Cuentas desactivadas
Acerca de las cuentas desactivadas
Qualtrics takes the security and use of its product seriously. El equipo de seguridad de Qualtrics supervisa la actividad de la cuenta en función de una variedad de comportamientos y métricas. If Qualtrics suspects that harm may be caused to the Cloud Service or its users, for example if an account is flagged as potentially compromised or sending suspicious surveys or emails, then the Security team will review your account and disable it if necessary to prevent malicious activity.
This support page covers the account disabling process, why a Qualtrics account may be disabled, the process to recover an account, how to investigate account abuse, and how an organization can improve their account security.
The Account Disabling Process
When your account is disabled by Qualtrics Security, the following happens:
- The account’s password is reset.
- Se cancelan todas las sesiones de inicio de sesión activas.
- The Qualtrics API token associated with the account is refreshed.
- Attention: Since your API token will be refreshed, any API calls that use this token will no longer work. Deberá actualizar sus llamadas a la API para utilizar su nuevo token.
Additionally, an email is sent to all Brand Administrators listed for the brand, and the affected user. The email will have the subject line “Qualtrics Security Alert”, and it will include actions taken by Qualtrics Security (listed above), the reason the account was disabled, and the username and user ID of the affected user(s). It also links to this support page for more information.
¿Por qué Qualtrics ha desactivado mi cuenta?
La Seguridad de Qualtrics puede desactivar su cuenta para evitar actividades maliciosas y proteger los datos de su cuenta. An account may be disabled if Qualtrics Security believes any of the following has occurred (this list is non-exhaustive):
- The account has been compromised (i.e., an unauthorized party has gained access to the account, suspects credentials are compromised).
- La cuenta infringe los términos de servicio de Qualtrics o las políticas de uso aceptables.
- La cuenta se ha utilizado para distribuir malware, enviar correos electrónicos de phishing o realizar otras actividades maliciosas.
- Su organización ha enviado una solicitud para desactivar la cuenta.
Recuperar su cuenta
Para recuperar su cuenta de Qualtrics:
- Restablezca la contraseña de su cuenta. El restablecimiento de la contraseña es ligeramente diferente en función de si su organización utiliza SSO o no:
- Si su organización no utiliza SSO (es decir, si inicia sesión con un correo electrónico y una contraseña), solicite un restablecimiento de contraseña y cambie su contraseña.
- Si su organización utiliza SSO (es decir, si inicia sesión a través de una aplicación de terceros, como Google), póngase en contacto con su equipo de TI o con el administrador de organización para restablecer su contraseña de SSO.
- Una vez que haya recuperado la contraseña de su cuenta, póngase en contacto con el administrador de organización para que le permita acceder a su cuenta.
Consejo Q: Si no conoce la información de contacto de su Administrador de organización, póngase en contacto con el equipo de TI de su organización.
- Ahora puede iniciar sesión en Qualtrics.
Investigating Abuse
Once the account is recovered and re-enabled, a Brand Administrator will be able to log into the account to investigate login events and activity.
Login Events
If your Organization has access to the Security Tab, you can look in the Activity Logs and search by Username to find the login event.
- Vaya a Admin.
- Select the Security tab.
- Click Activity Logs.
- Enter the username you are investigating into the search box.
If your organization does not have access to the Security Tab, as a Brand Administrator, you can log into the account of the impacted user, and check their Recent Logins.
- Vaya a Admin.
- Seleccione la pestaña Usuarios.
- Search for the Email Address or User ID of the impacted user.
- Click Login to access their account.
- Navigate to the Account Settings.
- Click Switch to older version.
- View the Recent Logins section. Here you can find the IP, location, and date of past logins.
Additional Activity
As a Brand Administrator, once you’ve logged into your user’s account, you can look for other activity that may have taken place. A good place to start would be the Home page, where you can view recently visited surveys. Within those recently visited surveys, you can view Distributions, Data & Analysis, and Contacts / Directories to view activity that may have occurred.
Mejora de la seguridad de las cuentas
While we cannot provide specific details regarding the source of the compromise, common factors include password reuse across multiple platforms, breaches from third-party services, and phishing attempts. We encourage all customers to implement the safeguards listed below to their accounts:
- Cree una contraseña larga y única para Qualtrics. Puede cambiar su contraseña en las opciones de usuario o solicitar que se restablezca la contraseña desde la página de inicio de sesión.
- Brand Administrators should:
- Advise users not to re-use their old password when going through the password reset workflow.
- Strengthen the Password Creation rules for your organization, found in the Organization Settings tab.
- Enable Two Factor Authentication for your organization, found in the Security Tab.
- Enable SSO for your organization if available.
- Disable Qualtrics Login if you enable SSO.
- Ensure that your SSO Configuration is configured in such a way that only legitimate users of your organization can create Qualtrics accounts on your brand. For more information, please see Restricting User Access.
- Restrict access to Qualtrics accounts on your brand to your network’s IP range by enabling the Allowed IP Addresses permission.
- Disable user accounts once they are no longer a member of your organization.