All of August, Qualtrics is having conversations about wellness. Each week, we’re highlighting different aspects - mental/emotional, social, environmental, and job wellness. In our ongoing efforts to encourage open dialogue, learn from each other, and improve our experiences, our team members have offered their thoughts on what they do to create and maintain wellness in their life.
Our social wellness has to do with our interactions with others, our relationships, and our communities (National Institutes of Health). Even in an increasingly digital and remote world, we spend a lot of time interacting with other people. Here’s what some members of our Qualtrics family have to say about the importance of understanding, fulfilling, and maintaining our social connections.
What is the importance of finding commonality and connection?
Finding shared interests and ways to connect is crucial to our well-being. Most teams at Qualtrics operate in a hybrid work environment which has created new social landscapes to navigate. Noel, a Partner Ecosystem Manager, shares that, “Going from full-time in-person work to full-time remote work was great for my work-life balance and my ability to focus throughout the day - but the most challenging thing has been finding social connections in and out of my team. It’s been pretty tough for me to reach out to my fellow remote colleagues for non-work conversations - but sharing those moments of connection when I've been able to has been so fulfilling. Being able to connect with someone about life outside of work was really refreshing - and we were even able to talk through some of our current work challenges and find support in each other.”
These kinds of connections are important to our health; it’s vital to understand other people’s roles in our lives. McKinlee, an Engineering Program Manager, adds that, “I feel that having a community is so deeply important to both our mental and physical well-being. We need others to rely on, talk to, and form close personal connections with. Many studies have shown that a sense of belonging contributes to improved mental and physical health. I have definitely noticed this in my own life. It makes a big difference to have a network of people that you know love and support you.”
What are your top tips for finding/maintaining social fulfillment?
Finding and maintaining social fulfillment can look different for each of us. It’s important to find what works best for you. Kirsty, a Campaign Manager, recommends, “Reaching out to people in different areas of your life. If that’s not possible, look to community groups or join a class/course that meets regularly over a period of time. It’s also really important to get to know yourself and what social fulfillment means to you as that varies person to person.”
There are more ways to connect today than ever before, but it remains a difficult thing to know how to start. Gina, a Customer Marketing Web Manager, suggests that you, “Put yourself out there! It's so easy to fall into habits and stay in your comfort zone, but some of my best experiences have come from pushing myself out of said comfort zone. For example, I recently joined Qualtrics and wanted to get to know some of my fellow Seattle co-workers. So when I saw a message asking for volunteers to join the company ultimate frisbee team, I said yes! Was I terrified? Yes! Am I happy I did it? Also yes! It's been a fantastic experience and I would have missed out if I stayed in my comfort zone.”
How do you ask for/offer support to others?
A challenging, but crucial part of our well-being is asking for help when we need it, and in turn, how we offer it to others. Jessy, a Product Specialist, says that, “When asking for support I make sure to not wait until I am too overwhelmed. I used to hold out on asking for support in the past and I learned a lot from it; do not recommend. When offering support, I make sure not to be too invading and leave room to let them know that I am here for them if they need a listening ear.”
While it’s important to ask for support, an essential part of the equation is accepting it when it’s offered. Ellie, a Product Manager, says that, “This may sound obvious, but you have to actually accept help when people offer it. An example from when my son was about four months old: we were at the grocery store and I was pushing him in his stroller, while pulling the cart of groceries behind me. As I was checking out, the cashier asked if I would like help getting my groceries out to the car. “No, no, I’m fine,” I said reflexively. But then I thought for a minute about having to haul the loaded cart out while still pushing the stroller, all the while trying not to wake up my son, and I laughed. “Actually, I would really love some help.” The assistance was offered—it’s not like I was putting an undue burden on the cashier to help me walk my groceries to my car and to return the cart to the store—but it did take me actually accepting the help for it to make a difference in my day. It was a good reminder that sometimes, you are your biggest impediment to receiving help from others.”
It can be a daunting thing to look for new friends and connections, find the right community, and ask for and accept support when you need it. But our shared need for connection and support is a human experience. Try reaching out to new people, new communities, and try new activities; keep an eye on your state of mind and those around you, and ask for, offer, and accept help when it’s needed.