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Building Additional Survey Content

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About Building Additional Survey Content

Once your conjoint-specific or MaxDiff-specific questions are set up, you are free to edit the rest of the survey in the Survey tab. This includes selecting the survey’s theme, adding more questions (usually for demographic or consent purposes), determining survey behavior, and more.

Survey tab selected upper-left

Qtip: You can also get to the Survey tab of a conjoint or MaxDiff project by clicking Preview and Edit Survey in the Overview tab.



Adding Questions & Blocks

This process of adding and editing questions in a conjoint or MaxDiff’s survey is the same as in the Survey Platform. Click Add new question to add a new multiple choice question, or use the dropdown beside it to select a different question type.

Add new question button center bottom of block

For more on building questions and customizing their functions, check out the following pages:

Qtip: You cannot base logic – including skip logic, display logic, and branch logic – off of conjoint and MaxDiff block contents. However, you can use your normal survey content for this logic. You can thus hide questions or screen people out based on consent or demographic questions, but not how they’ve rated different packages.


The role of a block is to group multiple questions together inside it. In a conjoint or MaxDiff project, you start out with 2 blocks: Block 1 and Conjoint Block / MaxDiff Block. You can add survey questions to Block 1, whereas Conjoint Block / MaxDiff Block has a button you can click to edit conjoint-specific questions or MaxDiff-specific questions. You cannot save these conjoint or MaxDiff blocks to your library.

Attention: You can only have 1 Conjoint or MaxDiff block per project. You cannot add additional Conjoint or MaxDiff blocks to your survey.

Blocks in the survey highlighted to show separation

Qtip: You can edit Block 1’s name at any time. You cannot edit Conjoint Block or MaxDiff Block’s name.

Block 1 appears first, so any questions added to it will be asked before the questions pertaining to the specialized analysis. This makes it a great place to add demographic or consent questions. However, if you want to ask questions after the conjoint or MaxDiff is conducted, you can move this block down.

You can also delete a block if you have no need for it. If there are no questions inside a block, it will never appear to respondents, so deleting it isn’t necessary.

You can also click Add Block to add a block to that spot in the survey.

Add Block button in blue centered under every block

Qtip: Blocks work the same in the Survey Platform as they do in conjoint or MaxDiff projects. Check out the Survey Platform support pages on Block Basics and Block Options for more on this feature.

Preview Conjoint or MaxDiff

Preview button in blue upper-right of tool bar

Previewing is a great way to test out your survey questions, your conjoint or MaxDiff questions, and how it all looks.

This feature works the same in the Survey Platform. See the Preview Survey support page for more.

Restoring Older Survey Versions

Warning: Reverting to an older version of your project is not recommended. Doing so may invalidate your survey data if question formats are changed or deleted. It will also reset your conjoint or MaxDiff analysis, requiring you to collect more data. Only follow the steps below if you have not collected data yet.

When reverting to an older version of your survey, the only features that will be reverted are non-conjoint and non-MaxDiff questions, survey options, look & feel, and any settings configured in the Survey tab that are not related to the conjoint or MaxDiff questions themselves. If you revert to an older version of a survey in your conjoint project, do not click Publish. You need to make sure your conjoint or MaxDiff-specific questions are configured the way you want them to be. Instead, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Tools.
    Selecting versions form the tools menu in the survey tab
  2. Highlight Versions.
  3. Select View version history.
  4. Select the version you want to restore.
    Click Restore in green, upper-right of window
  5. Click Restore.
  6. Read the warning. Click Restore.
    Newest window has restore in green on far-right
  7. Scroll down to the Conjoint Block.
    Blue Configure Conjoint Questions button
  8. Click Configure Conjoint/MaxDiff Questions.
  9. Edit conjoint features and levels or MaxDiff attributes as desired.
    Attributes editing page
  10. Click Save. This will publish the survey.
    Save in blue



publish button upper-right of toolbar

Publishing is how you make sure any changes made are pushed to the live survey links. Changes are always saved automatically – publishing just gives you the freedom to determine when respondents get to see these changes.

