:

Qtip: When custom fields are added to a CX Dashboard, they become derived data. Although supported, they behave a little differently than other survey fields do. See Derived Data for more details.

Embora a funcionalidade esteja tecnicamente disponível, não recomendamos o uso desses campos personalizados com outros tipos de projetos de Employee Experience. Consulte Criar novos campos (EX) para mais detalhes.

Qtip: While other areas of the platform (like dashboards, Stats iQ, and directories) may also allow you to create new fields, this support page is solely focused on how to create new custom fields in Data & Analysis. Para etapas sobre a criação de outros tipos de campos na plataforma XM, tente restringir a pesquisa no site de suporte.

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