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Qualtrics Experience

My Qualtrics Experience – David Graf – Sales Engineer – Dallas, TX

At Qualtrics we believe in experiences. We want to be sure we provide our employees the best employee experience possible.

One way we do this is to offer to pay for an annual ‘Qualtrics Experience’. After that, employees can decide when, where, and how to have this experience. Then share with us what they learned. This story is part of the ‘Qualtrics Experience’ blog series showcasing our employees and their ultimate experience.

What did you choose as your Qualtrics Experience?

I went to New Hampshire and participated in a 3-day Rally Racing school on snow and ice.

Check out the video from David's Rally Racing school experience!

One of our objectives at Qualtrics is to encourage employees to Learn, Lead, and Live. What did you learn through this experience?

I've always been a huge "car guy" and wanted to learn some more driving skills. Growing up in Texas, I've had little to no opportunity to learn how to drive on loose surfaces like gravel, snow, or ice, let alone drive to the limit in these scenarios. The concepts I learned in Rally School are completely unique to loose-surface racing (left foot braking to control the turning of the car because your steering wheel basically doesn't work, shifting weight forward, back, left, and right to perform maneuvers like the Scandinavian flick / pendulum turn, learning the differences between all three driving platforms (FWD, RWD, AWD).

This is just one more example of why you might want to check out our open opportunities at Qualtrics and see if you are a fit!

Read more #QualtricsExperience stories on our #QualtricsLife blog

Qualtrics Life

Qualtrics Life is nothing more or less than a collection of the stories, experiences, and voices of the people of Qualtrics.

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