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Employee Directory Tools (EX)

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About Employee Directory Tools

Once you navigate to your Employee Directory within the Directories page, you’ll have access to some tools that help you manage the people in your directory.

the tools menu in the employee directory

Qtip: This page is about employee directory tools. To learn about adding and removing people from your employee directory, visit the linked support page.
Attention: The tools on this page affect your directory, not your participants list in a project. When you make edits here, you are affecting your whole organization, not just one project. Edit with caution!

Manage Metadata

You can manage all the metadata for your Employee Experience projects using the Manage Metadata tool. Edits made here won’t affect participant metadata in projects, so you don’t have to worry about data being removed from responses you’ve collected.

  1. Navigate to the Employee Directory on the Directories page.
  2. Click Tools on the top-right.
    clicking tools and then manage metadata
  3. Select Manage Metadata.
  4. Click on a metadata field so it is highlighted in blue.
    Manage metadata by selecting the Metadata field on the left, looking at the number of assigned values at the top, and how to delete your metadata field
  5. For the selected metadata field, note the possible Values listed to the right. Only the first 500 are displayed.
  6. Hover your mouse over a field to get the options icon. Click this.
  7. Click Delete to permanently delete the selected metadata from your organization.
  8. Click Close when you’re done making changes.

Qtip: Want to delete multiple metadata fields at a time? Check the box next to each field you wish to delete. Then click the trash icon next to the Field Name column header. You may need to scroll to the right before you see the trash icon.

Selecting multiple check boxes for metadata fields in order to delete them

Manage Relationships

Manage Relationships is very useful to 360; it is not used in any other part of the Qualtrics platform. With this tool, you can manage all the custom relationships ever created in your brand’s 360 surveys.

Adding and Removing Relationships

  1. Navigate to the Employee Directory on the Directories page.
  2. Click Tools on the top-right.
    clicking tools and then manage relationships
  3. Select Manage Relationships.
  4. At the top, you will see Built-in Relationships. Do not delete these relationships.
    the manage relationships screen is broken into 2 sections: built-in relationships and custom relationships
  5. To rename a custom relationship, type the new name in the box.
  6. There are two different ways to delete custom relationships, depending on whether the relationship has already been used in a 360 project.
    • If the relationship has not been used, then click the minus () sign to delete the field. This action happens instantly and is irreversible.
    • If the relationship has been used, then click Delete next to the field. You will be asked to confirm to delete the relationship. This will remove the relationship from any projects it is being used in. This action is irreversible.
      the delete confirmation window for deleting relationships
  7. To create a new relationship, click Add new at the bottom of the list of custom relationships.
    adding a new relationship
  8. When finished with your edits, click Close.

Translating Relationships

  1. Navigate to the Employee Directory on the Directories page.
  2. Click Tools on the top-right.
    clicking tools and then manage relationships
  3. Select Manage Relationships.
  4. Switch Show Translations to On.
    adding a relationship translation
  5. Click the plus (+) sign and select the language you’d like to add.
    Qtip: If your survey has a custom language, then select Add another language in the language menu and add the language’s display name, language code, and base language. adding a custom language. enter the display name, language code, and base language
  6. Type your translations into the boxes.
    adding a relationship translation.
  7. If you’d like to have your relationships translated automatically, click the percentage sign.
    Attention: The Qualtrics auto-translate feature is completed by Google Translate. The text of relationships is sent to Google Translate and will be returned in the language you select. Please be aware that your text may remain on Google servers. The Qualtrics auto-translate feature sends only your relationship text. Respondent data is not sent and remains secure at Qualtrics.
  8. When you’re finished, click Close.

Translation Options

If you click on the header of any of your translation columns, you will have several options for managing your translations.
the language options when you click a relationship translation

  1. Hide Translation: Hide the translation. This can be helpful if you have many translations and need to create more room on the page.
  2. Remove Translation: Delete the translation altogether.
  3. Select which language displays in the column.
  4. Add another language: Add another language to your list of custom relationship translations. This is the same as clicking the plus (+) sign to add a new translation.

Manage User Data Fields

The Manage User Data Fields tool is most useful for 360. When 360 participants log into their portals, they are allowed to open up their personal data for editing. Here is where you manage which fields they can edit. This is also where you can add fields that are required upon login.

