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Dashboard Basic Overview (EX)

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Qtip: This page describes functionality available to Engagement, Lifecycle, and Ad Hoc Employee Research projects. For more details on each, see Types of Employee Experience Projects.

About Dashboards

Dashboards are the principal reporting tool for Employee Experience projects. Each dashboard can contain multiple pages which, in turn, are made up of widgets that visualize your data. Dashboards can be shared with other dashboard users within your organization and set to only show them the information to which they should have access. For more information about widgets, visit the Widgets Overview page.

Qtip: This page is targeted towards Brand Administrators, EX Administrators, and Employee Insights Admins. If you do not have editing access to a dashboard, see the Dashboard Viewer support page.
Qtip: For optimal use, dashboards are intended to be built after collecting EX responses.

You can easily navigate to any other dashboard available in your account without exiting your current dashboard. To do so, click the dashboard’s name in the upper left-hand corner and select any other dashboard name. This will allow you to edit and view other dashboards quickly and efficiently.

Top-left of the dashboard has its name, which when clicked allows you to select a different dashboard

Creating & Managing Pages

Adding pages to your dashboards allows you to effectively organize your data and widgets in whatever way you would like. To create a new page, click the dropdown showing the name of the page you’re currently on, then click Add in the panel that opens. Image of when clicking Add Page button on the left hand side of the dashboard
You can add the following types of pages:

  • Blank Page: A regular dashboard page for adding widgets.
  • Private Page: Same as a regular dashboard page, but only the creator can see it. Private Pages are useful for testing page designs and for internal reporting.
    Attention: Private pages can’t be made public, but you can make a public copy of a private page.
  • Action Planning Page: A dashboard page used to report on action planning.

You can change the order of your pages by dragging and dropping the pages on the page navigation.
clicking and dragging pages in a dashboard

Page Options

image of the page options when clicking Page Options, three dots to right of a dashboard page

  • Rename: This will allow you to rename the current page.
  • Copy: This will duplicate the current page, including all of its widgets and settings.
  • Make Private Copy: This will create a private copy of the page that only the creator can view. Private pages are useful for testing page designs and for internal reporting.
    Attention: Private pages can’t be made public, but you can make a public copy of a private page.
  • Remove: This will remove the current page from your dashboard. In addition to the widgets on the page, all applied settings and filters will be lost and irretrievable.

Qtip: If you’d like to display your page list all the time, click the options next to the Add button, and select Always show pages. This setting applies to all of the dashboards you have switched to the new experience. You can deselect this option any time.

Three dots to right of add button clicked, only option is always show pages. a checkmark appears, showing it was enabled

Qtip: When your pages aren’t pinned, you’ll see the page number of total pages next to each page name. For example, here we see the page “Manager Report” is page 2 out of 7 total.
Image of the page numbers on an unpinned page


Making Dashboards Available for Export

You can make your dashboard pages available for you and your users to export as PDF, JPG, PPTX, or DOCX files. See Exporting Data from EX Dashboards for more details.

Filtering Your Dashboard

You can filter your dashboards by applying a filter to every widget on a page or by applying filters to individual widgets. This allows you to dive into the data and find trends that you would not be able to see with the data in aggregate alone.

Dashboard exports generally respect the default filters set for the dashboard, unless you have adjusted the filters. The page you export will respect any filters you currently have applied instead of the filters set as the default. If you are exporting multiple pages of the dashboard, only the page you’re currently on will respect filters you currently have applied; otherwise, the additional pages of the export will revert to the default filters for the page.

See the Filtering Dashboards support page for more details on dashboard-wide filters. For widget-level filters, see the Widgets Basic Overview.

Upper left, there are filter dropdowns, including org hierarchy filters. To the right of that, higher above, is the option to hide or show filters



Widgets are the graphs and tables that illuminate the data for everyone who visits the dashboard, and there are many different kinds to suit your unique reporting needs. To learn more about adding and customizing widgets, see the Widgets Basic Overview.

A question list widget next to an engagement widget, over top of a demographic breakout

Action Planning

Action plans are initiatives you can create based off your lowest areas of engagement. They allow you to assign tasks and plan resolutions to some of your company’s biggest issues with employee experience. For example, if employees disagreed that they were adequately trained, a larger-scale action plan could be to implement a new training program.

To learn more about all the steps required in the action planning process, see the Action Planning Basic Overview support page.

Mobile Preview

When viewing a dashboard in the XM App, it’s important to make sure that your dashboard is formatted for mobile. Mobile preview lets you see how your dashboard will look on a mobile device from the convenience of your computer browser.

To see the mobile view of your dashboard, click the mobile preview button in the dashboard toolbar.
the mobile preview button on an ex dashboard

While previewing the mobile dashboard view, you can do the following:
the mobile preview view

  1. The mobile view of your dashboard. Scroll through the view to make sure your widgets display properly on mobile.
  2. To navigate to a different dashboard page, click the page name.
  3. Use the Enable dashboard in mobile app option to determine whether this dashboard will appear in the XM App. When disabled, users will not see this dashboard in the XM App.
  4. Click the X to exit the mobile preview and return to the regular desktop view.
Qtip: You cannot edit your dashboard while previewing the mobile display. Exit the mobile preview to edit your dashboard.