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Workflows in Pulses

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Qtip: This page describes functionality that we intend to release starting September 25, 2024. Qualtrics may, in its sole discretion and without liability, change the timing of any product feature rollout, change the functionality for any in preview or in development product feature, or choose not to release a product feature or functionality for any reason or for no reason.

About Workflows in Pulse Programs

Workflows allow you to automate what happens across Qualtrics and other platforms as different tasks are accomplished. In Pulse programs, you can create a “template” workflow that is then recreated across your different pulse surveys.

Example: Every time a response indicates a compliance, HR, or IT issue, a message is sent to the appropriate team. Distributions we support include email, Slack, and Microsoft Teams.
Qtip: Keep in mind that every time a new pulse survey is created, you need to activate the workflow in that individual survey if you want it to run for that survey.

Creating Workflow Templates

When you create a workflow template in your program, the workflow will be copied across all your individual pulse surveys as they’re created.

Qtip: Pulse workflow templates do not have to be Qualtrics-made workflow templates. You can make your own workflows or use these premade templates.
  1. Open your program.
    on overview of your progra, you see that workflows is the last tab listed along the top
  2. Go to Workflows.
  3. Click Create a workflow template.
    workflows page
  4. Choose from the following:
  5. Complete your workflow. These steps vary based on the type of workflow you chose and the tasks you want to take place. See previously linked support pages for details.
    workflow where a survey response where respondents would highly recommend your company are sent an email
Qtip: You’ll see Recommended workflows on this page, too. This recommended workflow will set it up so that when participants respond to a Pulse survey, a workflow will start. You can then decide what tasks you want to happen as a result. See Survey Response Event for more details on these settings.
recommended workflows section of pulse workflows page

Activating Workflows

Your Pulse’s surveys will be generated within 30 days of their scheduled send date. At this time, they’ll get their own copy of any program workflow templates you created. However, this copy won’t be activated yet.

  1. Open an individual Pulse survey.
    list of surveys on pulse program's overview
  2. Go to Workflows.
    workflows page has workflows on it, each with an on and off switch
  3. Switch your workflow On.
    Qtip: The switch should be on the right and turn blue.
Qtip: You can also activate a workflow when you open it.
inside a workflow, an on and off switch

Troubleshooting Pulse Workflows

  • Program workflows vs. survey workflows: There’s a Workflows tab in both the overall program and inside each individual survey.
    • Program workflows act as templates that are copied to each survey as they’re created. There’s no way to activate a program workflow because it’s just a template.
    • Survey workflows are the active version of the workflow that you can activate or disable as needed. You can also create other, unique workflows in individual surveys as needed; just keep in mind these workflows will only exist in that specific survey.
      Qtip: Any edits you make to the program workflow will not be reflected in existing surveys. Edits will only be reflected in future surveys.
  • Question rotation: If you have question rotation set up, keep in mind which questions always appear in your surveys, as opposed to those that might not. Make sure questions that might not appear aren’t being used in workflow piped text or conditions.
  • Piping in participant info: Participant information – such as name, email, and metadata – cannot be piped into workflows unless it’s been saved to survey flow embedded data first.
  • Other workflow questions: Check out the Workflows Basic Overview page for more information and resources. If you have questions about a specific type of task or event, each one has its own support page on the site that you can find by name.