Editing user data fields in the Manage User Data Fields window

  1. Can Edit: Decide whether your 360 participants are allowed to change a field. This is helpful if there is certain employee information that may change from time to time that you would like your participants to be able to fix themselves.
    Qtip: When a user logs into 360 for the first time, they are prompted to change their password. Any fields they’re allowed to edit are also shown in that initial pop-up window.
  2. Required: Decide whether the field is required to log into the platform.
  3. Field Name: Type out the field name, or select an existing one from the dropdown.
  4. Use the plus (+) sign to add fields and the minus () sign to remove fields.
  5. Data Type: Change the data type. This can be either Text Entry, where the user can type out the fields, or a select box, where they have a finite number of choices.

Using the Select Box Data Type

  1. Navigate to the Manage User Data Fields window.
    Using the Select Box option in the Manage User Data fields window
  2. Under Data Type, select Select Box.
  3. Click Edit Choices.
  4. Type out the choices, separated by lines.
    Editing choices for a user data field

    Qtip: Press Enter on your keyboard to add additional choices if you run out of lines.
  5. Click Save.

Manage Previous Imports/Updates/Exports

Qtip: See this support page if you need help importing participants.

The Manage Imports/Updates/Exports option allows you to review when participants were imported to the directory, exported from the directory, deleted from the directory, or had their unique identifiers updated.

the "manage previous imports/update/exports" window

The following information is available for each job:

  • Job Id: An internal ID for this specific job run. This ID can be useful to provide to Qualtrics Support if you need help identifying why a job failed.
  • Type: The type of job (such as uploading people to the directory, or exporting people from the directory).
  • Status: Allows you to view the results of the job, or download the export file (if the job is an export job). See below for more information about using the data in this column.
  • Job Context: Describes where the job took place, either in your directory or in a specific project.
  • User Id: The Qualtrics user ID of the user who requested the job.
  • Creation Date: The date and time that the job was requested.
  • Completion: The date and time that the job completed. If the job is in progress, this column will show the job’s completion status as a percentage.
  • Cancel: If your job is running or queued to run, you can click the X in this column to cancel the job.
Qtip: This window displays jobs within the last 14 days.

If you click View Results underneath the Status column, you will receive a report of what this upload accomplished. If there were any errors that prevented the upload, they will be mentioned here.

clicking view results in the status column

For any participant export jobs, you can click Download to download the exported participant list to your computer.clicking the download link in the status column

Qtip: If an import, export, or update job is in progress, a banner will appear at the top of your directory. Click View progress in this banner to be brought to the Mange Imports/Updates/Exports window. While a job is in progress, another one cannot be started. the message that a job is in progress at the top of the directory

Data Access Tagging

The Data Access Tagging tool determines which fields are assigned a data access tag, which prevents people who are not assigned to the data access role from viewing that data. For more information, see Data Access Settings.

Data access tag

  1. Click the checkbox to the left of a field name to select it. You can select multiple fields, if you’d like.
    Areas of the data access menu
  2. View your fields in the Selected field(s) box. If you need to delete a field, click the X.
  3. Select a Data access tag from the dropdown.
  4. Click Apply Tag.

Update Unique Identifiers

The Update Unique Identifiers option allows you to update the unique identifiers for people in your employee directory by uploading a file containing their old unique identifier and their new unique identifier.

Example: If you don’t like the unique identifiers that Qualtrics automatically generates, use this option to update them.

See this support page for step by step instructions on how to update unique identifiers.

Delete People From Directory

Delete People from Directory allows you to remove people from your employee directory in bulk. This feature works by uploading a CSV file containing the unique identifiers of every person you’d like to remove.

Warning: Deleting people will permanently delete their response data and hierarchy position across all projects, and it will remove them from your directory.
  1. Navigate to the Employee Directory on the Directories page.
  2. Click Tools.
    clicking tools and then delete prople from directory
  3. Select Delete People from Directory.
  4. Click Example CSV to download a CSV file that contains the correct formatting.uploading a file to delete participants
  5. Open the example file in a spreadsheet editor on your computer.
  6. Add the unique identifiers of the people you want to delete in the Unique Identifier column.
    a csv file with a column for unique identifier
  7. Save your file as a CSV with UTF-8 encoding.saving the file as a utf-8 csv file
  8. Return to Qualtrics and click Browse to upload your file.
  9. When finished, click Delete People and Data.

Export Participants

You can export a CSV of your entire directory using the tools menu. This export will contain the columns for each member of the directory’s First Name, Last Name, Unique Identifier, User Name, User Type, Last Login, and all metadata columns ever added to a participant in the brand.