Publishing is incredibly similar to how it works in Survey projects, but there are some differences to consider.

  • Unlike in a survey, you do not receive a link the first time you click Publish. See your distribution options for conjoint and MaxDiff projects.
  • You do not have to publish after saving changes to conjoint or MaxDiff attributes.

For more on how to use this feature, see the Publishing support page.


This feature is the same as in the Survey Platform, but the content being reviewed is for the survey only. ExpertReview will not analyze conjoint of MaxDiff-specific questions.

Look and Feel

Look & Feel button on toolbar

Look and feel is where you edit the theme, logos, fonts, headers, footers, and more for your project. This feature works almost exactly the same in the Survey Platform.

Qtip: By default, conjoint and MaxDiff attribute questions are separated by a page break. You cannot force multiple conjoint or MaxDiff-specific questions on a page, or collapse them onto the same page as the additional survey questions. Therefore, any and all page break settings in the look & feel only apply to non-conjoint or MaxDiff survey questions.

Survey Flow

Survey Flow open

The survey flow is a powerful tool that allows you to determine respondents’ paths through the survey. For example, if you need to reorder blocks, screen people out, or redirect respondents based on answers they gave, this is the tool for you.

The survey flow is incredibly similar in conjoint or MaxDiff projects as it is in the Survey Platform, but there are some important points to consider:

  • There is a group element that represents the conjoint / MaxDiff. (Second block in screenshot above, blue.) It cannot be deleted. Renaming this block does not impact the actual block’s name or what the respondents see.
  • Branch logic cannot be based off of answer provided to conjoint or MaxDiff-specific questions. Only questions unrelated to conjoint or MaxDiff can be used in logic.
  • Embedded data cannot be set equal to conjoint or MaxDiff-specific values using piped text, because piped text can only pull in fields unrelated to conjoints or MaxDiff.
Qtip: When running a conjoint or MaxDiff analysis, it’s important to keep things simple. The elements you’re most likely to use in the survey flow include embedded data, which can capture fields from a contact list (or a mailing list if you have XM Directory), and reference surveys, which allow you to reuse content from previously saved surveys. Both are useful for incorporating demographic information about respondents for segmentation.

If you’re interested in screening out certain participants, branch logic will also be useful to you. See Panel Company Integration if you are working with a contact list and redirect URLs from a panel company.

Survey Options

Survey options open

Survey options work the same in conjoint and MaxDiff projects as they do in the Survey Platform, with the only small difference being in back button and advanced behavior.

Back Button

Back buttons will appear between survey questions. However, it will not be applied to first conjoint or MaxDiff-specific question the respondent sees. That’s because back buttons don’t work across new survey flow elements, and the beginning of a conjoint analysis is technically a new block.

Other than back buttons not appearing at the beginning of a conjoint or MaxDiff, they will still appear between all other questions, including the rest of the survey.


Quota logic cannot be based off of conjoint or MaxDiff-specific questions.


Only questions unrelated to the conjoint or MaxDiff attributes can be scored.

Translate Survey

To learn how to translate Conjoint and MaxDiff content, see Translating Conjoints and MaxDiffs.

To learn how to translate any additional survey blocks you’ve added, see Translate Survey.


Tools menu expanded

The Tools menu in conjoint and MaxDiff projects is similar to Tools in survey projects. Any difference is described below. The general rule is that most tools cannot affect conjoint or MaxDiff-specific data.

Auto-Number Questions

Conjoint and MaxDiff questions will not be renumbered, although all others in the Survey tab will be.

Recode Values

You can only recode survey questions. You cannot recode conjoint or MaxDiff-specific questions.

Generate Test Responses

You can generate test data for additional survey questions and for conjoint questions, but not for MaxDiff questions. To generate test data for MaxDiff, try previewing the survey instead.

Note that these test responses are randomized, and so the preferences and clusters generated by your conjoint reports are not guaranteed to have a strong bias towards a given package or demographic.

Import / Export Surveys

When importing and exporting QSFs, you are only importing or exporting the survey itself, not the conjoint or MaxDiff-specific content.

Conjoint and MaxDiff questions do not export to the Word format well.