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Action Plan Users Widget (EX)

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Qtip: This page describes functionality available to Engagement, Pulse, and Lifecycle projects. For more details on each, see Types of Employee Experience Projects.

About Action Plan Users Widget

The action plan users widget shows a list of users who have permission to use action planning. Users will also be able to view the email addresses, unique identifier, and other associated person metadata for each of these users. This widget can help organizations track managers that are using action planning and managers who have not created or do not own action plans, to be able to drive more accountability and action.

This widget can only be added to action planning pages of a dashboard.

Each row is a different person and there are columns for names, email, how many action plan each person created, and how many action plans each person owns

Qtip: For now, this widget is only available on dashboards created after August 15, 2019.


Widget Customization

By default, the action plan users widget will display all users with action planning permissions, and list their first name, last name, email address, org units, how many action plans they created, and how many action plans they own. However, it’s possible to customize these options.

Qtip: The count of action plans looks across all of the action plans you create or own, regardless of the org hierarchy the action plan is assigned to.
Attention: The action plan users widget can export data for up to 10,000 users in a single export. If you need to export more than 10,000 action plans, consider breaking them up into multiple exports using org hierarchy filters. By doing this, you’ll be able to export different sections of your organization at a time.


Click Add Column to add another column. You have the following options:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Created Action Plans
  • Owned Action Plans
  • Org Units
  • Employee ID
  • Any additional person metadata in your project

Click on a column name to rename it, change the field being pulled in, or remove it.

clicking a column to open the menu with the described options

Highlight over a field and drag the icon to move a column.

Move icon highlighted

Qtip: You can click and drag the borders of the columns to resize them as needed. Rows cannot be resized.

Show the Following Users

By default, the widget shows all users who are able to create or own action plans, regardless of whether they currently do either. However, the options in this section allow you to narrow down what is displayed in the widget.

Options under the columns

  • No action plans created: Only show users who have not created action plans.
  • No action plans owned: Only show users who do not own any action plans.

These options can help dashboard owners figure out the members of their organization that they need to follow up with.

Records per Page

Determine the number of users displayed on a widget before new pages are created.

Records per page

Pages of users can be navigated by clicking the arrows at the bottom of the widget.

Update Action Plan Users

There are a few situations where you will need to update the action plan users widget:

  1. Project participants are added or removed.
  2. Participants’ action planning permission change.
  3. The project’s org hierarchy changes.

To make sure the widget reflects these changes, press the Update Action Plan Users button.

Blue update button bottom-left of widget editing pane


The action plan users widget will only respond to org hierarchy page filters. This widget does not respond to other filters on the action planning page, and it does not have the option for widget-level filters.

Attention: If you filter this widget by any fields besides the org hierarchy, then the widget will not display data. We recommend you build the action plan users widget on its own action planning page that only contains an org hierarchy filter.

Qtip: To limit information shared with certain colleagues, export the widget data to CSV, TSV, or XLSX and share a modified Excel file instead.

Three dots in the upper-right of a widget reveal an export option