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Exporting Raw MaxDiff Data

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About Exporting Raw MaxDiff Data

The Reports tab of a MaxDiff project gives you many helpful graphs to help you decide what to do with the results of your MaxDiff analysis. However, you can also use this tab to export raw data from your MaxDiff analysis.

Using this tool, you can export every respondent’s utility score for each feature. You can also export the average utility for each feature.

Qtip: All exports are in CSV format. This file type is compatible with Microsoft Excel, text editors, and many other programs.

Individual Utilities

You can export the average utility scores for each respondent. Average utilities are the average calculation across respondents’ individual utility scores. In this export you will see how the respondent scored each feature.

Each row is a different respondent, identified by a ResponseID. This field is a randomized ID that can be used to link MaxDiff data to non-MaxDiff data exported in the Data tab.

For each respondent, you get an average utility score for each of the features. In this example, our MaxDiff is about a shoe store’s products. So for there’s a column for each feature, including “Reasonable prices,” “Formal wear options,” “Weather-proof,” “Many color options,” and so on.

Exporting Individual Utilities

  1. Go to the Reports tab.The MaxDiff analysis page of the Reports section
  2. Go to the MaxDiff Analysis section.
  3. Click Export.
  4. Choose whether to export Preference Shares or Utility Scores.Highlighting the choice of either preference share or utility score to export from a MaxDiff
  5. Click Next.
  6. Under Individual preference shares, select your desired export format. You can export to CSV or TSV.Choosing a CSV or TSV for export in MaxDiff utilities
  7. Click Export.

Summary Metrics

When you export summary metrics, you are not exporting data for individual respondents, but aggregate data that will help you determine what trade-offs to make.

This export is a CSV file containing the average utility scores for each feature.

Exporting Summary Metrics

  1. Go to the Reports tab.The MaxDiff analysis page of the Reports section
  2. Go to the MaxDiff Analysis section.
  3. Click Export.
  4. Choose whether to export Preference Shares or Utility Scores.Highlighting the choice of either preference share or utility score to export from a MaxDiff
  5. Click Next.
  6. Under Summary metrics, select your desired export format. You can export to CSV or TSV.Choosing a CSV or TSV for export in MaxDiff utilities
  7. Click Export.

Segmentation and Exporting Data

If you have access to the segmentation feature, you can use any data collected on respondent demographics to filter your exports. Click the Total Population dropdown and select a segment you’ve created to filter the data. Then when you export, it will only be data for the selected segment.

Total Population dropdown on the left has a segment in it and the option to manage segments

For more on setting up segments, see the segmentation support page.