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Agreement Chart (360)

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About the Agreement Chart

The agreement chart indicates the similarity of scores. Each dot represents how individuals rated the subject for each item listed. The size of the dot shows how many raters gave the subject a particular rating.

The x-axis of your chart represents average score.

Qtip: Agreement charts can only be used in 360 reports.

Data Source

You must set up scoring categories before you use an agreement chart in your report. The agreement chart can show data in two different ways:

  1. See a comparison between responses to the specific questions (“items”) in one scoring category.
  2. See a comparison between responses to entire scoring categories.
Qtip: Agreement charts only show data from one 360 project at a time. If you want to compare data across different projects, you should add a separate chart for each survey you want to compare.

Comparing Questions in a Scoring Category

Left, items listed. Along horizontal axis, dots listed a long range in varying size

Example: On the item “Sets challenging goals for him / herself,” two evaluators (as seen by the size of the dot) rated the subject a perfect 5/5 (as seen by where the dot’s located on the x axis). One evaluator rated the subject 3/5 on this item.
  1. Under Data Source, choose the project you want to pull data from. By default, this will be the 360 project you created the report in.
    setting up an agreement chart
  2. Change your Data Source Type to Questions.
  3. Under Scoring Category, choose the scoring category you want to display items from. You can only pick one.
  4. Under Questions, select the items you want to display. Deselect items in this dropdown to hide items you don’t want to include in the chart.
  5. By default, this visualization will display questions in alphabetical order. You can change the order questions appear in by clicking Change question order.
  6. Hover your mouse to the left of the question that you want to move. An icon will appear that you can click and drag to rearrange the question in the visualization.rearranging questions in an agreement chart
  7. When finished, click Save.
Qtip: You also have the option to choose whether you want to include the name of the scoring category the items belong to in the chart. Select Show Scoring Category to adjust this.
Option described is highlighted in the editing pane
Qtip: If your x-axis values look larger than you’d expect an average score to be, check your survey questions’ recode values. These are safe to edit any time during, before, or after data collection.

Comparing Scoring Categories

Left, items listed. Along horizontal axis, dots listed a long range in varying size

Example: In the screenshot above, five or more evaluators (as implied by the size of the dot) rated the subject an average of 5 out of 5 on the “Drive for Results” category (as implied by the dot’s place on the x axis). Only one evaluator gave the subject an average score of about 4.5, suggesting there was at least one item in the scoring category that the evaluator felt the subject didn’t perform perfectly on.
  1. Choose the project you want to pull data from. By default, this will be the 360 project you created the report in.
    setting up an agreement chart to use categories
  2. Change your Data Source Type to Questions.
  3. Choose the scoring categories you want to display. You can pick as few or as many as you want.
  4. By default, this visualization will display categories in alphabetical order. You can change the order categories appear in by clicking Change categories order.
  5. Hover your mouse to the left of the category that you want to move. An icon will appear that you can click and drag to rearrange the category in the visualization.rearranging categories in an agreement chart
  6. When finished, click Save.

Display Logic

Display logic is a means of hiding a chart or table if not enough responses have been collected yet. It works the same way in this visualization as it does in all other 360 visualizations. See the linked page for more details.


By default, the agreement chart filters for “All” evaluations of the subject. This is to make sure the data is just for the selected subject, but also to ensure that no single relationship / rater group is determining the data, instead using all the data available on the subject to compares averages.

You may select another filter group if you desire, but make sure you communicate what kind of data you’re displaying to the subject and why. See 360 Rater Groups for a guide on how to make different rater groups and 360 Basic Filtering for a guide on more general filtering.


The range will adjust the x-axis of the chart. You can erase the value you’ve entered to allow the chart to automatically set a minimum and maximum value.

Range in the editing pane, with the min and max fields

Qtip: Remember that your edits are applicable to all subjects’ reports – if you make your range too narrow, the chart may look good to some subjects and not others.

Legend Labels

In this section, you can change the following text in the chart’s legend:

The legend of the chart is labeled to show how the header settings correspond

  1. How others rated you: The legend’s explanatory title.
  2. response: What the dots represent. “Evaluations” would also work here, as would other synonyms.
  3. responses: If you switch away from the word “response,” add the plural form of the word you switched to here.

Erase any values you’ve entered to return to the default settings.


The footer contains the following text, which explains how the agreement chart works so subjects can better understand their reports. Select or deselect the Footer checkbox to either hide or display this footer.

The agreement chart indicates the similarity of scores. Each dot represents how individuals rated you for each item. The size of the dot shows how many raters gave you a specific rating.
Qtip: You can add your own custom text using a text area.


Styles tab of a chart has a margin dropdown

Switch to the Styles tab to adjust the margins around the edge of your chart. Switch to Advanced to adjust margins on each side independently of each other.