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Sanjeev, Analyst, Technical Account Manager: Learn, grow, and help others

What is your 'why'?

My "why" is tied to the 3 things that I tell myself every morning:

  1. To constantly learn and grow
  2. To become a better version of myself
  3. To help others along the way

Ever since I was a kid, I have always been attracted to high-energy environments. From being a coxswain in rowing, where I motivated 8 rowers to push themselves against some of the top schools on the east coast, to being the director of an Indian dance competition, I have experienced a significant amount of personal growth and leadership. Opportunities like these are what get me up every day.

How does Qualtrics connect with your 'why'?

Qualtrics connects to my "why" because I am always challenged to think outside the box, collaborate with others both on my team and in other departments, and find areas in the company where I can drive impact.

What attracted you to Qualtrics in the first place?

The open doors of opportunities! Coming out of college, I wasn't fully certain what I wanted to do so I found the Quni role interesting because of the soft and hard skills I would gain as well as the various paths I could choose from (engineering, account management, marketing, customer success, etc.). In addition, I found it fascinating how Qualtrics works with some major companies in the world to improve experiences for both customers and employees. 

What is your favorite part of your role?

The diversity in tasks I have! I am currently the team lead of a new support offering and a TAM for one of the largest airline companies. Each day presents different challenges and opportunities to personally grow. I also enjoy the exposure I have to leadership on a regular basis. 

If you are not originally from Utah, can you tell us your story of moving there?

I am an only child from Stamford, CT so moving out to Utah in July 2021 was quite the change in my life. My dad really wanted to drive across the country, but my mom and I simply could not be in a car for 30+ hours so we flew. I mainly packed clothes and decorations for my room as the plan was to buy all major furniture items in Utah. I vividly remember landing in Utah and walking outside the airport where it was over 90 degrees at 10pm. Did I question what I was getting myself into? 100%. However, exploring the Salt Lake City area was amazing. The fact that I could see the mountains from almost anywhere was something CT did not offer. Also, since I worked remotely for 9 months, it was great to meet some of my coworkers in person!

Any tips for someone who is considering a role at Qualtrics?

Qualtrics is BIG on applicants being a culture add in addition to competency to do the job. I would make sure you are familiar with our company values (TACOS) and can tie experiences in your life to each value.

In addition, I highly recommend not being afraid to cold message people who are in the role you are interested in. Doing this is a great way to not only meet people who work at the company but also really learn about what the job entails. You might not hear back from some people, but just know all you need is one person to respond!

What has surprised you most about working at Qualtrics?

The exposure there is to senior leadership. You can see anyone from departmental directors to anyone in the C-Suite walking around in the office. For example, our founder Ryan Smith took some basketball shots with us during lunch one day! Through my experience, these senior leaders have been easy to approach and value feedback regardless of what position/level you are in.

What are your aspirations in career/life?

I am interested in getting my MBA within the next few years as I have interests in management consulting, human resources, and people management. 

What's a favorite memory of your time at Qualtrics so far?

One of my coworkers and I decided to organize Qualtrics' first ever pickleball tournament in Provo (pickleball is a big sport in Utah). We honestly did not know where to start but we were able to create a tournament that had 120 employees across 20 different company teams and raise over $1000 towards 5 For The Fight (funds cancer research). I found this event to be impactful because with many people working remotely, this tournament created a social environment where employees could meet one another in a safe setting.

What 3 words would you use to describe Qualtrics to someone?

Collaborative, Energetic, Fulfilling.

Qualtrics is growing, and if you're ready to find your "why" at a place like this, you can explore our open opportunities at any time by visiting our career page or by joining our talent community.

Sanjeev Jariwala is an alumnus of University of Maryland and started his career at Qualtrics. A fun fact about him is that for certain airlines, he can look at a plane and tell you what model it is!

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Qualtrics Life

Qualtrics Life is nothing more or less than a collection of the stories, experiences, and voices of the people of Qualtrics.

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