Qualtrics Experience
My Qualtrics Experience – Cory Ramage – Solutions Architect – Provo, UT
What did you choose as your Qualtrics Experience?
We went on a couples retreat to Italy for 10 days and then went to Paris for four additional days. My wife and I wanted to spend some time together away from the kids and distractions to connect and enhance our marriage. It was amazing!
One of our objectives at Qualtrics is to encourage employees to Learn, Lead, and Live. What did you learn through this experience?
Learn: We learned about all kinds of history in Italy and in Paris. We took classes on cooking and baking to learn how to do that better from different cultures.
Live: We improved our lives by connecting as a couple and we never felt more alive than we did on this trip.
This is just one more example of why you might want to check out our open opportunities at Qualtrics and see if you are a fit!
Read more #QualtricsExperience stories on our #QualtricsLife blog