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Question Types

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About Question Types

Given the diverse needs your research can have, Qualtrics provides many different ways to ask a question. Each question type has its own unique customization options to further tailor it to your study and ensure you’re collecting data in the right format.

You can specify the type of question you want  by clicking the Add new question button.

Dropdown arrow next to Create a New Question reveals a full list of question types

Qtip: You can also change an existing question’s type – but you should only do this if you have not collected data yet.

This page provides a brief description of each question type, with links to pages where you can learn more about each. We also provide a list of projects each question is compatible with.

List of Question Types

Qtip: You can learn more about a question on its linked page. Some of the types of questions listed below may be add-on features not included in the standard Qualtrics license. If you don’t have access to a certain question type and you’d like to learn more, contact your account team.

Multiple Choice Icon looks like a bulleted list Multiple Choice: Multiple choice questions form the basis of most research. They can be displayed as a traditional list of choices or as a dropdown menu, select box, etc.

Icon looks like a cursor over a text box Text Entry: Text entry is used to gather open-ended feedback from respondents. These responses can be lengthy essays or short text.

Icon looks like a little paragraph of text starting with a big T Text / Graphic: Text / graphic questions can be used to add an introduction or instructions to your survey, or display an asset, like an image.

Two rows of radio buttons Matrix Table: Matrix table is used to collect multiple pieces of information in one question. This type provides an effective way to condense your survey or to group similar items into one question.

Icon looks like two tiny sliders Slider: Sliders let respondents indicate their level of preference with a draggable bar rather than a traditional button or checkbox.

Form field icon looks like an empty text field Form Field: Gather standard form information such as name and email address.

Icon looks like a numbered list Rank Order: Rank order is used to determine each respondent’s order of preference for a list of items.

Side by Side Icon looks like four dots divided in the middle by a line Side by Side: Side by side questions let you ask multiple questions in one condensed table and provides an effective way of shortening your survey while gathering the same amount of data.

NPS Icon looks like the word NPS Net Promoter Score®: NPS® tracks customer loyalty with one simple, standardized question: “On a scale from 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our company to a friend or colleague?”

Timing Icon looks like a clock Timing: This hidden question is used to time—as well as limit—how long participants spend on a page of the survey.

Graphic Slider Icon looks like a slider with an image over it Graphic Slider: This variation of the slider question has respondents use various graphic options, such as changing a frown to a smile or choosing a grade, to indicate their level of preference.

Constant Sum Icon looks like a bar graph Constant Sum: Constant sum collects numeric data and displays a sum to the respondent. This type is often used for allocation assessments, such as defining how you spend your time in different activities.

Icon looks like a standard upload icon, an upward arrow over a container File Upload: File upload is used to collect information beyond the survey questions, such as user-uploaded photos or documents.

Pick Group and Rank Icon looks like a list of options, then two boxes Pick, Group, and Rank: Pick, group, and rank is used for sorting activities. Respondents place items into groups and have the option to rank the items within the group.

Drill Down Icon looks like an upside down triangle composed of dots Drill Down: Drill downs help respondents choose from a long list by starting with a broad category and then honing in on the choices that are relevant to the respondent.

Signature Icon looks like the tip of a fountain pen Signature: The signature question type presents survey participants with an entry box where they can draw their signature. On a desktop, they can use their mouse, and on a mobile device they can use their finger.

Heat Map Icon looks like a flame Heat Map: Heat maps let respondents click a specific point on an image. In your data, you can see a heat map that shows which parts of the image were most often clicked. This type is often used for web development (e.g., eye flow analysis) and advertisement testing.

Hot Spot Icon looks like overlapping boxes Hot Spot: Hot spots allow respondents to interact with regions of an image. This type is often used in usability testing and concept testing.

Icon looks like several lines with arrows Meta Info: Meta info questions report public information about the respondent’s computer, such as their browser and operating system. The question requires no respondent action and is completely hidden.

