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Search in Research Hub

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About Search in Research Hub

The Search tab allows you to search across all of the surveys, dashboards, videos, and uploaded documents in your Qualtrics license to display the most relevant results. Search results include the following document types:

  • Surveys: Titles, blocks, settings, questions, and answer choices.
  • Dashboards: Titles, pages, filters, and widgets.
  • Uploaded Files: File names, text, and images. Files are uploaded in the Manage Research tab.
  • Videos: Transcripts and summaries.

See Research Hub for more information on how to set up and use Research Hub.

Attention: This feature is only available to users on the new simplified pricing and packaging plans or customers who actively participated in the Preview Program for this feature. For more information, see Qualtrics Public Preview. If you have questions about your Qualtrics pricing and packaging plan, reach out to your account team.

Using Search

  1. Navigate to Research Hub.
    Research hub, the search tab is highlighted with a query in the search bar
  2. Open the Search tab.
  3. Enter what you would like to search for.
    Qtip: Search works best when using real phrases rather than keywords. For example, search “What drives customer satisfaction with our shoes?” rather than “Shoes satisfaction”.
  4. Use the filters to refine your search results. You can filter by Document type, Timeframe, or Access permission.
    Filters and search functionality highlighted
  5. By default, results are sorted based on relevancy, which is recommended. Click the dropdown to sort results by recency, if you’d like.

Each result will show the document type, title, who uploaded the document, the date it was created, and other useful information.

The title, author, and type of document information is highlighted in one of the search results

Different types of results can be used in different ways. Click on a result to expand it.

  1. Surveys: click on a survey result to open that survey project in a new tab.
    A survey type of search result is highlighted
  2. Dashboards: relevant widgets from your dashboards will be shown as search results. Click on a dashboard card to open a preview of that dashboard.
    A dashboard type of search result is highlighted

    Qtip: If a deprecated widget is the search result, the preview won’t be available. Click on the dashboard result to view that widget.
  3. Uploaded Research: click on an uploaded research result to view the file.
    A document type of search result is highlighted

    Qtip: AI generated summaries are available for brands with the “Allow Third Party Generative AI Features” setting enabled. Reach out to your Brand Adminstrator if you are interested in this feature.
  4. Video Project: Click on a video result to preview it.
    A video project type of search result is highlighted

Results That You Cannot Access

Search may provide results that you do not have access to. While you can still add these results to a collection, you will not be able to preview or share them. You can click Request access from project owner for this document to request access.

The button that appears when you dont have access to a search result, highlighted

Sharing Search Results

Click Share to send a result via email, or to copy a link to it.

Share button in the bottom-left of a search result

Adding Search Results to Collections

Collections allow you to organize and share your results from Search. To add a result to to your collection, click Add to collection. See Collections for more information.

Add to collection button in the bottom-left of a search result

Muchas de las páginas de este sitio han sido traducidas del inglés original utilizando la traducción automática. Aunque en Qualtrics hemos realizado nuestra diligencia debida para obtener las mejores traducciones automáticas posibles, la traducción automática nunca es perfecta. El texto original en inglés se considera la versión oficial, y cualquier discrepancia entre el inglés original y las traducciones automáticas no son legalmente vinculantes.