Qtip: This export will contain every participant in your Qualtrics license. If you’d like to export a subset of your directory, check out the Export Filtered Participants List option.
  1. Navigate to the Employee Directory on the Directories page.
  2. Click Tools on the top-right.
    clicking tools and then export participants
  3. Select Export Participants.
  4. By default, the export only contains standard participant fields (name, email, and uniqueID) and metadata. If desired, you can enable the Additional available fields checkbox to include data about the projects that the participants are in.choosing to include extra fields and clicking export
    These additional fields include:

    • Total Project Participations: The number of projects they’ve been added to as a participant.
    • Total Project Response: The number of EX responses submitted.
    • Project Participation Detail: A list that contains each project they’re in, the ID of that project, and the number of responses submitted for that project.
  5. Click Export.
  6. Qualtrics will prepare the file. This can take a while depending on how many participants and fields are being exported.
  7. You can view the file by going to the Manage Previous Imports/Updates/Exports window.downloading the export file
  8. Click Download next to your export file.
    Qtip: This file type is “Export Participants” if it excludes project data, and “Participation Report” if it includes project data.
  9. Select the file format for the export. You can choose CSV, TSV, or SSV.

Export Filtered Participants List

You can export a filtered list of the participants in your directory to a CSV file. This export file will contain the following participant data: First Name, Last Name, Unique Identifier, User Name, User Type, Last Login, and all metadata fields for the selected subset of participants.

  1. Navigate to the Employee Directory on the Directories page.
  2. Click Tools.
    clicking tools and then export filtered participant list
  3. Select Export Filtered Participants List.
  4. Click Add Criteria.
    clicking the Add Criteria button
  5. Use the Select Metadata Field dropdown to choose a metadata field for filtering participants for export.choosing a metadata field for the criteria
  6. Use the Select a Value dropdown to choose the value participants must have for your selected metadata field to be included in the export. You can select multiple values, which will be treated with “OR” logic, meaning a participant must have only 1 of the values to be included in the export.selecting a metadata value
    Example: The condition “Department Accounting” will export any participants who have a value of “Accounting” for the “Department” metadata field.
  7. You can add multiple conditions by clicking the Add Criteria button again and repeating steps 5 and 6.adding more criteria and choosing to include extra participant fields
    When adding multiple conditions, please be aware of the following:

    • You can only use a given metadata field in 1 condition. You cannot have multiple conditions that use the same metadata field, but you can select multiple values for the same metadata field.
    • Multiple conditions are separated by an implicit “AND,” meaning that a participant must meet all conditions to be exported.
  8. To remove a condition, click the minus sign ( ) to the right of the condition.
  9. By default, the export only contains standard participant fields (name, email, and uniqueID) and metadata. If desired, you can enable the Additional available fields checkbox to include data about the projects that the participants are in.
    These additional fields include:

    • Total Project Participations: The number of projects they’ve been added to as a participant.
    • Total Project Response: The number of EX responses submitted.
    • Project Participation Detail: A list that contains each project they’re in, the ID of that project, and the number of responses submitted for that project.
  10. Click Export.
  11. Qualtrics will prepare the file. This can take a while depending on how many participants and fields are being exported.
  12. You can view the file by going to the Manage Previous Imports/Updates/Exports window.downloading the exported file
  13. Click Download next to your export file.
    Qtip: This file type is “Participant List” if it excludes project data, and “Participation Report” if it includes project data.
  14. Select the file format for the export. You can choose CSV, TSV, or SSV.

Enabling the 360 Participant Portal in Multiple Languages

You can make the participant portal available in multiple languages, allowing participants to view the portal in their native language. To enable your portal in additional languages, follow the below steps.

  1. Go to Directories.
    Global hamburger menu expanded, Directories is selected
  2. Select the Employee Directory.
    the directories tab. the employee directory is selected
  3. Click Tools.
    the employee directory. the tools menu is open and the manage user data fields is selected
  4. Select Manage User Data Fields. 
  5. Click Add Field.
    the manage user data fields screen. the add field button is highlighted
  6. Enter Language as the field’s name.
    image of the manage user data fields screen. a field name language has been added
  7. Click Edit Choices.
  8. Select the languages you’d like to be available.
    image of the list of available languages. click the checkbox next to a language to enable it.
  9. Click Close on your language window and your user data window when you are finished.

Participants will automatically see the portal in the language specified by their Language metadata field, if it is available. Users will be able to switch between any available languages by clicking the globe icon (“Language Switcher”) at the top of the portal.
the participant portal. The globe icon for switching languages is in the top right hand corner