Captcha Verification Icon looks like a fingerprint Captcha Verification: Captcha verification is used to ensure that your respondents aren’t robots. This question has participants respond to a challenge to verify they are real humans.

Highlight Icon looks like the tip of a highlighter Highlight: The highlight question type allows you to present survey participants with an interactive text sample. Participants can select words from the text and evaluate using criteria you choose. For example, whether they like or dislike the selected text.

Screen capture icon looks like the cut or select tool in an image editing program Screen Capture: Screen capture allows respondents to attach a screenshot of the site they are viewing when taking a survey through a Website / App Feedback project. This question type is only available to users that have purchased access to Website / App Feedback projects.

Location selector icon looks like a location pin dropped on a map Location Selector: The location selector question types allows respondents to select a location from a location source you provide.

arcgis map icon looks like a globe ArcGIS Map: The ArcGIS map question type allows respondents to select a location from a map. This location point can be shared with ArcGIS through the Update ArcGIS Task.

Screen capture icon looks like the cut or select tool in an image editing program Solicit Reviews: Solicit Reviews allows respondents to leave a review on a trusted source – such as Google, Facebook, or G2 – from right inside a Qualtrics survey.

Video response question's icon looks like a play button Video Response: Video responses allow survey takers to record and upload a video or audio recording from their device.

Unmoderated user testing icon looks like a person on a desktop screen Unmoderated User Testing: Unmoderated user testing allows survey participants to record and upload a video or audio recording of their feedback.

the tree testing question icon is an arrow with a second arrow branching off it Tree Testing: Tree testing asks survey respondents to use your website’s menu to find a specific web page.

Import From Library

Clicking on the Import from library button will take you to the Qualtrics question library. This allows you to pull questions from other surveys you’ve built or from the Qualtrics library of template questions.

For more information on what templates we have available, visit Pre-Made Qualtrics Library Questions.

Import from library button

Changing the Question Type

Warning: Be mindful of changing question types after you have begun collecting data! This could invalidate your survey’s results. See Testing/Editing Active Surveys for more information about what edits are OK in a survey with data.

To change a question’s type:

Changing a question's type

  1. Click the question you want to change.
  2. Select the Question type dropdown menu.
  3. Hover over a question type to see an example of that question along with a short description. Click an option to select it.

Available Questions for Each Project Type

Depending on your license, you may have access to multiple types of projects. The following table specifies which questions can be used with each project type. Please note that some questions in this list are add-ons. See each question type’s specific support page for more details.

If a project is not listed here, chances are it has the same question types as a survey project. For example, many guided projects, such as Brand Trackers, Conjoints, and MaxDiff projects, have the same question types as survey projects.

Surveys Engagement, lifecycle, pulse, & ad hoc employee research 360 projects
Multiple choice Yes Yes Yes
Text entry Yes Yes Yes
Text / graphic Yes Yes Yes
Matrix table Yes Yes Yes
Slider Yes No Yes
Form field Yes Yes Yes
Rank order Yes No Yes
Side by side Yes Yes Yes
Net Promoter Score® Yes No No
Timing Yes Yes Yes
Graphic Slider Yes No No
Constant Sum Yes No Yes
File Upload Yes, as add-on No No
Pick, group, and rank Yes No Yes
Drill down Yes No No
Signature Yes, as add-on No No
Heat map Yes No No
Hot spot Yes No No
Meta info Yes Yes Yes
Captcha verification Yes No No
Highlight Yes, as add-on No No
Screen capture Yes, for licenses including Website / App Feedback No No
Org hierarchy No Yes, for Engagement and Pulse projects No
Solicit reviews Yes, for licenses including Location CX Yes, for licenses including Location CX Yes, for licenses including Location CX
Location selector Yes, for licenses including Location CX Yes, for licenses including Location CX Yes, for licenses including Location CX
Video response Yes, for license including Strategic Research No No
Unmoderated user testing Yes, for licenses including UX Yes, for licenses including UX Yes, for licenses including UX
Tree testing Yes, for licenses including UX No No
ArcGIS Map Yes Yes Yes