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Managing Mailing Lists & Samples

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About Managing Mailing Lists and Samples

Once you’ve created mailing lists and samples, you can manage them on the Segments & lists tab in the Lists section. This page covers how to do the following with lists and samples:

  • Search
  • Sort
  • Organize lists and samples into folders
  • Share with colleagues
  • Copy
  • Delete
Qtip: This page covers how to manage mailing lists and samples themselves, not the contacts inside.
Qtip: This page covers functionality in both XM Directory and XM Directory Lite.

Searching Mailing Lists

Once you are in the Segments & lists tab, you can determine what type of list you want to find using the navigation on the left. Here, you can pick between segments, lists, and samples (listed in order of icon appearance).

Image of the Segments and Lists tab, but focusing on the three icons listed to the left

Once inside a given section, you can use the search bar on the right to search a list by name. Features from different sections will not appear when searched, e.g., you cannot find a sample by searching for it in the Segments section.

Sorting Mailing Lists

You can sort your mailing lists to make them easier to find. You can sort by the name of a list (alphabetical order), or by the date the list was last modified. To do so, click the header of the column you want to use to sort. For information on sorting contacts within a specific list, see Sorting Contacts.

Image of the two columns mentioned highlgihted, showing the arrows that appear, implying you can sort both ascending and descending


Qtip: Only mailing lists and samples can be organized into folders. The Segments section does not include this feature.

If you want to organize your lists, you can create a series of folders. Both samples and mailing lists can be added to folders.

on far left of lists tab, folders are listed

If you want to view a folder’s contents, select it on the menu on the left. All Lists contains the contents of all folders.

Creating and Managing Folders

Click Create new folder at the bottom of the menu to create a new folder. Then type the name where it says Untitled Folder.

Creating a folder

Click a folder and expand the dropdown menu to rename the folder, create another subfolder within it, or to delete the folder.

Dropdown next to a folder expanded

The same folders will appear on both the samples and lists section of the page.

Sorting into Folders

There are two ways to get a list into a folder:

Select the folder, then create the list while inside it.

Image of a folder being selected and the create a mailing list button being pointed to

While viewing all lists, click the dropdown, then select Move to another folder.

Dropdown next to a list expanded

You cannot drag and drop content into folders.

Sharing Lists

You can share mailing lists with users in your brand. Sharing lists makes it easy to collaborate on surveys together and to make sure that you use the same sample of respondents on future surveys.

To share a contact list, you and the user you want to share with must be in a group together. You can see what groups you belong to by looking under Shared list folders.

Images of shared folders

If there are no groups listed here, or if you don’t know who belongs to this group, contact your Brand Administrator to get a group created. For Brand Administrators, the guide to group creation can be found on the User Groups page.

Sharing Lists

Share contact lists by clicking the dropdown and selecting Share.

Dropdown expanded next to a mailing list to show the share option

Select the group you’d like to share with. You can only pick one at a time.

Image of new window that opens showing the shared folders you can access and select

You cannot share a sample unless the mailing list the sample is taking from has also been shared.

Creating New Shared Lists

Navigate to the folder of the group you wish to share with. Then click Create a shared List. From there, you can create the mailing list and then create samples of it the same way you would if it were created in a different folder.

Image showing a shared folder selected and the button inside

Actions for Shared Lists

An image of a shared list in its folder, with the actions described below appearing in the dropdown menu next to it

Once a mailing list has been shared to the group, you can click the dropdown to choose from a series of actions:

  • Move to another shared folder: Move the list to another group folder. This option only appears if you created the list.
    Attention: Changing who has access to a list can disrupt distributions in progress that other users are sending to that list. Only move the list if you are sure that is what you want to do.
  • Un-share: Remove the list from the shared folder so that only you can access it. This option only appears if you created the list.
    Attention: Un-sharing a list can disrupt distributions in progress that other users are sending to that list. Only un-share the list if you are sure that is what you want to do.

Samples cannot be moved to another shared folder or un-shared – you must perform those actions on the mailing list they originate from.

Attention: Anyone with access to the shared list will be able to perform the additional actions available from the dropdown – including deleting lists, renaming them, exporting them, or editing the sample criteria. Keep this in mind when sharing lists.

List Actions

When you click the dropdown next to a list or a sample, you will have several actions to choose from. These are very similar to the options found under List Options.

Mailing List Actions

Clicking the dropdown next to a mailing list. Options are listed below in bullet points, with what they each do

Qtip: By clicking the number under the “Samples” column, you can view the samples linked to that mailing list.

Sample Actions

Clicking the dropdown next to a sample. Options are listed below in bullet points, with what they each do

  • Edit: Change the name, sample size, and sampling criteria. Once you click Re-sample, the sample will be taken again according to the conditions.
  • Make a copy: Create a new sample with similar criteria. When you click this option, a window will open with a copied sample and all the same sampling criteria; you can adjust the name of the list, the sampling criteria, and the mailing list being sampled before creating the copy. This is a great way to quickly make multiple similar samples with slight adjustments.
  • Move to another folder: Move the list to a folder.
  • Share: This option is disabled, since samples are only shared if the mailing list they’re linked to are also shared.
  • Export contactsExport your sample.
  • Delete: Delete the sample.

Deleting Mailing Lists and Samples in Bulk

You can delete multiple mailing lists and samples in 1 action by following the steps below.

  1. Navigate to the folder that contains the lists you want to delete. This can be either a personal folder you’ve created, or any “shared” folder you have access to.choosing lists and clicking the trash can icon
    Qtip: You can only delete lists in bulk from a folder. You cannot delete lists in bulk from the “All lists” view.
  2. Select the boxes next to each mailing list you’d like to delete.
  3. Click the trash can icon.
  4. Click Delete.
    clicking delete in the popup window