Awards and Events
Experience Day 2022: Our first anniversary
On January 28 of this year, we held our 2nd annual XM Day. XM Day is a day for putting into action what Qualtrics is all about. Our company’s purpose is to help our customers design and improve experiences with their own customers and employees every day by closing gaps in the experiences they provide. On XM Day, we encourage our team to find and improve broken experiences in our communities, either individually or as a team. This day away from the “day-to-day” is one when we show up better than ever for the communities and issues we care about; it’s XM in action.
XM Day activities come in many forms: fundraising, volunteering, teaching, and so many more. Sometimes that’s creating an experience and sometimes that’s improving one that already exists.
Over the last 2 years, our team has shown up in the ways they feel is best. They - alongside their friends and families - have put their time and expertise into creating incredible experiences for their communities. They’ve created free video lectures, volunteered with local shelters, and put together care packages for cancer patients. They’ve cleaned up area parks, hosted seminars on becoming foster carers, and created once-in-a-lifetime memories for people they care for.
This year was a resounding success with these types of activities and more. We cleaned beaches and collected food and clothing for those in need. Some of us restocked neighborhood Little Libraries, donated cat food to a cat sanctuary, and taught a yoga lesson.
Here’s what some other members of our Qualtrics family got up to: Keith donated platelets and joined the Be The Match bone marrow registry; Chris and his kids shoveled snow in his elderly neighbor’s driveway and donated food to the local food pantry; and Khumesh sponsored one month of a child’s education expenses through the Sponsor A Child Program.
Maria, Min, and Stevica donated blood; Madeleine volunteered in helping resettle a refugee family of seven from Afghanistan into a new home; and Joel and his son made winter care packages for those without a home. These are just a few of the many XM Day experience gaps we strive to close every year.
We know one day won’t fix everything, but one day - one experience - can be the catalyst for lasting change. At Qualtrics, we believe every experience matters, and that we each have the ability to make them the best they can be. So we show up with purpose and pride because being part of a solution is what we’re all about.