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Qualtrics on Military Friendly’s top 10 list for the 2nd year

For the second year, Qualtrics has been recognized as a top employer by Military Friendly®, placing #2 in the top 10 list for our revenue category. The Military Friendly® Top 10 Employers are the front-runners for military/veteran programs and initiatives, setting the standard for other designations. Companies that make their lists are home to programs that continue to improve every year.

Military Friendly® recognized the team for having developed a specific veteran recruiting program that has a dedicated budget, our participation in Skillbridge, our retention and promotion of veterans, and the use of a veteran ERG.

Q Salute

This move in rankings is a firm reflection on the growth and dedication of the QSalute group. QSalute has evolved from a small group of members hosting monthly community lunches at the Provo HQ, to a robust community of over 150 veterans and supporters who have been providing support across Qualtrics as we’ve navigated the remote work environment.

Jacob Foyston, Enterprise Sales Product Specialist, and National Guard member told us about the importance of having this community firmly established at Qualtrics:

“As a National Guard soldier, there is nothing more stressful than having to tell your leadership you have to leave for an extended period of time.  I have never enjoyed the feeling of leaving my team and the job that I love.  QSalute has been the best thing for my life and career.  I have endless resources to turn to for assistance while preparing to leave, and great mentorship for navigating the transitions from work to military life and back.  The leadership from the top down at Qualtrics has been more supportive than I could have imagined. Working for such a caring organization that also has support groups like QSalute has enabled me to strive for greatness with both careers.  Qualtrics enables me to focus on my family in stressful times when I have to be away because I know I have the support I need when I return.”

A Forever Kind of Family

While the QSalute team has built a supportive space for veterans at Qualtrics, the group’s mission doesn’t end at our doors.

One of the main initiatives that QSalute undertook was a monthly opportunity for veterans and actively serving members of the armed forces across Utah to network and stay connected. With a desire to help one another find success in careers and life, QSalute knew that the power of connection and support could not be underestimated.

When the pandemic sent QSalute members back home and limited their ability to gather the community each month, the group staunchly refused to allow the community to disintegrate. They doubled down on connection with each other and leveraged that network reach to continue to do good for the military community. Earlier this summer, when QSalute learned of close connections to a couple of people on deployment - including a QSalute member, they immediately took action to try and boost morale with custom care packages. They’ve huddled around QSalute members as life presented additional challenges in the light of COVID-19, and they’ve remained dedicated to supporting one another’s mental health in any way they can.

Humility. Trust. Community.

As QSalute continues its efforts to build and support its community, the group has been working alongside our other QGroups on initiatives for the Qualtrics community. From the Q-mmunity efforts during Pride month to elevate intersectional conversations to our upcoming Ember Summit in November, QSalute has continued to ensure that it is supporting the full identities of its members.

Beyond the walls of Qualtrics, they’ve been sharing their insights for successfully managing challenging situations. Join us, starting next week, for a dive into some of the best advice from QSalute members on isolation, managing stress, and staying connected at a distance. You’ll find all the stories here.

We’re delighted to celebrate this achievement alongside QSalute. Congratulations team; you’re #justgettingstarted.

Topics QSalute

Q Salute

Q Salute is driven by its focus on recruiting military talent into roles where they can accelerate their careers in tech/industry; retaining strong leaders with military backgrounds; engaging members of the internal/external military community; and harvesting value from Qualtrics’ military network.

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