Qualtrics Experience
My Qualtrics Experience – Caison Roycroft – Account Executive – Provo, UT
After that, employees can decide when, where, and how to have this experience. Then share with us what they learned. This story is part of the ‘Qualtrics Experience’ blog series showcasing our employees and their ultimate experience.
What did you choose as your Qualtrics Experience?
I chose to use my experience bonus this year to visit a bucket-list destination of mine...Japan! A few friends and I decided to take an 11-day tour through Tokyo, Hakuba, and Kyoto. I absolutely love Japanese food and have always had a desire to visit the country. I also promised Satoru Kumashiro when we started together I was going to use my first experience bonus to come to visit his country.
Japan immediately rose to the top of my favorite places in the world. The cleanliness and organization of everything, the kindness of their people and the beauty of the countryside. My group and I have now secured an annual trip to snowboarding in Japan.
One of our objectives at Qualtrics is to encourage employees to Learn, Lead, and Live. What did you learn through this experience?
During my experience in Japan I learned a lot about their culture and about respect for others. I was able to live by trying new foods (cow tongue and cheek and pork cheek), I was able to fly down the Japanese Alps and snowboarded 4 different resorts in 5 days. I was able to lead my group as we attempted to navigate the intricate metro system of Tokyo to get around.
This is just one more example of why you might want to check out our open opportunities at Qualtrics and see if you are a fit!
Read more #QualtricsExperience stories on our #QualtricsLife blog